Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And U.s. Citizens Abroad - 2001 Page 37


Questions and Answers
I required to file a U.S. income
This section answers tax-re-
2350 is a special form for those
benefits of income earned abroad
tax return?
lated questions commonly asked
U.S. citizens or residents abroad
are claimed.
by taxpayers living abroad.
who expect to qualify under either
Yes. All U.S. citizens and resident
11) Does a Form 2555 (or
the bona fide residence test or
2555 – EZ) with a Schedule C or
aliens, depending on the amount of
Filing Requirements —
physical presence test and would
Form W – 2 attached constitute a
the foreign source income, are sub-
Where, When, and How
like to have an extension of time to
ject to U.S. tax on their worldwide
delay filing until after they have
income. If you paid taxes to a for-
1) When are U.S. income tax re-
No. The Form 2555 (or 2555 – EZ),
eign government on income from
turns due?
b) If the extension is granted,
Schedule C, and Form W – 2 are
sources outside the United States,
you should file your return after you
merely attachments and do not re-
you may receive a foreign tax credit
Generally, for calendar year tax-
qualify, but by the approved exten-
lieve you of the requirement to file a
against your U.S. income tax liabil-
payers, U.S. income tax returns are
sion date.
Form 1040 to show the sources of
ity for the foreign taxes paid. Form
due on April 15. If you are a U.S.
c) You must file your Form 1040
income reported and the exclu-
1116 is used to figure the allowable
citizen or resident and both your tax
w i t h Fo rm 2 5 5 5 (o r Fo rm
sions or deductions claimed.
home and your abode are outside
2555 – EZ).
the United States and Puerto Rico
12) On Form 2350, Application
7) I am a U.S. citizen who has
4) My entire income qualifies for
on the regular due date, an auto-
for Extension of Time to File U.S.
retired, and I expect to remain in
the foreign earned income exclu-
matic extension is granted to June
Income Tax Return, I stated that I
a foreign country. Do I have any
sion. Must I file a tax return?
15 for filing the return. Interest will
would qualify under the physical
further U.S. tax obligations?
be charged on any tax due, as
presence test. If I qualify under
Generally. Every U.S. citizen or
shown on the return, from April 15.
the bona fide residence test, can
Your U.S. tax obligation on your
resident must file a U.S. income tax
I file my return on that basis?
income is the same as that of a
return unless total income without
2) Where do I file my U.S. income
retired person living in the United
tax return?
regard to the foreign earned in-
Yes. You can claim the foreign
States. (See the discussion in
come exclusion is below an
earned income exclusion and the
chapter 1 of this publication for fil-
If you claim the foreign earned in-
amount based on filing status. The
foreign housing exclusion or de-
ing requirements.)
come exclusion, the foreign hous-
income levels for filing purposes
duction under either test as long as
ing exclusion, the foreign housing
are discussed under Filing Re-
you meet the qualification require-
8) I have been a bona fide resi-
deduction, or an exclusion of in-
quirements in chapter 1.
ments. You are not bound by the
dent of a foreign country for over
come for bona fide residents of
test indicated in the application for
5 years. Is it necessary for me to
5) I was sent abroad by my com-
American Samoa, you should file
extension of time. You must be
pay estimated tax?
pany in November of last year. I
your return with the:
sure, however, that you file the
plan to secure an extension of
Form 1040 return by the date ap-
U.S. taxpayers overseas have the
time on Form 2350 to file my tax
Internal Revenue Service Center
proved on Form 2350, since a re-
same requirements for paying esti-
Philadelphia, PA 19255-0215.
return for last year because I ex-
turn filed after that date may be
mated tax as those in the United
pect to qualify for the foreign
If you are not claiming one of
subject to a failure to file penalty.
earned income exclusion under
States. See the discussion under
the exclusions or the deduction, but
the physical presence test. How-
Estimated Tax in chapter 1.
If you will not qualify under the
are living in a foreign country or
ever, if my company recalls me
Overseas taxpayers should not
bona fide residence test until a date
U.S. possession and have no legal
to the United States before the
include in their estimated income
later than the extension granted
residence or principal place of busi-
end of the qualifying period and I
any income they receive that is, or
under the physical presence rule,
ness in the United States, you
find I will not qualify for the ex-
will be, exempt from U.S. taxation.
apply for a new extension to a date
should send your return to the ad-
clusion, how and when should I
Overseas taxpayers can deduct
30 days beyond the date you ex-
dress shown above.
file my return?
their estimated housing deduction
pect to qualify as a bona fide resi-
If you are not sure of the place
in figuring their estimated tax.
If your regular filing date has
of your legal residence and have no
The first installment of esti-
passed, you should file a return,
principal place of business in the
13) I am a U.S. citizen who
mated tax is due on April 15 of the
Form 1040, as soon as possible for
United States, you also can file with
worked in the United States for 6
year for which the tax is paid.
last year. Include a statement with
months last year. I accepted em-
the Philadelphia Service Center.
this return noting that you have re-
ployment overseas in July of last
However, you should not file with
9) Will a check payable in foreign
turned to the United States and will
year and expect to qualify for the
the Philadelphia Service Center if
currency be acceptable in pay-
not qualify for the foreign earned
foreign earned income exclu-
ment of my U.S. tax?
you are a bona fide resident of the
sion. Should I file a return and
income exclusion. You must report
Virgin Islands or a resident of
pay tax on the income earned in
your worldwide income on the re-
Generally, only U.S. currency is ac-
Guam or the Commonwealth of the
the United States during the first
turn. If you paid a foreign tax on the
ceptable for payment of income
Northern Mariana Islands on the
6 months and then, when I qual-
income earned abroad, you may be
tax. However, if you are a Fulbright
last day of your tax year. See the
ify, file another return covering
able to either deduct this tax or
grantee, see the discussion under
discussion in chapter 1.
the last 6 months of the year?
claim it as a credit against your
Fulbright grants in chapter 1.
U.S. income tax.
3) I am going abroad this year
No. You have the choice of one of
and expect to qualify for the for-
However, if you pay the tax due
10) I have met the test for physi-
the following two methods of filing
eign earned income exclusion.
cal presence in a foreign country
after the regular due date, interest
your return:
How can I secure an extension of
and am filing returns for 2 years.
will be charged from the regular
a) You can file your return when
time to file my return, when
Must I file a separate Form 2555
due date until the date the tax is
due under the regular filing rules,
should I file my return, and what
(or Form 2555 – EZ) with each re-
forms are required?
report all your income without ex-
cluding your foreign earned in-
6) I am a U.S. citizen and have no
a) You should file Form 2350 by the
Yes. A Form 2555 (or Form
come, and pay the tax due. After
taxable income from the United
due date of your return to request
2555 – EZ) must be filed with each
you have qualified for the exclu-
States, but I have substantial in-
an extension of time to file. Form
come from a foreign source. Am
Form 1040 tax return on which the
sion, you can file an amended re-
Chapter 7 How To Get Tax Help
Page 37


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