Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And U.s. Citizens Abroad - 2001 Page 39


Social Security and
ity provided, where it is provided.
2) How do I qualify for the foreign
Yes. You can claim an exemption
earned income exclusion?
Railroad Retirement
This will usually be the rent your
for your nonresident alien spouse
employer pays. Situations when
on your tax return if your spouse
To be eligible, you must have a tax
the FMV is not included in income
has no income from sources within
home in a foreign country and you
are discussed in chapter 4 under
1) Are U.S. social security bene-
the United States and is not the
must be a U.S. citizen or a resident
Exclusion of meals and lodging.
fits taxable?
dependent of another U.S. tax-
alien who is a citizen or national of
a country with which the United
5) My U.S. employer pays my sal-
Benefits received by U.S. citizens
You must use the married filing
States has an income tax treaty in
ary into my U.S. bank account. Is
and resident aliens may be taxable,
separately column in the Tax Table
effect. You must be a bona fide
this income considered earned
depending on the total amount of
or the Tax Rate Schedule for mar-
in the United States or is it con-
resident of a foreign country or
income and the filing status of the
ried individuals filing a separate re-
sidered foreign earned income?
countries for an uninterrupted pe-
taxpayer. Under certain treaties,
turn, unless you qualify as a head
riod that includes an entire tax year,
U.S. social security benefits are ex-
of household. (Also see Question
If you performed the services to
or you must be a U.S. citizen or
empt from U.S. tax if taxed by the
12 under General Tax Questions,
earn this salary outside the United
resident and be physically present
country of residence.
later. )
States, your salary is considered
in a foreign country or countries for
Benefits similar to social secur-
at least 330 full days during any
earned abroad. It does not matter
A U.S. citizen or resident mar-
ity received from other countries by
period of 12 consecutive months.
that you are paid by a U.S. em-
ried to a nonresident alien also can
U.S. citizens or residents may be
Your tax home must be in the
ployer or that your salary is depos-
choose to treat the nonresident
taxable. (Refer to our tax treaties
foreign country or countries
ited in a U.S. bank account in the
alien as a U.S. resident for all fed-
with various countries for any ben-
throughout your period of resi-
United States. The source of sal-
eral income tax purposes. This al-
efit granted by the treaty.)
dence or presence. For this pur-
ary, wages, commissions, and
lows you to file a joint return, but
pose, your period of physical
other personal service income is
also subjects the alien’s worldwide
2) As a U.S. citizen or resident,
presence is the 330 full days during
the place where you perform the
income to U.S. income tax.
how do I figure the amount of my
which you are present in a foreign
U.S. social security benefits to
country, not the 12 consecutive
2) What exemptions can be
include in gross income?
months during which those days
6) What is considered a foreign
claimed by a U.S. citizen for a
nonresident alien spouse who
See Publication 915, Social Secur-
was blind and 65 years of age?
ity and Equivalent Railroad Retire-
3) Is it true that my foreign
For the purposes of the foreign
The spouse did not have income
ment Benefits, to figure if any of
earned income exclusion cannot
earned income exclusion and the
from U.S. sources and was not a
exceed my foreign earned in-
your benefits are includible in in-
foreign housing exclusion or de-
dependent of another U.S. tax-
duction, any territory under the sov-
ereignty of a country other than the
Yes. The amount of the exclusion is
3) How are railroad retirement
United States is a foreign country.
A U.S. taxpayer can generally
benefits taxed?
limited each year to the amount of
Possessions of the United States
claim one exemption for his or her
your foreign earned income after
are not treated as foreign coun-
spouse. In addition, if the U.S. tax-
reducing that income by the foreign
The part of a tier 1 railroad retire-
payer does not itemize deductions
housing exclusion. The foreign
ment benefit that is equivalent to
on Schedule A (Form 1040), the
earned income must be earned
the social security benefit you
7) What is meant by the source
taxpayer may be entitled to a
during the part of the tax year that
would have been entitled to receive
of earned income?
higher standard deduction if his or
you have your tax home abroad
if the railroad employee’s work had
and meet either the bona fide resi-
her spouse is age 65 or older or is
been covered under the social se-
The word “source” refers to the
dence test or the physical presence
blind at the end of the year.
curity system rather than the rail-
place where the work or personal
road retirement system is treated
services that produce earned in-
3) I spend $375 a month to sup-
the same as a social security bene-
come are performed. In other
4) My wife and I are both em-
port my parents who live in Italy.
fit, discussed above.
words, income received for work in
ployed, reside together, and file
I am sure this provides the bulk
a foreign country has its source in
The other part of a tier 1 benefit
a joint return. We meet the quali-
of their support. Can I claim ex-
that country. The foreign earned in-
that is not considered a social se-
fications for claiming the foreign
emptions for them?
come exclusion and the foreign
curity equivalent benefit is treated
earned income exclusion. Do we
housing exclusion or deduction are
like a private pension or annuity, as
each figure a separate foreign
It depends on whether they are
limited to earned income from
are tier 2 railroad retirement bene-
earned income exclusion and
U.S. citizens or residents. If your
sources within foreign countries.
foreign housing exclusion?
fits. Pensions and annuities are ex-
parents are not U.S. citizens or re-
plained in chapter 4 under Earned
sidents, you cannot claim exemp-
Foreign Earned
You figure your foreign earned in-
and Unearned Income. Vested
tions for them even if you provide
Income Exclusion
come exclusion separately since
dual benefits and supplemental an-
most of their support. To qualify as
you both have foreign earned in-
nuities are also treated like private
a dependent, a person generally
1) I qualify for the foreign earned
come. The amount of the exclusion
pensions but are fully taxable.
must be either a citizen or national
income exclusion and earned
for each of you cannot exceed your
The proper amounts of the so-
of the United States or a resident of
more than $78,000 during the
separate foreign earned incomes.
cial security equivalent part of tier 1
the United States, Canada, or Mex-
year. Am I entitled to the maxi-
If you each have a housing
benefits and any special guaranty
mum $78,000 exclusion?
ico for some part of the tax year.
amount, you can figure your hous-
benefits are shown on the Form
The other tests of dependency also
ing exclusion either separately or
RRB – 1099, Payments by the Rail-
Not necessarily. Although you
must be met.
jointly. See the discussion, Married
road Retirement Board, that you re-
qualify for the foreign earned in-
Couples Living Apart, in chapter 4
ceive from the Railroad Retirement
4) Should I prorate my own per-
come exclusion, you may not have
for further details.
Board. The taxable amounts of the
sonal exemption and the exemp-
met either the bona fide residence
non-social security equivalent part
tions for my spouse and
test or the physical presence test
Exemptions and
of tier 1, tier 2, vested dual benefits,
dependents, since I expect to ex-
for your entire tax year. If you did
Dependency Allowances
clude part of my income?
and supplemental annuities are
not meet either of these tests for
shown on the
Form RRB –
your entire tax year, you must pro-
1) I am a U.S. citizen married to a
No. Do not prorate exemptions for
1099 – R, Annuities or Pensions by
rate the $78,000 maximum exclu-
nonresident alien who has no in-
yourself, your spouse, and your de-
the Railroad Retirement Board,
sion based on the number of days
come from U.S. sources. Can I
pendents. Claim the full amount for
that you did meet either test during
that you receive from the Railroad
claim an exemption for my
the year.
spouse on my U.S. tax return?
each exemption permitted.
Retirement Board.
Chapter 7 How To Get Tax Help
Page 39


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