Instructions For Forms 8804, 8805, And 8813 - 2003 Page 2


requirements applicable to withholding
1. The end of the 3rd year after the
A widely held partnership that relies in
agents as requirements applicable to
tax year of the partnership during which
good faith on a certification of nonforeign
partnerships themselves.
the certification was obtained.
status or Forms W-8BEN or W-9 in
2. The date the partnership receives
determining nonforeign status will not be
notice from the partner that it has become
held liable for payment of the tax, any
Determining If a Partner Is
a foreign person.
applicable penalties, or interest. However,
a Foreign Person
3. The date the partnership learns that
if a partnership learns that any of these
the partner is, or has become, a foreign
forms contain false information, it may no
A partnership must determine if any
longer rely on the form and will be liable
partner is a foreign person subject to
under section 1461 for any failure to pay
section 1446. Under section 1446, a
Form of certification. No particular form
the withholding tax under section 1446 for
foreign person is a nonresident alien
nor any particular language is required for
the tax year in which it obtained that
individual, foreign corporation, foreign
certification of nonforeign status.
knowledge. The partnership will not be
partnership, or foreign trust or estate. A
However, the certification must:
liable for penalties for failure to make
partnership may determine a partner’s
timely payments of installments of the
1. State that the partner is not a
status by relying on a certification of
section 1446 withholding tax that were
foreign person.
nonforeign status or by any other means.
due prior to the time it learned that the
2. State the partner’s name, U.S.
Certification of Nonforeign
taxpayer identifying number, and home
information it properly relied on was false.
address (for individuals) or office address
For a widely held partnership, the
(for entities).
In general, a partnership may determine
documentation used to determine the
3. State that the partner will notify the
that a partner is not a foreign person by
nonforeign status of a partner must be
partnership within 60 days of a change to
obtaining a certification of nonforeign
kept until the end of the 5th tax year
foreign status.
status from the partner. A partnership that
following the last tax year in which the
4. Be signed by or for the partner
has obtained this certification may rely on
partnership properly relied on the
under penalties of perjury.
it to establish the nonforeign status of a
partner. See below.
A certification of nonforeign status
must be verified as true and signed under
Use of Means Other Than
Effect of certification. Generally, a
penalties of perjury by a responsible
partnership that has obtained a
corporate officer for a corporation that is a
certification of nonforeign status
A partnership is not required to obtain a
partner, by a general partner for a
according to the rules in these
certification of nonforeign status. It may
partnership that is a partner, and by a
instructions may rely on the certification to
rely on other means to learn the
trustee, executor, or equivalent fiduciary
determine that the partner is not subject
nonforeign status of the partner. But if the
for a trust or estate that is a partner. A
to withholding. If a partnership relies in
partnership relies on other means and
certification of nonforeign status may also
good faith on the certification, but it is
erroneously determines that the partner
be signed by a person authorized under a
later determined that the certification was
was not a foreign person, the partnership
properly executed power of attorney,
false, the partnership will not be held
will be held liable for payment of the tax,
provided the power of attorney
liable for payment of the tax, any
any applicable penalties, and interest. A
accompanies the certification.
applicable penalties, or interest. A
partnership is not required to rely on other
How long to keep the certifications. A
certification that satisfies the
means to determine the nonforeign status
partnership must keep a certification of
requirements of these instructions will
of a partner and may demand a
nonforeign status until the end of the 5th
also satisfy the requirements for a
certification of nonforeign status.
tax year after the last tax year in which
certificate of nonforeign status under
the partnership relied on the certification.
section 1445.
Effectively Connected
Special rule for widely held
Once a partnership learns that the
Taxable Income
partnership. In addition to relying on a
certification is false, it will no longer be
certification of nonforeign status, a widely
entitled to rely on that certification. For
held partnership (a partnership that has
this purpose, the knowledge of any
“Effectively connected taxable income” is
more than 200 partners, including a
general partner will be imputed to the
the excess of the gross income of the
publicly traded partnership) may rely on
partnership to cause a withholding
partnership that is effectively connected
the information provided to it by partners
liability. The knowledge of one of its
under section 864(c), or treated as
on a Form W-8BEN, Certificate of
limited partners will not be imputed to a
effectively connected with the conduct of
Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for
partnership based solely on that partner’s
a U.S. trade or business, over the
United States Tax Withholding, or Form
status as a limited partner. For a limited
allowable deductions that are connected
W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification
liability company or other entity classified
to such income. See Pub. 519, U.S. Tax
Number and Certification.
as a partnership for Federal income tax
Guide for Aliens, for detailed instructions
purposes, any member with authority to
Also, a widely held partnership may
regarding the computation of effectively
manage or bind the entity is treated as a
rely on a certification under penalties of
connected taxable income. For purposes
general partner.
perjury from a nominee (or intermediary)
of these instructions, figure this income
about the nonforeign status of partners
Also, the partnership will be liable
with the following adjustments:
owning partnership interests through the
under section 1461 for any failure to pay
1. Section 703(a)(1) does not apply.
nominee. No particular form is required
the withholding tax under section 1446 for
2. The partnership is allowed a
for this certification, but it should identify
the tax year in which it learned that the
deduction for depletion of oil and gas
the partner for whom the certification is
certification is false. However, the
wells, but the amount of the deduction
made and indicate the basis for the
partnership will not be liable for penalties
must be determined without regard to
certification. When making a certification,
for failure to make timely payments of
sections 613 and 613A.
a nominee may also rely on a certification
installments of section 1446 withholding
3. The partnership may not take into
of nonforeign status or on information
tax that were due prior to the time it
account items of income, gain, loss, or
provided by Forms W-8BEN or W-9. A
learned that the certification was false.
deduction allocable to any partner that is
nominee and a partnership may not rely
not a foreign partner.
Duration of certification. A partnership
on any of those forms after the date that
4. The partnership may not take into
may rely on a partner’s certification of
the forms must be re-executed, nor on a
account any net operating loss carryovers
nonforeign status until the earliest of the
certification of nonforeign status based on
or charitable contributions.
an election under section 897(i).
Instructions for Forms 8804, 8805, and 8813


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