Kansaswater Pollution Control Permit Foragricultural Andrelated Wastes Permit Application Page 10


Public Notice Documentation
(For proposed new construction or expansion of an existing facility)
This appendix contains the documentation of the applicant’s efforts at giving proper public notice in accordance
with K.S.A. 65-171d et seq. Please provide the following:
Originals of signed waivers by owners of habitable structures within the applicable separation distance.
These must be signed by a notary and filed with the county Register of Deeds.
Provide the Department the names and mailing addresses of the following: 1) The United States post
office or offices serving the immediate area of the confined feeding facility and 2) each owner of a
habitable structure or any property located within one mile of the confined feeding facility.
Any other documentation related to public notices.
In addition, swine facilities must provide the following documentation of the applicant’s efforts at giving proper
public notice in accordance with K.A.R. 28-18a-7(b):
Publish a single Notice of Application in the official county newspaper and in any other newspaper
regularly published and generally circulated serving the county and general area of the facility,
notifying the public of the proposal.*
If the facility is within 1 mile of an adjoining county, a single notification shall also be provided in the
official newspaper serving the adjoining county.*
Submit copy of Notice of Application to County Commission via “Certified Return Receipt” mail.
Submit copy of Notice of Application to mayor of any city within 3 miles or less of facility via
“Certified Return Receipt” mail.
Submit copy of Notice of Application to owners of habitable structures within applicable separation
distance via “Certified Return Receipt” mail.
Provide a publisher’s affidavit of publication, or a certified copy of the Notice of Application from the
official county newspaper serving the area of the facility within 20 days of the publication.*
Notify KDHE by telephone or facsimile within 2 days of publication of notice in newspaper.*
Not required as part of complete application; however, must be completed and submitted prior to KDHE’s publication
of intent to issue a draft permit.
KDHE BOW LWMS Permit Application form rev 4/7/2015
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