Instructions For Forms 8804, 8805, And 8813 - 2003 Page 5


maximum penalty of $250,000 per year
1. The day on which this tax was paid
that is the direct or indirect partner must
($100,000 for a small business).
by the partnership.
in turn file these forms with its Form 8804
If the partnership intentionally
2. The last day of the partnership’s tax
and treat the amount withheld by the
disregards the requirement to report
year for which the amount was paid.
subsidiary partnership as a credit against
correct information, the penalty per Form
3. The last day on which the partner
its own liability to withhold under section
8805 is increased to $100 or, if greater,
owned an interest in the partnership
1446. This credit is allowed on line 6b of
10% of the aggregate amount of items
during that year.
the Form 8804 filed by the partnership
required to be reported, with no maximum
that is the direct or indirect partner. The
A partner that wishes to claim a credit
penalty. For more information, see
partnership that is a direct or indirect
against its U.S. income tax liability for
sections 6721 and 6724.
partner must also provide a copy of the
amounts withheld and paid over under
forms it receives to its partners, along
section 1446 must attach Copy C of Form
Failure To Furnish Correct
with the information described in
8805 to its U.S. income tax return for the
Forms 8805 to Recipient
Reporting to Partners on page 3. These
tax year in which it claims the credit.
statements and forms will enable those
A penalty of $50 may be imposed for
partners to obtain appropriate credit for
each failure to furnish Form 8805 to the
Publicly Traded
tax withheld under section 1446.
recipient when due. The penalty may also
be imposed for each failure to give the
recipient all required information on each
A “publicly traded partnership” is any
Form 8805 or for furnishing incorrect
Specific Instructions
partnership whose interests are regularly
information. The maximum penalty is
traded on an established securities
$100,000 for all failures to furnish correct
market (regardless of the number of its
Forms 8805 during a calendar year.
partners). However, it does not include a
When providing a U.S. address on Form
publicly traded partnership treated as a
If the partnership intentionally
8804, 8805, or 8813, include the suite,
corporation under the general rule of
disregards the requirement to report
room, or other unit number after the street
section 7704(a).
correct information, the penalty is
address. If the Post Office does not
increased to $100 or, if greater, 10% of
A publicly traded partnership that has
deliver mail to the street address and the
the aggregate amount of items required to
effectively connected income, gain, or
partnership (or withholding agent) has a
be reported and the $100,000 maximum
loss, generally must withhold tax on
P.O. box, show the box number instead of
penalty does not apply. For more
distributions of that income made to its
the street address.
information, see sections 6722 and 6724.
foreign partners. The rate is 35%. In this
When providing a foreign address on
situation, the partnership uses Form
Late Payment of Tax
Form 8804, 8805, or 8813, enter the
1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for
The penalty for not paying tax when due
number and street, city, province or state,
U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons;
is usually
of 1% of the unpaid tax for
and the name of the country. Follow the
Form 1042-S, Foreign Person’s U.S.
each month or part of a month the tax is
foreign country’s practice in placing the
Source Income Subject to Withholding;
unpaid. The penalty cannot exceed 25%
postal code in the address. Do not
and Form 1042-T, Annual Summary and
of the unpaid tax.
abbreviate the country name.
Transmittal of Forms 1042-S, to report
withholding from distributions instead of
Failure To Withhold and Pay
Form 8804
following these instructions. It also must
Over Tax
comply with the regulations under section
Line 4
Any person required to withhold, account
1461 and Regulations section 1.6302-2.
for, and pay over the withholding tax
Figure the partnership’s effectively
However, such a partnership may elect
under section 1446, but who fails to do
connected taxable income using the
instead to pay a withholding tax based on
so, may be subject to a civil penalty under
definition on page 2. Enter the total
effectively connected taxable income
section 6672. The civil penalty is equal to
effectively connected taxable income
allocable to its foreign partners. To do
the amount that should have been
allocable to foreign partners on line 4.
this, the partnership must comply with the
withheld and paid over.
payment and reporting requirements of
Partnership effectively connected
these instructions by the date on which
taxable income on which a foreign partner
Other Penalties
Form 8804 is due for the partnership’s
is exempt from U.S. tax by a treaty or
Penalties can also be imposed for
first tax year. Also, the partnership must
other reciprocal agreement is not
negligence, substantial understatement of
attach a statement to its first Form 8804
allocable to that partner and is exempt
tax, and fraud. See sections 6662 and
indicating that it is a publicly traded
from withholding under section 1446.
partnership that is electing not to withhold
However, this exemption from section
on distributions. Once made, the election
1446 withholding must be reported on
Treatment of Partners
may be revoked only with IRS consent.
Form 8805. See instructions for line 8b of
A partnership’s payment of section 1446
Form 8805 on page 6.
Tiered Partnerships
withholding tax on effectively connected
Line 6b
taxable income allocable to a foreign
The term “tiered partnership” describes
partner relates to the partner’s U.S.
Enter on line 6b the amount of section
the situation in which a partnership owns
income tax liability for the partner’s tax
1446 tax withheld by the subsidiary
an interest in another partnership. The
year in which the partner is subject to
partnership (see Tiered Partnerships
latter is a “subsidiary partnership.” A
U.S. tax on that income.
above). The amount withheld will be
partnership that directly or indirectly owns
shown on line 10 of the Form 8805 the
Amounts paid by the partnership under
a partnership interest in a subsidiary
partnership receives from the subsidiary
section 1446 on effectively connected
partnership is allowed a credit against its
partnership. If the partnership receives a
taxable income allocable to a partner are
own section 1446 liability for any section
Form 1042-S from a subsidiary PTP, the
allowed to the partner as a credit under
1446 tax paid by the subsidiary
amount withheld will be shown in box 7 of
section 33. The partner may not claim an
partnership for that partnership interest.
the Form 1042-S. (Box 1 of the Form
early refund of withholding tax paid under
A partnership that is a direct or indirect
1042-S will show income code 27.)
section 1446.
partner in a subsidiary partnership and
Line 6c
Amounts paid by a partnership under
that has had section 1446 tax payments
section 1446 for a partner are to be
made on its behalf will receive a copy of
Line 6c applies only to partnerships
treated as distributions made to that
Form 1042-S or Form 8805 from the
treated as foreign persons and subject to
partner on the earliest of the following:
subsidiary partnership. The partnership
withholding under section 1445(a) or
Instructions for Forms 8804, 8805, and 8813


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