Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And U.s. Citizens Abroad - 2001 Page 29


your Canadian, Israeli, or Mexican source in-
not required to meet the time test. The other
trip from your former home to your new
requirements must be met.
come. If you or a member of your family is
home (including costs of getting pass-
enrolled at a Canadian college or university, the
limit does not apply to gifts to that school. For
Closely Related to
additional information on the deduction of contri-
Members of your household. A member
the Start of Work
butions to Canadian charities, see Publication
of your household includes anyone who has
both your former and new home as his or her
Your move must be closely related, both in time
home. It does not include a tenant or employee
For more information on these treaty
and in place, to the start of work at your new job
unless that person is your dependent.
provisions, write to:
Foreign moves. A foreign move is a move
Closely related in time. In general, moving
in connection with the start of work at a new job
expenses you incur within one year from the
Internal Revenue Service
location outside the United States and its pos-
date you first report to work at the new location
International Section
sessions. A foreign move does not include a
are considered closely related in time to the start
P.O. Box 920
move back to the United States or its posses-
of work.
Bensalem, PA 19020-8518.
If you do not move within 1 year, you ordina-
rily cannot deduct the expenses unless you can
show that circumstances existed that prevented
Allocation of Moving Expenses
the move within that time.
Moving Expenses
When your new place of work is in a foreign
Example. Your family moved more than a
country, your moving expenses are directly con-
If you moved to a new home in 2001 because of
year after you started work at a new location.
nected with the income earned in that foreign
your job or business, you may be able to deduct
Their move was delayed because you allowed
country. If you exclude all or part of the income
the expenses of your move. To be deductible,
your child to complete high school. You can
that you earn at the new location under the
the moving expenses must have been paid or
deduct your allowable moving expenses.
foreign earned income exclusion or the foreign
incurred in connection with starting work at a
housing exclusion, you cannot deduct the part of
Closely related in place. A move is generally
new job location.
your moving expense that is allocable to the
considered closely related in place to the start of
excluded income.
work if the distance from your new home to the
Also, you cannot deduct the part of the mov-
new job location is not more than the distance
from your former home to the new job location. A
ing expense related to the excluded income if
You may be able to deduct moving expenses if
move that does not meet this requirement may
you move from a foreign country to the United
your move meets the following requirements.
qualify if you can show that:
States and all 3 of the following conditions apply.
You are reimbursed for your move by your
1) A condition of employment requires you to
live at your new home, or
Closely related to the start of work.
2) You will spend less time or money com-
You are able to treat the reimbursement
muting from your new home to your new
as compensation for services performed in
the foreign country.
You choose to exclude your foreign
The distance from your new job location to your
Deductible Expenses
earned income.
former home must be at least 50 miles more
than the distance from your old job location to
You can only deduct certain expenses.
your former home. If you did not have an old job
The moving expense is connected with earn-
location, your new job location must be at least
Reasonable expenses. You can only deduct
ing the income (including reimbursements, as
50 miles from your former home.
expenses that are reasonable for the circum-
discussed in chapter 4 under Reimbursement of
stances of your move. The cost of traveling from
moving expenses) either entirely in the year of
your former home to your new one should be by
the move or in 2 years. It is connected with
the shortest, most direct route available by con-
earning the income entirely in the year of the
ventional transportation.
move if you qualify under the bona fide resi-
You must work full time for at least 39 weeks
dence test or physical presence test for at least
during the first 12 months after you move. If
Reimbursements. If you are reimbursed by
you are self-employed, you must work full time
your employer for allowable moving expenses,
120 days during that tax year.
for at least 39 weeks during the first 12
these reimbursements may have been excluded
If you do not qualify under either the bona
months AND for at least 78 weeks during the
from your income. You cannot deduct moving
fide residence test or the physical presence test
expenses for which you were reimbursed by
first 24 months after you move.
for at least 120 days during the year of the move,
your employer unless the reimbursement was
the expense is connected with earning the in-
Retirees. You can deduct your allowable mov-
included in your income.
come in 2 years. The moving expense is con-
ing expenses if you move to the United States
nected with the year of the move and the
Deductible moving expenses. Some of the
when you permanently retire if your principal
following year if the move is from the United
moving expenses that you may be able to de-
place of work and former home were outside the
States to a foreign country. The moving expense
duct include the reasonable costs of:
United States and its possessions. You do not
is connected with the year of the move and the
have to meet the time test. The other require-
1) Moving household goods and personal ef-
preceding year if the move is from a foreign
ments must be met.
fects (including packing, crating, in-transit
country to the United States.
storage, and insurance) of both you and
To figure the amount of your moving ex-
Survivors. You can deduct moving expenses
members of your household. For for-
pense that is allocable to your excluded foreign
for a move to a home in the United States if you
eign moves, costs of moving household
earned income (and not deductible), you must
are the spouse or dependent of a person whose
goods and personal effects include rea-
multiply your total moving expense deduction by
principal place of work at the time of death was
sonable expenses of moving the items to
a fraction. The numerator (top number) of the
outside the United States and its possessions.
and from storage and storing them while
fraction is the total of your excluded foreign
The move must begin within 6 months after the
your new place of work abroad is your
earned income and housing amounts for both
decedent’s death and must be from the
principal place of work.
years and the denominator (bottom number) of
decedent’s former home outside the United
States and its possessions in which you lived
2) Transportation and lodging for yourself
the fraction is your total foreign earned income
with the decedent at the time of death. You are
and members of your household for one
for both years.
Chapter 5 Exemptions, Deductions, and Credits
Page 29


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