person not subject to this tax are considered interest paid by a
Payments to a staffing company by a client do not constitute
manufacturer, distributor, or supplier.
purchases from other firms.
For a person that is a securities trader, broker, or dealer or a
Line 17: For taxpayers that fall under SIC major groups 15
person included in the UBG of that securities trader, broker,
(Building Construction General Contractors and Operative
or dealer that buys and sells for its own account, inventory
Builders), 16 (Heavy Construction Other Than Building
includes contracts that are subject to the Commodity
Construction Contractors), and 17 (Construction Special Trade
Exchange Act, 7 USC 1 to 27f; the cost of securities as
Contractors) and do not claim the Small Business Alternative
defined under IRC § 475(c)(2); and for a securities trader, the
Credit (SBAC) under MCL 208.1417, the following payments
cost of commodities as defined under IRC § 475(e)(2); and for
are considered purchases from other firms:
a broker or dealer, the cost of commodities as defined under
• Payments to subcontractors for a construction project under
IRC § 475(e)(2)(b), (c), and (d), excluding interest expense
a contract specific to that project, and
other than interest expense related to repurchase agreements.
As used in this provision:
• To the extent not deducted as inventory and materials and
supplies, payments for materials deducted as purchases
• Broker and dealer mean those terms as defined under
in determining the cost of goods sold for the purpose of
section 78c(a)(4) and (a)(5) of the Securities Exchange Act of
calculating total income on the taxpayer’s federal income tax
1934, 15 USC 78c.
• Securities trader means a person that engages in the trade or
UBGs: This subtraction is only available to a member of the
business of purchasing and selling investments and trading
UBG if the group does not claim the SBAC for the tax year.
However, for purposes of the SIC code requirement, it is
Inventory does not include any of the following:
sufficient that the UBG member that made the payments listed
above be included in SIC codes 15, 16, or 17. Therefore, the
• Personal property under lease or principally intended for
relevant SIC code is entered in the member’s page of Form
lease rather than sale.
4580 (Part 2A, Line 22), and the SIC code field on Form 4567
• Property allowed a deduction or allowance for depreciation
should be left blank by a UBG.
or depletion under the IRC.
Persons included in SIC codes 15, 16, and 17 include
• Labor costs.
Line 14: Enter assets purchased from other firms, including
institutional buildings; bridges, roads, and infrastructure,
the costs of fabrication and installation, acquired during the tax
year of a type that are, or under the IRC will become, eligible
as electricians, plumbers, painters, masons, etc.). See
for depreciation, amortization, or accelerated capital cost
for a more
recovery for federal income tax purposes.
complete list.
Line 15: To the extent not included in inventory or depreciable
A subcontractor is an Individual or entity that enters into a
property, enter materials and supplies, including repair parts
contract and assumes some or all of the obligations of a person
and fuel.
included in SIC codes 15, 16, and 17 as set forth in the primary
contract specific to a project. Thus, payments made to an
Materials and supplies means tangible personal property
independent contractor to provide general labor services to the
acquired during the tax year to be used or consumed in, and
contractor not specific to a particular contract do not constitute
directly connected to, the production or management of
purchases from other firms. However, payments made to a
the taxpayer’s inventory or the operation or maintenance
subcontractor for services and materials provided under a
of depreciable assets owned by the taxpayer. Materials and
contract specific to a particular construction project (such as
supplies includes repair parts and fuel. Fuel means materials
the construction of commercial property on Main Street) do
used and consumed to produce heat or power by burning. Fuel
constitute purchases from other firms. There is no limitation or
does not include electricity.
condition that the subcontractors to whom such payments are
For example, a physician’s or dentist’s purchase of sterilizing
made be licensed.
solution during the tax year that is used to sterilize examination
The taxpayer bears the burden to prove it is entitled to a
equipment, such as an X-ray machine, may be considered
deduction in computing its tax liability. It is presumed that
materials and supplies under MCL 208.1113(6)(c).
good business practice would include documentation such as
Line 16: A staffing company may deduct compensation of
a written contract that would support a deduction from gross
personnel supplied to its clients, including wages, benefits,
receipts for payments to subcontractors as purchases from
workers’ compensation costs, and all payroll taxes paid for
other firms. The supporting information for payments to a
personnel provided to the clients of staffing companies as
subcontractor could be incorporated into the contract for the
defined under MBT. Staffing company means a taxpayer whose
specific project or memorialized in a separate contract with
business activities are included in Industry Group 736 under
a subcontractor specifying the project to which the costs
the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code as compiled
by the United States Department of Labor.
Line 18: Enter film rental or royalty payments paid by a