Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And U.s. Citizens Abroad - 2001 Page 20


must apply for IRS approval. You do this by
meet the bona fide residence test or the physical
Depreciation or amortization of property or
requesting a ruling from the IRS.
presence test. The annual salary is determined
on January 1 of the year in which your tax year
Mail your request for a ruling, in dupli-
cate, to:
No double benefit. You cannot in-
On January 1, 2001, the GS – 14 salary was
clude in housing expenses the value of
$65,983 per year; 16% of this amount comes to
meals or lodging that you exclude from
$10,557 or $28.92 per day. To figure your base
Associate Chief Counsel (International)
gross income (see Exclusion of Meals and
amount if you are a calendar-year taxpayer,
Internal Revenue Service
Lodging, earlier) or that you deduct as moving
multiply $28.92 by the number of your qualifying
days during 2001. (See Limit on Excludable
P.O. Box 7604
Amount, earlier.) Subtract the result from your
Second foreign household. Ordinarily, if
Ben Franklin Station
total housing expenses for 2001 to find your
you maintain two foreign households, your rea-
Washington, DC 20044.
housing amount.
sonable foreign housing expenses include only
Because requesting a ruling can be complex,
costs for the household that bears the closer
you may need professional help. Also, the IRS
Example. You qualify under the physical
relationship (not necessarily geographic) to your
charges a fee for issuing these rulings. For more
presence test for all of 2001. During the year,
tax home. However, if you maintain a second,
information, see Revenue Procedure 2001 – 1,
you spend $12,800 for your housing. Your hous-
separate household outside the United States
which is published in Internal Revenue Bulletin
ing amount is $12,800 minus $10,557, or
for your spouse or dependents because living
No. 2001 – 1.
conditions near your tax home are dangerous,
In deciding whether to give approval, the IRS
unhealthful, or otherwise adverse, include the
will consider any facts and circumstances that
U.S. Government allowance. You must re-
expenses for the second household in your rea-
may be relevant. These may include a period of
duce your housing amount by any U.S. Govern-
sonable foreign housing expenses. You cannot
residence in the United States, a move from one
ment allowance or similar nontaxable allowance
include expenses for more than one second
foreign country to another foreign country with
intended to compensate you or your spouse for
foreign household at the same time.
different tax rates, a substantial change in the
the expenses of housing during the period for
If you maintain two households and you ex-
tax laws of the foreign country of residence or
which you claim a foreign housing exclusion or
clude the value of one because it is provided by
physical presence, and a change of employer.
your employer, you can still include the ex-
Foreign tax credit. Once you choose to ex-
penses for the second household in figuring a
Housing expenses. Housing expenses in-
clude either foreign earned income or foreign
foreign housing exclusion or deduction.
clude your reasonable expenses paid or in-
housing costs, you cannot take a foreign tax
Adverse living conditions include a state of
curred for housing in a foreign country for you
credit for taxes on income you can exclude. If
warfare or civil insurrection in the general area of
and (if they live with you) for your spouse and
you do take the credit, one or both of the choices
your tax home and conditions under which it is
may be considered revoked. See Credit for For-
not feasible to provide family housing (for exam-
eign Income Taxes in chapter 5 for more infor-
ple, if you must live on a construction site or
Consider only housing expenses for the part
drilling rig).
of the year that your tax home is in a foreign
country and that you meet either the bona fide
Earned income credit. You will not qualify for
Foreign Housing Exclusion
residence test or the physical presence test.
the earned income credit if you claim the foreign
Housing expenses include:
earned income exclusion, the foreign housing
If you do not have self-employment income, all
exclusion, or the foreign housing deduction for
of your earnings are employer-provided
the year. For more information on this credit, see
amounts and your entire housing amount is con-
The fair rental value of housing provided in
Publication 596.
sidered paid for with those employer-provided
kind by your employer,
amounts. This means that you can exclude (up
to the limits) your entire housing amount.
Foreign Housing
Utilities (other than telephone charges),
Employer-provided amounts. These include
Real and personal property insurance,
any amounts paid to you or paid or incurred on
Exclusion and
your behalf by your employer that are taxable
Nondeductible occupancy taxes,
foreign earned income (without regard to the
Nonrefundable fees for securing a lease-
foreign earned income exclusion) to you for the
year. Employer-provided amounts include:
In addition to the foreign earned income exclu-
Rental of furniture and accessories, and
sion, you can also claim an exclusion or a de-
1) Your salary,
duction from gross income for your housing
Residential parking.
2) Any reimbursement for housing expenses,
amount if your tax home is in a foreign country
and you qualify under either the bona fide resi-
3) Amounts your employer pays to a third
Housing expenses do not include:
dence test or the physical presence test.
party on your behalf,
Expenses that are lavish or extravagant
The housing exclusion applies only to
4) The fair rental value of company-owned
under the circumstances,
amounts considered paid for with employer-pro-
housing furnished to you unless that value
vided amounts. The housing deduction applies
Deductible interest and taxes (including
is excluded under the rules explained
only to amounts paid for with self-employment
deductible interest and taxes of a
under the rules explained earlier at Exclu-
tenant-stockholder in a cooperative hous-
sion of Meals and Lodging,
If you are married and you and your spouse
ing corporation),
each qualifies under one of the tests, see Mar-
5) Amounts paid to you by your employer as
The cost of buying property, including prin-
ried Couples Living Apart, later.
part of a tax equalization plan, and
cipal payments on a mortgage,
6) Amounts paid to you or a third party by
Housing Amount
The cost of domestic labor (maids, gar-
your employer for the education of your
deners, etc.),
Your housing amount is the total of your housing
Pay television subscriptions,
expenses for the year minus a base amount.
Choosing the exclusion. You can choose
Improvements and other expenses that in-
Base amount. The base amount is 16% of the
the housing exclusion by completing the appro-
crease the value or appreciably prolong
annual salary of a GS – 14, step 1, U.S. Govern-
priate parts of Form 2555. Follow the rules ex-
the life of property,
ment employee, figured on a daily basis, times
plained earlier in Choosing the Exclusion under
the number of days during the year that you
Purchased furniture or accessories, or
Foreign Earned Income Exclusion. You cannot
Page 20
Chapter 4 Foreign Earned Income and Housing: Exclusion – Deduction


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