Instructions For Forms 8804, 8805, And 8813 - 2003 Page 3


A partnership’s effectively connected
2. The partnership filed Form 1065 or
Reporting to Partners
taxable income includes partnership
Form 1065-B for the prior year.
When making a payment of withholding
income subject to a partner’s election
3. The amount of effectively
tax to the IRS under section 1446, a
under section 871(d) or 882(d) (election
connected taxable income for the prior
partnership must notify all foreign
to treat real property income as income
year was not less than 50% of the
partners of their allocable shares of any
connected with a U.S. business). It also
effectively connected taxable income on
section 1446 tax paid to the IRS by the
includes any partnership income treated
the current year’s Form 8804.
partnership. The partners use this
as effectively connected with the conduct
information to adjust the amount of
of a U.S. trade or business under section
estimated tax that they must otherwise
Applicable percentage. For all partners,
897 (disposition of investment in U.S. real
pay to the IRS.
the section 1446 applicable percentage is
property), and other items of partnership
A partnership must annually provide
income treated as effectively connected
foreign partners with a copy of Form 8805
under other provisions of the Internal
When to make the payment. Make
even if no section 1446 withholding tax is
Revenue Code, regardless of whether
installment payments of the withholding
paid. Send Form 8805 to the foreign
those amounts are taxable to the partner.
tax under section 1446 with Form 8813 by
partner by the due date of the partnership
the applicable due dates during the tax
Amount Allocable to Foreign
return (including extensions).
year of the partnership in which the
income is earned.
Interest and Penalties
The amount of a partnership’s effectively
connected taxable income for the
Interest and penalties are described
Generally, pay any additional amounts
partnership’s tax year allocable to a
below. If the partnership files Form 8804
due when filing Form 8804. However, if
foreign partner under section 704 equals
or Forms 8805 late, fails to furnish correct
the partnership files Form 2758 to request
(a) the foreign partner’s distributive share
Forms 8805, or fails to pay the tax when
an extension of time to file Form 8804,
of effectively connected gross income of
due, it may be liable for penalties and
pay the balance of section 1446
the partnership for the partnership’s tax
interest unless it can show that failure to
withholding tax estimated to be due with
year that is properly allocable to the
file or pay was due to reasonable cause
Form 2758.
partner under section 704, minus (b) the
and not willful neglect.
foreign partner’s distributive share of
Coordination With Other
deductions of the partnership for that year
Withholding Rules
that are connected with that income under
Interest is charged on taxes not paid by
section 873 or section 882(c)(1) and that
the due date, even if an extension of time
Interest, Dividends, etc.
are properly allocable to the partner under
to file is granted. Interest is also charged
Fixed or determinable, annual or
section 704. This income must be
on penalties imposed for failure to file,
computed by taking into account any
periodical income subject to tax under
negligence, fraud, and substantial
adjustments to the basis of the
section 871(a) or 881 is not included in
understatements of tax from the due date
partnership property described in section
the partnership’s effectively connected
(including extensions) to the date of
743 according to the partnership’s
taxable income under section 1446.
payment. The interest charge is figured at
election under section 754. Also, a
However, these amounts are
a rate determined under section 6621.
partnership’s effectively connected
independently subject to withholding
Late Filing of Form 8804
taxable income is not allocable to a
under the requirements of sections 1441
foreign partner to the extent the amounts
A partnership that fails to file Form 8804
and 1442 and their regulations.
are exempt from U.S. tax for that partner
when due (including extensions of time to
by a treaty or reciprocal agreement, or a
file) generally may be subject to a penalty
Real Property Gains
provision of the Code.
of 5% of the unpaid tax for each month or
Domestic partnerships. Domestic
part of a month the return is late, up to a
partnerships subject to the withholding
Amount of Withholding
maximum of 25% of the unpaid tax. The
requirements of section 1446 are not also
penalty will not apply if the partnership
subject to the payment and reporting
can show reasonable cause for filing late.
requirements of section 1445(e)(1) and its
If the failure to timely file is due to
Figuring the Tax Payments
regulations for income from the
reasonable cause, attach an explanation
disposition of a U.S. real property interest.
Under section 1446, a partnership must
to Form 8804.
A domestic partnership’s compliance with
make four installment payments of
Late Filing of Correct Form
the requirement to pay a withholding tax
withholding tax during the tax year.
under section 1446 satisfies the
Amount of each installment payment
requirements under section 1445 for
A penalty may be imposed for failure to
of withholding tax. In general, the
dispositions of U.S. real property
file each Form 8805 when due (including
amount of a partnership’s installment
interests. However, a domestic
extensions). The penalty may also be
payment is equal to the sum of the
partnership that would otherwise be
imposed for failure to include all required
installment payments for each of the
exempt from section 1445 withholding by
information on Form 8805 or for
partnership’s foreign partners. A
operation of a nonrecognition provision
furnishing incorrect information. The
partnership will generally determine the
must continue to comply with the
penalty is based on when a correct Form
amount of the installment payment for
requirements of Regulations section
8805 is filed. The penalty is:
each of its foreign partners by applying
$15 per Form 8805 if the partnership
the principles of section 6655(e)(2). To do
correctly files within 30 days; maximum
so, use the worksheet on page 4.
Foreign partnerships. A foreign
penalty of $75,000 per year ($25,000 for
Alternatively, a partnership may make
partnership subject to withholding under
a small business). A “small business” has
each installment payment during the tax
section 1445(a) during a tax year will be
average annual gross receipts of $5
year in an amount equal to 25% of the
allowed to credit the amount withheld
million or less for the most recent 3 tax
withholding tax that would be payable on
under section 1445(a), to the extent such
years (or for the period of time the
the amount of its effectively connected
amount is allocable to foreign partners (as
business has existed, if shorter) ending
taxable income allocable to foreign
defined in section 1446(e)), against its
before the calendar year in which the
partners for the prior year if the following
liability to pay the section 1446
Forms 8805 were due.
three conditions are met:
withholding tax for that year. This credit is
$50 per Form 8805 if the partnership
allowed on line 6c of the Form 8804 filed
1. The prior tax year consisted of 12
files more than 30 days after the due date
by the foreign partnership.
or does not file a correct Form 8805;
Instructions for Forms 8804, 8805, and 8813


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