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Schedule 5 (Form 8849) (Rev. 1-2001)
The person who paid the second tax to the government is
Section references are to the Inter nal Revenue Code.
the only person eligible to make this claim.
Purpose of Schedule
Claim Requirement
A person who paid the second tax to the government uses
Generally, the claim must be filed within 3 years from the
Schedule 5 to make a claim for refund.
time the return for the second tax was filed or 2 years from
Section 4081(e) Claims
the time the second tax was paid to the government,
whichever is later.
Section 4081(e) applies to gasoline, gasohol, aviation
gasoline, diesel fuel, and kerosene.
Total Refund
If two taxes were paid on the fuel for which the claim is
Add all amounts in column (a) and enter the result in the
filed, then a claim for refund of the second tax may be made.
total refund box at the top of the Schedule.
Example. Acme is a taxable fuel registrant that owns 10,000
Part I
gallons of gasoline that is being transported on a vessel in
For each type of fuel, enter the total of all amounts from
the United States. On June 1, 2001, Acme sells the gasoline
column (f), Part II.
to Bravo, a person that is not a taxable fuel registrant. Acme
is liable for tax on this sale. Acme prepares a First Taxpayer’s
Part II
Report related to this sale and gives a copy of the report to
For each payment of a second tax, complete all the
information required.
On June 4, 2001, Bravo sells the same gallons of gasoline
Information to be Attached
to Charlie, a taxable fuel registrant. Bravo also gives Charlie
1. A copy of the First Taxpayer’s Report that relates to the
a copy of Acme’s First Taxpayer’s Report and a Statement of
fuel covered by each claim, and
Subsequent Seller. On June 9, 2001, the gasoline is removed
2. If the fuel covered by the claim was bought from
from a terminal at the rack. Charlie is the position holder of
someone other than the first taxpayer, a copy of the
the gasoline at the time of the removal and thus is liable for
Statement of Subsequent Seller that the claimant received
tax on the removal. Charlie pays this tax to the government.
with respect to that fuel.
After Charlie has filed a return of this second tax, Charlie
files Form 8849 and Schedule 5 for a refund for the second
How To File
tax and includes a copy of the First Taxpayer’s Report and
Attach Schedule 5 to Form 8849. On the envelope write
Statement of Subsequent Seller. In Part I of Schedule 5,
“Section 4081(e) Claim” and mail to the IRS at the address
Charlie enters “1840” in column 1(a). In Part II, Charlie enters
under Where To File in the Form 8849 instructions.
“1” in column (c); “06092001” in column (d); “10000” in
column (e); and “1840” in column (f).
Schedule 5 (Form 8849) (1-2001)


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