Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And U.s. Citizens Abroad - 2001 Page 2


earned income that you may be able to exclude
How to report your income if it is paid in
Questions and answers. Frequently asked
from your U.S. gross income has increased to
foreign currency,
questions and answers to those questions are
$78,000. The foreign earned income exclusion
presented in the back of the publication.
How to determine your filing status if your
is discussed in chapter 4.
spouse is a nonresident alien, and
Comments and suggestions. We welcome
your comments about this publication and your
Whether you must pay estimated tax.
suggestions for future editions.
If you own stock in a foreign corporation or have
Important Reminders
You can e-mail us while visiting our web site
an interest in a foreign partnership, you may
have to file information returns. See the instruc-
You can write to us at the following address:
Social security numbers for dependents.
tions under Information Returns and Reports in
You generally must list on Form 1040 or Form
chapter 1.
Internal Revenue Service
1040A the social security number (SSN) of any
Technical Publications Branch
person for whom you claim an exemption. See
Withholding tax. Chapter 2 discusses the
Social security number under Exemptions in
withholding of income, social security, and Medi-
1111 Constitution Ave. NW
chapter 5.
care taxes from the pay of U.S. citizens and
Washington, DC 20224
resident aliens. It will help you determine if the
Form 2555 – EZ. Instead of the longer Form
correct amounts of taxes are being withheld and
We respond to many letters by telephone.
2555, Foreign Earned Income, you may be able
how to adjust your withholding if too much or too
Therefore, it would be helpful if you would in-
to file Form 2555 – EZ, Foreign Earned Income
little is being withheld.
clude your daytime phone number, including the
Exclusion, if:
area code, in your correspondence.
Self-employment tax. Chapter 3 discusses
Your foreign earned income for the year
who must pay self-employment tax.
was $78,000 or less, and
Foreign earned income exclusion and hous-
Your return is not for a short year.
ing exclusion and deduction. Chapter 4 dis-
cusses income tax benefits that apply if you
Form 2555 – EZ has fewer lines than Form
meet certain requirements while living abroad.
2555. For more information, see Form 2555 – EZ
You may qualify to treat up to $78,000 of your
in chapter 4.
income as not taxable by the United States. You
Foreign income tax withheld. If your em-
may also be able to either deduct part of your
ployer withheld foreign taxes from your pay, you
housing expenses from your income or treat a
cannot claim those taxes on your U.S. income
limited amount of income used for housing ex-
tax return as federal income tax withheld.
penses as not taxable by the United States.
You may be able to claim a foreign tax credit
These benefits are called the foreign earned
or a foreign tax deduction based on the amount
income exclusion and the foreign housing de-
withheld and paid to a foreign tax authority.
duction and exclusion.
For more information about foreign taxes,
To qualify for either of the exclusions or the
see Taxes of Foreign Countries and U.S. Pos-
deduction, you must have a tax home in a for-
This chapter discusses:
sessions in chapter 5.
eign country and earn income from personal
services performed in a foreign country. These
Whether you have to file a return,
Change of address. If you change your mail-
rules are explained in chapter 4.
ing address, be sure to notify the Internal Reve-
If you are going to exclude or deduct your
When to file your return and pay any tax
nue Service using Form 8822, Change of
income as discussed above, you must file Form
Address. If you are changing both your home
2555 or Form 2555 – EZ. You will find an exam-
How to treat foreign currency,
and business addresses, you need to complete
ple with filled-in Forms 2555 and 2555 – EZ in
two forms.
this publication.
Where to file your return,
Photographs of missing children. The Inter-
When you can treat your nonresident
Exemptions, deductions, and credits.
nal Revenue Service is a proud partner with the
spouse as a resident,
Chapter 5 discusses exemptions, deductions,
National Center for Missing and Exploited Chil-
and credits you may be able to claim on your
When you may have to make estimated
dren. Photographs of missing children selected
return. These are generally the same as if you
tax payments, and
by the Center may appear in this publication on
were living in the United States. However, if you
pages that would otherwise be blank. You can
Information returns and reports you may
choose to exclude foreign earned income or
help bring these children home by looking at the
have to file.
housing amounts, you cannot deduct or exclude
photographs and calling 1 – 800 – THE – LOST
any item or take a credit for any item that is
(1 – 800 – 843 – 5678) if you recognize a child.
related to the amounts you exclude. Among the
Useful Items
topics discussed in chapter 5 are:
You may want to see:
Exemptions you can claim,
Contributions you can deduct,
Armed Forces’ Tax Guide
This publication discusses special tax rules for
Moving expenses you can deduct, and
U.S. citizens and resident aliens who work
Exemptions, Standard Deduction,
Foreign taxes you can either deduct or
abroad or who have income earned in foreign
and Filing Information
take a credit for.
countries. As a U.S. citizen or resident alien,
Tax Withholding and Estimated
your worldwide income generally is subject to
U.S. income tax, regardless of where you are
Tax treaty benefits. Chapter 6 discusses
living. Also, you are subject to the same income
some benefits that are common to most tax
U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens
tax filing requirements that apply to U.S. citizens
treaties and explains how to get help if you think
Scholarships and Fellowships
or residents living in the United States.
you are not getting a treaty benefit to which you
are entitled. It also explains how to get copies of
Form (and Instructions)
Filing information. Chapter 1 contains gen-
tax treaties.
eral filing information, such as:
1040 – ES
Estimated Tax for Individuals
How to get tax help. Chapter 7 is an explana-
Whether you must file a U.S. tax return,
tion of how to get information and assistance
Amended U.S. Individual Income
When and where to file your return,
from the IRS.
Tax Return
Page 2
Chapter 1 Filing Information


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