Form 54-146 - Application For Military Exemption - State Of Iowa

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Instructions for the Military Exemption Application
You must print, sign and mail this application to:
Johnson County Assessor
913 S Dubuque St.
Iowa City IA 52240
• The Military Exemption Credit must be delivered to the County Assessor
before July 1.
• A copy of your military service record (i.e. DD Form 214) must be
recorded in the Johnson county recorder’s office to receive the military
exemption. A reference to the book (volume) and page of the recording is
required on this form
You will not be required to file an application for exemption on this
property in future years providing you own it on July 1 of each year and are
a resident of Iowa.
• Fill in all areas.
Note: The Assessors Office can fill in the LEGAL
DESCRIPTION if you do not know it.
• Print application, sign, and date and mail to above address.
application cannot be electronically submitted in any way.
• This application needs Adobe Reader in order to print correctly. If you
are using an older version of Adobe Reader, you may download now to get a
free updated version from:
• Please print a copy for your records. A verification notice will be sent after
we receive the application. If you have not received this notice by mail
please call our office at 319-356-6078.
• The deadline for receiving this credit on the following tax year is July 1st
of every year. Example: If the application is signed by July 1st, 2011 the
credit will apply to taxes payable September 2012-March 2013.
• For parcel number and information regarding your property, please visit
our website at:
or call 319-356-6078.


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