Instructions For Forms 8804, 8805, And 8813 - 2003


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Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Forms 8804,
8805, and 8813
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.
person erroneously subjected to the
partnership’s tax year for U.S. income tax
Change to Note
withholding tax would also receive Form
The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief
8805 from a partnership and should
Note: Twenty percent of any required
Reconciliation Act of 2003 reduced the
attach it to his or her income tax return.
installment otherwise due in September
income tax rates for noncorporate
2004 is not due until October 1, 2004.
Use Form 8813, Partnership
taxpayers. Because the applicable rate
See the instructions for line 10 of the
Withholding Tax Payment Voucher
for computing the section 1446
worksheet on page 4 for additional
(Section 1446), to pay the withholding tax
withholding tax for both corporate and
payment information.
under section 1446 to the United States
noncorporate foreign partners is now
Treasury. Form 8813 must accompany
35%, the previously separate computation
Where To File
each payment of section 1446 tax made
lines on Forms 8804 and 8805 have been
during the partnership’s tax year.
File Forms 8804, 8805, and 8813 with:
Internal Revenue Service Center,
Who Must File
Photographs of Missing
Philadelphia, PA 19255.
All partnerships with effectively connected
Taxpayer Identifying
gross income allocable to a foreign
The Internal Revenue Service is a proud
partner in any tax year must file Forms
partner with the National Center for
8804 and 8805 whether or not
To insure proper crediting of the
Missing and Exploited Children.
distributions were made during the
withholding tax when reporting to the IRS,
Photographs of missing children selected
partnership’s tax year. The partnership
a partnership must provide a U.S.
by the Center may appear in instructions
may designate a person to file the forms.
taxpayer identifying number (TIN) for
on pages that would otherwise be blank.
The partnership, or person it designates,
each foreign partner. The partnership
You can help bring these children home
must file these forms even if the
should notify any of its foreign partners
by looking at the photographs and calling
partnership has no withholding tax liability
without such a number of the necessity of
1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if you
under section 1446.
obtaining a U.S. identifying number. An
recognize a child.
Publicly traded partnerships must file
individual’s identifying number is the
these forms only if they have elected to
individual’s social security number (SSN)
pay section 1446 withholding tax based
General Instructions
or individual taxpayer identification
on effectively connected taxable income
number (ITIN). Any other partner’s
allocable to foreign partners. See
identifying number is its U.S. employer
Purpose of Forms
Publicly Traded Partnerships on page
identification number (EIN).
Use Forms 8804, 8805, and 8813 to pay
Certain aliens who do not have and
and report section 1446 withholding tax
are not eligible to get an SSN can apply
When To File
based on effectively connected taxable
for an ITIN on Form W-7, Application for
income allocable to foreign partners.
IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification
Forms 8804 and 8805
Use Form 8804, Annual Return for
File on or before the 15th day of the 4th
Partnership Withholding Tax (Section
Requirement To Make
month following the close of the
1446), to report the total liability under
partnership’s tax year.
section 1446 for the partnership’s tax
Withholding Tax Payments
year. Form 8804 is also a transmittal form
File Forms 8804 and 8805 separately
A foreign or domestic partnership that has
for Form(s) 8805.
from Form 1065, U.S. Return of
effectively connected taxable income
Use Form 8805, Foreign Partner’s
Partnership Income, and Form 1065-B,
allocable to a foreign partner must pay a
Information Statement of Section 1446
U.S. Return of Income for Electing Large
withholding tax equal to the applicable
Withholding Tax, to show the amount of
percentage of the effectively connected
effectively connected taxable income and
taxable income that is allocable to its
If you need more time, you may file
the total tax credit allocable to the foreign
foreign partners. However, this
Form 2758, Application for Extension of
partner for the partnership’s tax year.
requirement does not apply to a
Time To File Certain Excise, Income,
File a separate Form 8805 for each
partnership treated as a corporation
Information, and Other Returns, to
foreign partner even if no section 1446
under the general rule of section 7704(a).
request an extension of time to file Form
withholding tax was paid. Attach Copy A
Effectively connected taxable income is
8804. Generally, an extension will not be
of each Form 8805 to the Form 8804 filed
defined on page 2. Applicable percentage
granted for more than 90 days. If you
with the IRS.
is defined on page 3.
need more time, file a second Form 2758
for an additional 90-day extension. The
Foreign partners must attach Form
Withholding Agents
total extension may generally not be for
8805 to their U.S. income tax returns to
more than 6 months.
claim a credit for their shares of the
General partners and limited liability
section 1446 tax withheld by the
company members are jointly and
Form 8813
partnership. A foreign partnership that
severally liable as withholding agents for
receives a Form 8805 should see Tiered
File on or before the 15th day of the 4th,
the partnership. For ease of reference,
Partnerships on page 5. Any U.S.
6th, 9th, and 12th months of the
these instructions refer to various
Cat. No. 10393W


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