Application For A Certificate Of Registration (Cr) And A License To Sell (Ls) - San Fernando Pampanga Page 2

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[ ] Certified True Copy of resolution conferring authority to the mayor or other local government
official to issue Development Permit.
[ ] Proof of Compliance to Sec. 18 of R.A. 7279
[ ] One (1) set of Subdivision Development Plan
[ ] Approved Electrical Plan and Specifications
[ ] Affidavit of Undertaking to submit Transfer Certificate of Title (parks, playground, community
facilities and other open spaces) [
[ ] Others
If the Property is/are currently mortgaged:
[ ] Mortgagee Undertaking [
[ ] Mortgagor Undertaking [
Tax Identification Numbers:
Landowner ________________________
Developer _________________________
In this connection, I attest to the fact that: (1) The number identifying the documents listed above
under perspective applications corresponds to each of the attached documents; (2) Duplicate copies
are the authentic and faithful reproduction of the original documents; and, (3) Documents conforms
strictly to the official checklist of requirements and the detailed description thereof.
I understand that additional requisites, including but not limited to subdivision approval and other
pertinent documents of the compliance project per R.A. 7279 (20% socialized housing under Section
18), if covered, the performance bond, and the balance of the processing fee or LS, may be required
only through a written notice signed by an authorized official and that, further action on subject
applications may be withheld if there is an unfavorable decision (final and executor) in case before
this Board or an order in connection with a violation against the undersigned applicant which has not
been complied with.
I can be reached at
Telephone No.
Or through my representative: ________________________________________
Telephone No.
Very truly yours,
(Printed Name and Signature)
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ day of __________, 20___, Affiant exhibiting
his/her Residence Certificate No._____________ issued at _______________________________
on _______________________________.
Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of


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