Dynamic Warm-Up Exercises Page 9


6. Squat with a Kick: With your arms in a guarded position, perform a squat and then perform a left
front kick, perform another squat, and then perform a right front kick. This will also help prepare the
member for balance activity.
(Purpose: this exercise is used to warm up the lower body and also to
prepare the leg for full extension. It will also simulate the stepping motion during running. It is an open
chain (where the one foot does not remain on the ground and kicks) and it is a great exercise to use
prior to running or for group cardio sessions. It also works balance.)
Cardio-Kickboxing Exercises:
1. Speed Bag: With your fists clinched, raise your elbows to shoulder level and simulate you are
punching a speed bag by rotating your fists around one another. After performing this exercise at
shoulder level, gradually move the exercise to above your head. Once your lower body is warmed up,
you could also increase the intensity by performing a boxer’s shuffle with your feet.
(Purpose: this
exercise is used to warm-up the forearms, shoulders and gradually elevate the heart. Explain how your
heart has to work harder when you perform exercises with your arms at chest level and above.)
2. Straight Jab: Standing with the right hip forward and both fists in front of your face in a guarded
position, take your right hand and do a quick jab towards the front. Return to starting position. You can
add a boxer’s shuffle to this activity to increase the intensity.
(Purpose: this exercise is a basic move in
cardio kickboxing and could also be used as an upper body dynamic warm up. It especially targets the
triceps, biceps and shoulders.)
Straight Jab-Side Jab: With your right hip facing forward, take your right
fist and jab once to the front. Then you will pivot on your left foot and move the jab to the side. Pivot
again on your back foot to return to the starting position. Repeat sequence.
(Purpose: this exercise
provides the same benefits of the basic jab but it increases the intensity and difficulty by adding a pivot
into the exercise. Make sure the students understand the importance of the pivot so they don’t hurt
their knees.)
3. Alternating Hooks: With your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and your hands in a
guarded position, begin tapping your feet from side to side. Once you got the rhythm, start to throw a
right hook when you tap the right foot and a left hook when you tap the left foot. Remember to do a
slight pivot with the back foot (the one on the same side you are throwing a hook) to ensure you do not
strain the knee. A hook is performed by starting with your arms in a guarded position. With your right
arm (keeping your elbow bent), bring your elbow back and rotate your shoulder so you bring your fist
back to midline of your body with your forearm at shoulder level and parallel to the deck.
(Purpose: this
exercise is used to introduce the Sailor to another basic cardio kickboxing punch, increase the heart rate
and to warm-up the shoulders.)
4. Upper Cuts: With your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and your hands in a guarded
position, begin tapping your feet from side to side. Once you got the rhythm, start to throw a right
upper cut when you tap the right foot and a left upper cut when you tap your left foot. Remember to
tap your back foot. An uppercut is performed by keeping your elbow bent and moving your punch from


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