Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And U.s. Citizens Abroad - 2001 Page 15


Table 4-1. How To Figure Overlapping 12-Month Periods
This Table illustrates Example 2 under How to figure the 12-month period.
First Full 12-Month Period
* 28-day vacation in the United States
Second Full 12-Month Period
for the bona fide residence test or physical pres-
ther the bona fide residence test or the physical
Allowances or reimbursements. Earned in-
ence test for 2001 without meeting the minimum
presence test, see Bona Fide Residence Test
come includes allowances or reimbursements
time requirement. However, in figuring your ex-
and Physical Presence Test, earlier.
you receive, such as the following amounts.
clusion, the number of your qualifying days of
Foreign earned income does not include the
Cost of living allowances.
bona fide residence or physical presence in-
following amounts.
cludes only days of actual residence or pres-
Overseas differential.
1) The value of meals and lodging that you
ence within the country.
Family allowance.
exclude from your income because it was
You can read the Internal Revenue Bulletins
furnished for the convenience of your em-
on the Internet at Or, you can get
Reimbursement for education or education
a copy of the list of countries by writing to:
2) Pension or annuity payments you receive,
Home leave allowance.
including social security benefits (see Pen-
Internal Revenue Service
Quarters allowance.
sions and annuities, later).
International Section
P.O. Box 920
Reimbursement for moving or moving al-
3) Pay you receive as an employee of the
Bensalem, PA 19020-8518.
lowance (unless excluded from income as
U.S. Government. (See U.S. Government
discussed later).
Employees, later.)
4) Amounts you include in your income be-
Source of Earned Income
U.S. Travel Restrictions
cause of your employer’s contributions to a
nonexempt employee trust or to a non-
If you are present in a foreign country in violation
The source of your earned income is the place
qualified annuity contract.
of U.S. law, you will not be treated as a bona fide
where you perform the services for which you
5) Any unallowable moving expense deduc-
resident of a foreign country or as physically
received the income. Foreign earned income is
tion that you choose to recapture as ex-
present in a foreign country while you are in
income you receive for working in a foreign
plained under Recapture of Moving
violation of the law. Income that you earn from
country. Where or how you are paid has no
Expense Deduction in chapter 5).
sources within such a country for services per-
effect on the source of the income. For example,
formed during a period of violation does not
income you receive for work done in Austria is
6) Payments you receive after the end of the
qualify as foreign earned income. Your housing
income from a foreign source even if the income
tax year following the tax year in which you
expenses within that country (or outside that
is paid directly to your bank account in the
performed the services that earned the in-
country for housing your spouse or dependents)
United States and your employer is located in
while you are in violation of the law cannot be
New York City.
included in figuring your foreign housing
If you receive a specific amount for work
Earned income. This is pay for personal
done in the United States, you must report that
services performed, such as wages, salaries,
Currently, the countries to which travel re-
amount as U.S. source income. If you cannot
or professional fees. The list that follows classi-
strictions apply and the beginning dates of the
determine how much is for work done in the
fies many types of income into three categories.
restrictions are as follows:
United States, or for work done partly in the
The column headed Variable Income lists in-
United States and partly in a foreign country,
come that may fall into either the earned income
Cuba — January 1, 1987
determine the amount of U.S. source income
category, the unearned income category, or
using the method that most correctly shows the
Iraq — August 2, 1990
partly into both. For more information on earned
proper source of your income.
and unearned income, see Earned and
Libya — January 1, 1987
In most cases you can make this determina-
Unearned Income, later.
The restrictions are still in effect in all three
tion on a time basis. U.S. source income is the
amount that results from multiplying your total
pay (including allowances, reimbursements
Foreign Earned Income
other than for foreign moves, and noncash
Salaries and
fringe benefits) by a fraction. The numerator (top
Capital gains
To claim the foreign earned income exclusion,
number) is the number of days you worked
the foreign housing exclusion, or the foreign
within the United States. The denominator (bot-
Professional fees
housing deduction, you must have foreign
tom number) is the total number of days of work
earned income.
for which you were paid.
Social security
Foreign earned income generally is income
Example. You are a U.S. citizen, a bona
you receive for services you perform during a
fide resident of Canada, and working as a min-
period in which you meet both of the following
ing engineer. Your salary is $76,800 per year.
In addition to the types of earned income
You also receive a $6,000 cost of living allow-
listed, certain noncash income and allowances
1) Your tax home is in a foreign country.
ance, and a $6,000 education allowance. Your
or reimbursements are considered earned in-
employment contract did not indicate that you
2) You meet either the bona fide residence
were entitled to these allowances only while
test or the physical presence test.
Noncash income. The fair market value of
outside the United States. Your total income is
To determine whether your tax home is in a
property or facilities provided to you by your
$88,800. You work a 5-day week, Monday
foreign country, see Tax Home in Foreign Coun-
employer in the form of lodging, meals, or use of
through Friday. After subtracting your vacation,
try, earlier. To determine whether you meet ei-
a car is earned income.
you have a total of 240 workdays in the year.
Chapter 4 Foreign Earned Income and Housing: Exclusion – Deduction
Page 15


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