Instructions For Form 6198 - At-Risk Limitations - 1998 Page 5


Line 12 Worksheet—Figure Your Total Losses From Years Before the Effective
Date for Which There Were Equal or Greater Amounts Not At Risk at Year End
Total amounts from
Amount of loss for
Amount not at risk at
Subtract (d) from (c)
column (f) for all
Smaller of (b) or (e)
the year
end of year
prior years
Total (include on Form 6198, line 12)
For 1971, John would enter $300 in column (b), $1,000 in
Worksheet Instructions
column (c), $500 in column (d) (the total amount from column
Use the first line of the worksheet for the first year in which
(f) for all prior years), $500 in column (e), and $300 in
you had a loss and amounts not at risk. List each
column (f).
subsequent year in order.
For 1975, John would enter $500 in column (b), $1,000 in
Column (d). For each year after the first year, enter the total
column (c), $800 in column (d) (the total amount from
amount in column (f) for all prior years.
column (f) for all prior years ($500 + $300)), $200 in column
Example. John had losses in 1970, 1971, and 1975. At the
(e), and $200 in column (f). Of the $500 loss for 1975, only
end of each of those years, John had outstanding amounts
$200 is a loss for which there was an equal or greater
not at risk of $1,000. John had losses of $500 in 1970, $300
amount not at risk at year end.
in 1971, and $500 in 1975.
John’s total loss from years before the effective date for
For 1970, John would enter $500 in column (b), $1,000 in
which there were equal or greater amounts not at risk at year
column (c), $1,000 in column (e), and $500 in column (f).
end is $1,000 (the total of the amounts in column (f)).


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