Instructions for Recipient
Issuers of certain tax credit bonds (or their agents) and
Box 2. The codes for tax credit bonds issued are:
nominees/intermediaries (such as a broker, a
101 – Qualified forestry conservation bond,
partnership, a trust, an estate, a regulated investment
102 – New clean renewable energy bond,
company, or a real estate investment trust) must report
to you quarterly and file with the IRS annually a
103 – Qualified energy conservation bond,
separate Form 1097-BTC for each tax credit
104 – Qualified zone academy bond,
distributed to you.
105 – Qualified school construction bond,
Bond issuer’s name. Shows the name of the entity
106 – Clean renewable energy bond,
issuing the tax credit bond from which the credit is
being distributed.
107 – Midwestern tax credit bond,
Bond issuer’s identification number. Shows the
108 – Other, and
identification number of the entity issuing the tax credit
109 – Build America bond.
bond from which the credit is being distributed.
Box 3. Shows the stated principal of the bond.
Box 1a. Shows the issue date of the bond.
Box 4a–4d. Shows the amount of the credit distributed
Box 1b. Shows the bond maturity date.
to you with respect to this allowance date.
Box 1c. Shows the CUSIP (Committee on Uniform
You may be entitled to claim a credit against your
Securities Identification Procedures) number of each
income tax liabilities, subject to certain limitations
bond. If “None” is written in the box, the bond issue
under section 54A(c). For more information, see Form
either has no CUSIP number or is privately placed.
8912, Credit to Holders of Tax Credit Bonds.
Box 5. Shows if the filer or its agent is the original filer
of this form, or is an entity that received this form. This
information will help the IRS track distribution of tax
credits from this bond.