Pass-through Entity Withholding
Exemption Form
To exempt nonresident Maine-source income from pass-through entity withholding.
This form must be submitted prior to the fi rst withholding payment deadline for which it is to be effective.
Entity Name:
Federal Employer ID Number:
Telephone Number:
ZIP Code:
This is a request for exemption for 2012 from the Maine pass-through entity withholding requirement for nonresident members of a pass-through entity
with Maine-source income. The request is based on the reason(s) checked under Exemption Breakdown. Check all boxes that apply. See instructions
for a description of the qualifi ed exemptions. If all nonresident members fall under an automatic exemption, you are not required to fi le this form (see
instructions). If required to fi le this form, mail it separately from Form 1065ME/1120S-ME.
Form 941E-ME is due January 31, 2012. MRS will accept exemption forms fi led after this due date; however, the exemption will not take effect until the
quarter during which Form 941E-ME is fi led. The entity may be held liable for any taxes that were required to be withheld, or for interest and penalties
on taxes that should have been withheld.
If you are registered to fi le a Maine pass-through entity withholding return, but all of the members are exempt from the pass-through entity
withholding requirement, check this box, and Maine Revenue Services will cancel your pass-through entity withholding account.
Entity Type
Exemption Breakdown
Automatic exemption
Number of Members:
Compliant taxpayer(s) - attach Form 941LM-ME
Number of Members:
S corporation
Composite fi ling (see instructions)
Number of Members:
Requested - Only for members who do not
Number of Members:
qualify for any of the above (see instructions)
Nonexempt nonresident members*
Number of Members:
* Do not submit this form if the number of nonexempt
members equals the total nonresident members.
Total Nonresident Members:
You must register and withhold.
I certify that I have collected a Nonresident Member Affi davit and Agreement to Comply with Maine Income Tax (Form 941AF-ME) from each member
participating in the compliant taxpayer group and a Nonresident Member Affi davit and Agreement to Participate in a Composite Filing of Maine Income
Tax (Form 941CF-ME) from each member participating in the composite fi ling.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form and accompanying schedules and statements and to the best of my knowledge
and belief they are true, correct and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any
Offi cer’s Signature: _______________________________________________
Title: __________________________ Date:________________
Offi cer’s Printed Name: ___________________________________________
Preparer’s Signature: _____________________________________________
Date: __________________________
Preparer’s Printed Name: __________________________________________
Mail to:
Maine Revenue Services
P.O. Box 1064
Augusta, ME 04332-1064
Rev. 10/11