Instructions For Deposit In The Nature Of A Cash Bond Form Apl-004


Form APL-004 - Instructions
General Instructions
Step Two: Multiply the deposit by the fraction. Apply the
product to the tax fi nally determined to be due. Then, apply
the balance of the deposit fi rst to the interest accruing on the
When to Make a Deposit
tax fi nally determined to be due and fi nally to any penalty,
Deposits may be made before or after the Department of
unless you successfully requested a waiver of the penalty.
Revenue Services (DRS) issues a notice of assessment,
but must be made before the period for contesting the
Whether a Deposit Will Be Returned
assessment expires or before the Connecticut Superior Court
You may request in writing that all or part of the deposit
enters an order upholding the assessment, whichever is later.
be returned any time before the time for contesting the
assessment expires or before the Superior Court enters an
Where to Send Form APL-004 and the Deposit
order upholding the assessment, whichever is later.
Before DRS issues a notice of assessment, you should
To request a return of your deposit before DRS issues a
hand-deliver Form APL-004 and your deposit to the
notice of assessment, you must send a written request to the
revenue examiner assigned to the audit examination. You
Audit Division, Compliance Support Unit. To request a return
may also mail the form and the deposit to the Audit Division,
of your deposit after DRS issues a notice of assessment,
Compliance Support Unit at:
you must send a written request to the Appellate Division.
Department of Revenue Services
Audit Division - Compliance Support Unit
However, the Collections Unit must approve the return of the
450 Columbus Blvd Ste 1
deposit. If the Collections Unit determines that the collection
Hartford CT 06103-1837
of the tax would be in jeopardy if the deposit is returned, it
will advise the division to which the request was made and
After DRS issues a notice of assessment, you should
the deposit will not be returned.
hand-deliver Form APL-004 and your deposit to the appellate
offi cer assigned to the protest. You may also mail the form
If the Collections Unit approves the request, the division
and the deposit to the Appellate Division at:
to which the request was made will complete and send
the appropriate form to the Operations Division, Accounts
Department of Revenue Services
Receivable Unit instructing them to return the portion of the
Appellate Division
deposit that was requested to be returned. If a portion of the
450 Columbus Blvd Ste 1
deposit is returned, DRS will treat your account as if you never
Hartford CT 06103-1837
deposited that portion of the deposit. No interest accrues or
Attach a check or money order made payable to Commissioner
is paid on a deposit that is returned to you.
of Revenue Services to this form.
Line Instructions
Does Filing Form APL-004 Constitute a Protest of
Line 1
the Assessment?
Check the box indicating what type of entity the taxpayer is.
Filing Form APL-004 does not, in and of itself, constitute
fi ling a protest of an assessment.
Line 2
How is a Deposit in the Nature of a Cash Bond
Enter the beginning and ending tax periods of the audit
DRS applies the deposit once the amount of tax due is fi nally
Example: Tax period of January 1, 2016, through October 31,
determined. If you make a deposit before DRS issues a
2016, inclusive.
notice of assessment, the amount of the assessment (plus
Line 3
any interest or penalty) stated on the notice will not refl ect or
take into account the deposit. If you timely fi le a protest of the
Enter the type of tax audited.
assessment with the Appellate Division, and make a deposit
Example: Corporation business tax, sales and use taxes,
before the Appellate Division issues a fi nal determination
gift tax, income tax, etc.
letter, the amount of the assessment upheld by the fi nal
determination letter (plus any interest or penalty) will not
Line 4
refl ect or take into account the deposit.
Enter the name of revenue examiner (if known) who
The application of the deposit is a two-step process.
conducted the audit examination.
Step One: Compute a fraction. The numerator is the tax
Line 5
assessed by DRS, as stated on the notice of assessment.
The denominator is the tax assessed by DRS, as stated on
Enter the amount of the remittance that you are designating
the notice of assessment, plus the interest that has accrued
as a deposit in the nature of a cash bond.
on the tax through the date that the deposit is received.
Form APL-004 (Back) (Rev.


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