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Application for Military Exemption
Iowa Code Chapter 426A
This application must be filed or mailed to your city or county assessor by July 1. It must be postmarked no later
than July 1. Iowa assessors’ addresses can be found at the Iowa State Association of Assessors Web site.
Applicant Contact Information
Name: ________________________________________________________
Phone Number:___________________ eMail: ________________________
Property Owner Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Veteran Name : ____________________________________________________________________________________
Property Claimed for Exemption
Jurisdiction: _______________________________________________ Parcel Number ________________________
Legal Description: ________________________________________________________________________________
Status: I am an (a)
 Honorably discharged veteran, who served for a minimum of 18 months, or for fewer than 18 months because
of a service-related injury.
 Former member, or member who is currently serving, of Reserve Forces or Iowa National Guard who has
served at least 20 years.
 Member of Reserve Forces or Iowa National Guard who was activated for federal duty, not including training,
for a minimum of 90 days.
 Former member, of the Armed Forces, whose enlistment would have occurred during the Korean Conflict but
chose to serve 5 years in the Reserve Forces.
 Honorably discharged veteran who served in an eligible service period.
 Spouse  Unmarried Widow(er)  Minor child
 Widowed Parent of a qualified veteran
Eligible Service Period(s)
 WW I - April 6, 1917: Nov. 11, 1918 = ($2,778)
 China service with Navy and Marines: 1937 - 1939 =
 Occupation of Germany: Nov 12,1918 - July 11, 1923 =
 WW II: Dec. 7, 1941 - Dec. 31, 1946 = ($1,852)
 American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia: Nov. 12, 1918 -
 Korean: June 25, 1950 - Jan. 31, 1955 = ($1,852)
 Vietnam: Feb. 28, 1961 - May 7, 1975 = ($1,852)
April 30, 1920 = ($1,852)
 Second Haitian suppression of insurrections: 1919 - 1920
 Lebanon or Grenada Service: Aug. 24, 1982 - July 31,1984
= ($1,852)
= ($1,852)
 Second Nicaragua Campaign with Marines or Navy
 Panama Service: Dec. 20, 1989 - Jan. 31, 1990 = ($1,852)
 Persian Gulf:: Aug. 2, 1990 to still open = ($1,852)
in Nicaragua or on combatant ships: 1926 - 1933 = ($1,852)
 Yangtze service with Navy and Marines in Shanghai or in Yangtze Valley: 1926 - 1927 & 1930 - 1932 = ($1,852)
Military Record
My military service record is recorded in Volume ___________ , Page __________ , in ___________________ county.
I entered the service on _____________________, and I was released on _____________________.
I Declare
 I am a resident of and domiciled in the State of Iowa.
 I am the equitable or legal owner of the property upon which I claim the exemption and this is the only claim I
make in this state.
 The information I have entered on this form is true and correct.
Signed: ____________________________________________ (Claimant or Authorized Representative)
Date: ______________
Written notification must be given to the assessor upon conveyance of this property.
Assessor or Authorized Representative
I recommend this application be  allowed  disallowed
Signed _____________________________________________ Date _________________________
 allowed  disallowed
Board of Supervisors
54-146 (03/07/12)


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