Form 65 - Partnership/limited Liability Company Return Of Income - 1998 Page 3


Form 65 — 1998
Page 5
the annual rent expense by 8, and enter the result in the End of Year column. This
each partner or member (including corporations) of the partnership, whether
is the capitalized rental value.
or not distributed by the partnership.
Line 14a. Add the amounts on lines 12 and 13 in the End of Year column for
A partnership/limited liability company is not allowed the deduction for
net operating losses.
Line 14b. Add the amounts on lines 12 and 13 in the End of Year column for
Enter names, addresses, and social security numbers or corporation Federal
employer’s identification numbers on the lines provided on page 6, and extend in
the proper column each member’s share of the adjusted income, expenses, and
Line 15. Divide the amount on line 14a by the amount on line 14b, and enter
deductions, whether distributed or not. This schedule should also show complete
the percentage on line 15. This is the ALABAMA PROPERTY FACTOR.
information with respect to all members who had any interest whatever during any
portion of the taxable year. In order that each member’s individual (or corporate)
Line 16a. Enter the amount of wages or other compensation paid to employees
return may be associated with this return, please recheck all social security and
for the production of business income in Alabama.
corporation Federal employer’s identification numbers for correctness before
Line 16b. Enter the amount of wages or other compensation paid to employees
mailing the partnership return.
for the production of business income everywhere. (Include officers’ salaries.)
In order that all partners (members) may properly comply with Alabama
Line 16c. Divide the amount on line 16a by the amount on line 16b, and enter
Income Tax Code, the company shall advise them of their responsibility to
the percentage on line 16c. This is the ALABAMA PAYROLL FACTOR.
file Alabama Income Tax returns reporting their share of income and deduc-
tions from the partnership.
Individual Alabama residents should file using Form 40 and nonresidents
Line 17. Enter gross receipts from Alabama destination sales except sales to
using Form 40NR. Corporations should file using Form 20C or Form 20S. The
the U.S. government. This includes total gross receipts from sales of tangible prop-
necessary forms and instructions may be secured by writing to the Alabama
erty shipped to Alabama from locations both within and without Alabama.
Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 327470, Montgomery, AL 36132-7470.
Line 18. Enter the amount of sales shipped from an Alabama origin to any state
or foreign country where this company is not taxable. Also enter total sales to the
Alabama Enterprise Zone Act Credit: To stimulate business and industrial
U.S. government shipped from Alabama.
growth in depressed areas of the State, Alabama offers certain tax credit incentives
to corporations, partnerships, and proprietorships which locate or expand within a
Line 19. In the Alabama column enter the total of lines 17 and 18. In the Every-
designated enterprise zone. In order to qualify for these tax credits, a business
where column enter total sales for everywhere. If this amount does not correspond
must be located within a designated zone and meet certain other requirements
with line 1 of Federal Form 1120, attach an explanation and reconciliation.
of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs.
Line 20. Enter in the appropriate columns the gross receipts from the sale or
If a credit is earned by a partnership/limited liability company, the credit will be
disposition of assets used in the business. See Reg. 810-27-1-4-.18(c) for exclu-
distributed to each partner based on the percentage of ownership. The company
sion of amounts which would distort the factor.
should advise each partner of the amount of his/her income subject to this credit.
Line 21. Enter in the appropriate columns the gross business interest income.
For further information regarding the “Alabama Enterprise Zone Act” and the
Line 22. Enter in the appropriate columns the gross business income from
necessary forms to claim this credit you should contact:
Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs
Line 23. Enter in the appropriate columns the amounts of other business gross
401 Adams Avenue
receipts, and identify the nature of such receipts and their location on the federal
P.O. Box 5690
Montgomery, AL 36103-5690
Line 24a. Total the Alabama column for lines 19 through 23.
Telephone (334) 242-5100
Line 24b. Total the Everywhere columns for lines 19 through 23.
– or –
Line 24c. Divide the amount on line 24a by the amount on line 24b, and enter
Alabama Department of Revenue
the percentage on line 24c. This is the ALABAMA GROSS RECEIPTS FACTOR.
P.O. Box 327470
Line 25. Add lines 15, 16c, and 24c. Divide by 3. This is the ALABAMA
Montgomery, AL 36132-7470
APPORTIONMENT PERCENTAGE. Enter here and on line 4, Schedule D. (If any
Telephone (334) 242-1000
factor is not utilized in the production of income, it shall be eliminated and the
denominator reduced accordingly.)
For tax years beginning after December 31, 1996, the state of Alabama will
SCHEDULE D — Apportionment and Allocation of Income to Alabama
allow composite filing for non-resident individual partners. Those non-resident indi-
Line 1. Enter amount of income or (loss) from line 12, Schedule A.
vidual partners who elect to participate will have their Alabama source income
Line 2. Enter nonbusiness income or (loss) from column E, line 2, Schedule B.
taxed at a five percent rate. The tax will be remitted by the partnership on a special
form, to a special address, by the 15th day of the fourth month following the close
Line 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1.
of the business year. This is designed to eliminate the filing of individual income tax
Line 4. Enter Apportionment Factor from line 25, Schedule C.
returns by non-resident individuals who have only partnership income in Alabama.
Line 5. Multiply amount on line 3 by the percentage on line 4.
Non-resident partners who have other reportable income in Alabama should not
Line 6. Enter nonbusiness income or (loss) allocated to Alabama from column
participate in composite filing. Also, when the partnership has losses which are to
F, line 2, Schedule B.
be carried forward, no composite return should be filed. No credit for losses can be
given to non-resident individuals unless an individual income tax return is filed to
Line 7. Add lines 5 and 6. This is your Alabama Income.
establish the loss. The loss can only be claimed on an individual income tax return.
SCHEDULE E — Additional Information Required
The partnership will include a list of all individual composite filing participants,
All partnerships must complete Schedule E giving the information requested in
with the Alabama Partnership Return (Form 65), including social security number
lines 1 through 7.
and address. The Form 65 should be handled according to instructions. Mail the
SCHEDULE K — Member’s Shares of Income, Expenses, and Deductions
composite payment form and remittance to:
Alabama Department of Revenue
Composite Payment
Partnerships as such are not subject to Alabama income tax. Each part-
P.O. Box 327444
ner’s share of the adjusted income or (loss) of the partnership is taxable to
Montgomery, AL 36132-7444


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