Patient’s SSN _____________________________
Male _______
Female _______
Email ___________________________________________________________
Patient’s Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Patient’s Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________
(Street or P.O. Box)
(Zip Code)
Phone Numbers: Home ____________________
Work ____________________
Cell ____________________
Birth Date _______________ Age ______ Referring and/or Family Physician ___________________________________________
: __________________ Ethnicity
Non-Hispanic Preferred Language: __________________
Patient’s Employer ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Employer’s Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Spouse’s Name ______________________ SSN ____________ Employer ________________________ Phone # ____________
Emergency Contact ___________________________________________ Relationship _______________ Phone # ______________
Mother _______________________ SSN ____________ Employer ___________________________ Phone # _______________
Father _______________________ SSN ____________ Employer ___________________________ Phone # _______________
Primary Insurance: ____________________ Group ____________________ Policy # ______________
Policy Holder Name ________________________ SSN _________________ *DOB ______________
Secondary Insurance: __________________ Group ____________________ Policy # ______________
Policy Holder Name ________________________ SSN _________________ *DOB ______________
*We must have the date of birth of the Insurance Policy Holder to file your insurance claims.
*** Please attach Insurance Card(s) and Driver’s License so we can make a copy for your records.***
Please Note:
Office visits, office surgeries, non-surgical treatments, and some hospital procedures are paid at the time of service unless you have a
contract insurance such as Medicare, BC/BS, Cigna, Blue Choice, etc. If you are using contract insurance, you will be required to pay
your co-payment and/or deductible at the time of service.
I understand that I am responsible for all charges until paid. I understand that I am responsible for obtaining prior authorization, all
deductibles, co-payments, and cost shares, including deductible and co-payments.
Authorization: I authorize Drs. Goulding, Ploch and Brisson of Palmetto Adult and Children’s Urology, PA to release medical
information to insurance carriers and medical professionals concerning my illness or treatments. I authorize payment of medical benefits
to the physicians of Palmetto Adult and Children’s Urology, PA for services rendered.
Patient’s Signature ______________________________________________________________ Date _______________________
(Parent or Guardian if patient is a minor)
Revised 3/2012