Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And U.s. Citizens Abroad - 2001 Page 30


Example. You are transferred by your em-
information needed to properly figure the mov-
Taxes of Foreign
ployer on November 1, 2000, to Monaco. Your
ing expense deduction. See Extensions under
tax home is in Monaco, and you qualify as a
When To File and Pay in chapter 1.
Countries and
bona fide resident of Monaco for the entire tax
If you do not request an extension, you
year 2001. In 2000 you paid $6,000 for allowable
U.S. Possessions
should figure the part of the moving expense
moving expenses for your move from the United
that you cannot deduct because it is allocable to
States to Monaco. You were fully reimbursed
the foreign earned income you are excluding.
(under a nonaccountable plan) for these ex-
You can take either a credit or a deduction for
penses in the same year. The reimbursement is
You do this by multiplying the moving expense
income taxes paid to a foreign country or a U.S.
included in your income. Your only other income
possession. Taken as a deduction, foreign in-
by a fraction, the numerator (top number) of
consists of $14,000 wages earned in 2000 after
come taxes reduce your taxable income. Taken
which is your excluded foreign earned income
the date of your move, and $80,000 wages
as a credit, foreign income taxes reduce your tax
for the year of the move, and the denominator
earned in Monaco for 2001.
liability. You must treat all foreign income taxes
(bottom number) of which is your total foreign
Because you did not meet the bona fide
in the same way. You generally cannot deduct
earned income for the year of the move. Once
residence test for at least 120 days during 2000,
some foreign income taxes and take a credit for
you know your foreign earnings and exclusion
the year of the move, the moving expenses are
others. However, regardless of whether you
for the following year, you must either:
for services you performed in both 2000 and the
take a credit for foreign income taxes, you may
following year, 2001. Your total foreign earned
be able to deduct other foreign taxes. See De-
1) Adjust the moving expense deduction by
income for both years is $100,000, consisting of
duction for Other Foreign Taxes, later.
$14,000 wages for 2000, $80,000 wages for
filing an amended return for the year of the
There is no rule to determine whether it is to
2001, and $6,000 moving expense reimburse-
your advantage to take a deduction or a credit
move, or
ment for both years.
for foreign income taxes. In most cases, it is to
2) Recapture any additional unallowable
You exclude the maximum amount under the
your advantage to take foreign income taxes as
amount as income on your return for the
foreign earned income exclusion and have no
a tax credit, which you subtract directly from
following year.
housing exclusion. The total amount you can
your U.S. tax liability, rather than as a deduction
exclude is $90,667, consisting of the $78,000
in figuring taxable income. However, if foreign
If, after you make the final computation, you
full-year exclusion for 2001 and a $12,667
income taxes were imposed at a high rate and
have an additional amount of allowable moving
part-year exclusion for 2000 ($76,000 times the
the proportion of foreign income to U.S. income
expense deduction, you can claim this only on
fraction of 61 qualifying bona fide residence
is small, a lower final tax may result from deduct-
an amended return for the year of the move. You
days over 366 total days in the year). To find the
ing the foreign income taxes. In any event, you
cannot claim it on the return for the second year.
part of your moving expenses that is not deducti-
should figure your tax liability both ways and
ble, multiply your $6,000 total expenses by the
then use the one that is better for you.
fraction $90,667 over $100,000. The result,
You can make or change your choice within
Forms to file. Report your moving expenses
$5,440, is your nondeductible amount.
10 years from the due date for filing the tax
on Form 3903. Report your moving expense
return on which you are entitled to take either the
You must report the full amount of the
deduction on line 26 of Form 1040. If you must
deuction or the credit.
moving expense reimbursement in the
reduce your moving expenses by the amount
year in which you received the reim-
allocable to excluded income (as explained later
Foreign income taxes. These are generally
bursement. In the preceding example, this year
under How To Report Deductions), attach a
income taxes you pay to any foreign country or
was 2001. You attribute the reimbursement to
statement to your return showing how you fig-
possession of the United States.
both 2000 and 2001 only to figure the amount of
ured this amount.
foreign earned income eligible for exclusion for
Foreign income taxes on U.S. return. For-
For more information about figuring moving
each year.
eign income taxes can only be taken as a credit
expenses, see Publication 521.
on Form 1040, line 43, or as an itemized deduc-
Move between foreign countries. If you
tion on Schedule A. These amounts cannot be
move between foreign countries, your moving
included as withheld income taxes on Form
expense is allocable to income earned in the
1040, line 59.
year of the move if you qualified under either the
Contributions to
Foreign taxes paid on excluded income.
bona fide residence test or the physical pres-
You cannot take a credit or deduction for foreign
ence test for a period that includes at least 120
Individual Retirement
income taxes paid on earnings you exclude from
days in the year of the move.
tax under any of the following.
New place of work in U.S. If your new place
1) Foreign earned income exclusion.
of work is in the United States, the deductible
Contributions to your individual retirement ar-
moving expenses are directly connected with
2) Foreign housing exclusion.
the income earned in the United States. If you
rangements (IRAs) that are traditional IRAs or
3) Possession exclusion.
treat a reimbursement from your employer as
Roth IRAs are generally limited to the lesser of
foreign earned income (see the discussion in
$2,000 or your compensation that is includible in
4) Extraterritorial income exclusion.
chapter 4), you must allocate deductible moving
your gross income for the tax year. Therefore,
If your wages are completely excluded, you can-
expenses to foreign earned income.
do not take into account compensation you ex-
not deduct or take a credit for any of the foreign
clude under either the foreign earned income
Storage expenses. These expenses are at-
taxes paid on these wages.
exclusion or the foreign housing exclusion. Do
tributable to work you do during the year in
If only part of your wages is excluded, you
not reduce your compensation by the foreign
which you incur the storage expenses. You can-
cannot deduct or take a credit for the foreign
not deduct the amount allocable to excluded
housing deduction.
income taxes allocable to the excluded part. You
find the taxes allocable to your excluded wages
If you are covered by an employer retirement
by applying a fraction to the foreign taxes paid
plan at work, your deduction for your contribu-
Recapture of Moving
on foreign earned income received during the
tions to your traditional IRAs is generally limited
Expense Deduction
tax year. The numerator (top number) of the
based on your modified adjusted gross income.
fraction is your excluded foreign earned income
This is your adjusted gross income figured with-
If your moving expense deduction is attributable
received during the tax year minus deductible
out taking into account the foreign earned in-
to your foreign earnings in 2 years (the year of
expenses allocable to that income (not including
come exclusion, the foreign housing exclusion,
the move and the following year), you should
the foreign housing deduction). The denomina-
or the foreign housing deduction. Other modifi-
request an extension of time to file your return
tor (bottom number) of the fraction is your total
cations are also required. For more information
for the year of the move until after the end of the
foreign earned income received during the tax
following year. By then, you should have all the
on IRAs, see Publication 590.
year minus all deductible expenses allocable to
Page 30
Chapter 5 Exemptions, Deductions, and Credits


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