Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And U.s. Citizens Abroad - 2001 Page 13


American Samoa,
your job are only some of the factors to be
under the North Atlantic Treaty Status of Forces
Guam, and the
considered in determining whether you meet the
Agreement. You are subject to United Kingdom
bona fide residence test.
income taxes and may qualify as a bona fide
Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands
Bona fide residence. To meet the bona fide
residence test, you must have established such
Residence or presence in a U.S. possession
Example 2. You are a U.S. citizen in the
a residence in a foreign country.
does not qualify you for the foreign earned in-
United Kingdom who qualifies as an “employee”
Your bona fide residence is not necessarily
come exclusion. You may, however, qualify for
of an armed service or as a member of a “civilian
the same as your domicile. Your domicile is your
the possession exclusion.
component” under the North Atlantic Treaty Sta-
permanent home, the place to which you always
tus of Forces Agreement. You do not qualify as
return or intend to return.
American Samoa. There is a possession ex-
a bona fide resident.
clusion available to individuals who are bona
Example. You could have your domicile in
fide residents of American Samoa for the entire
Example 3. You are a U.S. citizen em-
Cleveland, Ohio, and a bona fide residence in
tax year. Gross income from sources within
ployed in Japan by a U.S. employer under con-
London, England, if you intend to return eventu-
American Samoa, Guam, or the Commonwealth
tract with the U.S. Armed Forces. You are
ally to Cleveland.
of the Northern Mariana Islands may be eligible
subject to the agreement of the Treaty of Mutual
The fact that you go to London does not
for this exclusion. Income that is effectively con-
Cooperation and Security between the United
automatically make London your bona fide resi-
nected with the conduct of a trade or business
States and Japan. You do not qualify as a bona
dence. If you go there as a tourist, or on a short
within those possessions also may be eligible
fide resident.
business trip, and return to the United States,
for this exclusion. Use Form 4563, Exclusion of
you have not established bona fide residence in
Income for Bona Fide Residents of American
Example 4. You are a U.S. citizen em-
London. But if you go to London to work for an
Samoa, to figure the exclusion.
ployed as an “official” by the United Nations in
indefinite or extended period and you set up
Switzerland. You are exempt from Swiss taxa-
Guam and the Commonwealth of the North-
permanent quarters there for yourself and your
tion on the salary or wages paid to you by the
ern Mariana Islands. A possession exclusion
family, you probably have established a bona
United Nations. This does not prevent you from
will be available to residents of Guam and the
fide residence in a foreign country, even though
qualifying as a bona fide resident if you meet all
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
you intend to return eventually to the United
the requirements for that status.
if, and when, new implementation agreements
take effect between the United States and those
Effect of voting by absentee ballot. If you
You are clearly not a resident of London in
are a U.S. citizen living abroad, you can vote by
the first instance. However, in the second, you
For more information, see Publication 570.
absentee ballot in any election held in the United
are a resident because your stay in London
States without risking your status as a bona fide
appears to be permanent. If your residency is
resident of a foreign country.
not as clearly defined as either of these illustra-
Puerto Rico
However, if you give information to the local
tions, it may be more difficult to decide whether
and Virgin Islands
election officials about the nature and length of
you have established a bona fide residence.
your stay abroad that does not match the infor-
Determination. Questions of bona fide resi-
Residents of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
mation you give for the bona fide residence test,
dence are determined according to each individ-
cannot claim the foreign earned income exclu-
the information given in connection with absen-
ual case, taking into account factors such as
sion, the foreign housing exclusion, or the pos-
tee voting will be considered in determining your
your intention, the purpose of your trip, and the
session exclusion.
status, but will not necessarily be conclusive.
nature and length of your stay abroad.
Puerto Rico. Generally, if you are a U.S. citi-
You must show the Internal Revenue Ser-
Uninterrupted period including entire tax
zen who is a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico
vice (IRS) that you have been a bona fide resi-
year. To qualify for bona fide residence, you
for the entire tax year, you are not subject to
dent of a foreign country or countries for an
must reside in a foreign country for an uninter-
U.S. tax on income from Puerto Rican sources.
uninterrupted period that includes an entire tax
rupted period that includes an entire tax year. An
This does not include amounts paid for services
year. The IRS decides whether you qualify as a
entire tax year is from January 1 through De-
performed as an employee of the United States.
bona fide resident of a foreign country largely on
cember 31 for taxpayers who file their income
However, you are subject to U.S. tax on your
the basis of facts you report on Form 2555. IRS
tax returns on a calendar year basis.
income from sources outside Puerto Rico. In
cannot make this determination until you file
During the period of bona fide residence in a
figuring your U.S. tax, you cannot deduct ex-
Form 2555.
foreign country, you can leave the country for
penses allocable to income not subject to tax.
brief or temporary trips back to the United States
Statement to foreign authorities. You are
or elsewhere for vacation or business. To keep
not considered a bona fide resident of a foreign
Bona Fide Residence Test
your status as a bona fide resident of a foreign
country if you make a statement to the authori-
country, you must have a clear intention of re-
ties of that country that you are not a resident of
You meet the bona fide residence test if you are
turning from such trips, without unreasonable
that country and the authorities either:
a bona fide resident of a foreign country or
delay, to your foreign residence or to a new bona
countries for an uninterrupted period that in-
fide residence in another foreign country.
1) Hold that you are not subject to their in-
cludes an entire tax year. You can use the bona
come tax laws as a resident, or
fide residence test to qualify for the exclusions
Example 1. You arrived with your family in
2) Have not made a final decision on your
and the deduction only if you are either:
Lisbon, Portugal, on November 1, 1999. Your
assignment is indefinite, and you intend to live
A U.S. citizen, or
there with your family until your company sends
A U.S. resident alien who is a citizen or
Special agreements and treaties.
An in-
you to a new post. You immediately established
national of a country with which the United
come tax exemption provided in a treaty or other
residence there. On April 1, 2000, you arrived in
States has an income tax treaty in effect.
international agreement will not in itself prevent
the United States to meet with your employer,
you from being a bona fide resident of a foreign
leaving your family in Lisbon. You returned to
You do not automatically acquire bona fide
country. Whether a treaty prevents you from
Lisbon on May 1, and continued living there. On
resident status merely by living in a foreign
becoming a bona fide resident of a foreign coun-
January 1, 2001, you completed an uninter-
country or countries for 1 year.
try is determined under all provisions of the
rupted period of residence for a full tax year
treaty, including specific provisions relating to
(2000), and you meet the bona fide residence
Example. If you go to a foreign country to
residence or privileges and immunities.
work on a particular construction job for a speci-
fied period of time, you ordinarily will not be
Example 1. You are a U.S. citizen em-
Example 2. Assume that in Example 1, you
regarded as a bona fide resident of that country
ployed in the United Kingdom by a U.S. em-
transferred back to the United States on Decem-
even though you work there for 1 tax year or
ployer under contract with the U.S. Armed
ber 13, 2000. You would not meet the bona fide
longer. The length of your stay and the nature of
Forces. You do not qualify for special status
residence test because your bona fide resi-
Chapter 4 Foreign Earned Income and Housing: Exclusion – Deduction
Page 13


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