Instructions For Form 593 - Real Estate Withholding Tax Statement - 2017 Page 4


Installment Sale:
Step 1: Calculate the installment sale
If a failed deferred exchange had boot withheld
withholding percent that will be applied to all
upon in the original relinquished property,
a. Amount Subject to Withholding.
installment payments, including any deposits,
reduce the withholding amount by the amount
If you are withholding on the
down payments, or amounts paid for the
previously remitted to the FTB.
down payment in escrow,
seller/transferor received during escrow:
enter the required amount of the
*Tax Rates
down payment. If you are
a. Gain on sale from Form 593-E,
Individual and Trusts (Grantor
withholding on installment
line 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$__________
and Non-grantor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3%
payments received after the
(estimated gain on sale)
Non-California Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3%
close of escrow or the
b. Selling price from Form 593-E,
Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.84%
final payoff in escrow, enter
line 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________
Bank and Financial Corporation . . . . . . 10.84%
the principal portion of
(total sale price)
S Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8%
the payment . . . . . . . . . . . . .$__________
Financial S Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.8%
c. Installment sale withholding
b. Withholding Amount. Multiply
percent, divide line a by line b _ _ _._ _%
Seller/Transferor Signature
line a by 3
% (.0333) and
Step 2: Calculate the optional gain on sale
enter the result here and on
A signature is only required by the
withholding amount:
Form 593, line 5 . . . . . . . . . .$__________
seller/transferor if the Optional Gain
a. Installment payment or
On Sale Election method is used. If the
down payment . . . . . . . . . . .$__________
sellers/transferors are married or RDPs and
a. Amount Subject to Withholding.
b. Multiply line a by installment
they plan to file a joint return, then your
For completed deferred
sale withholding percent
signature and your spouse's/RDP's signature
exchanges, enter the amount
calculated in Step 1 . . . . . . .$__________
are both required.
of boot (cash or cash
c. Withholding amount, multiply
Electronic signatures shall be considered as
equivalent) received by
line b by the applicable tax rate*
valid as the originals.
the seller/transferor . . . . . . .$__________
for your filing type . . . . . . . .$__________
Preparer’s Name and Title/Escrow Business
b. Withholding Amount. Multiply
When withholding on the principal portion of
line a by 3
% (.0333) and
each installment payment using the Optional
enter the result here and on
Provide the preparer’s name and title/escrow’s
Gain on Sale Election, the seller/transferor
Form 593, line 5 . . . . . . . . . .$__________
business name and phone number.
must provide the buyer/transferee with the
Failed Exchange:
Installment Sale Withholding percent to include
a. Total Sales Price. If a deferred
on Form 593-
exchange is not completed or
Send the original Form 593, the required
does not meet the deferred
withholding payment on the down payment,
requirements, enter the total
and a copy of the promissory note to the FTB.
sales price . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$__________
Do not attach a copy of the promissory note
b. Ownership Percentage. If
with withholding on installment payments sent
multiple sellers/transferors
in after the close of escrow.
attempted to exchange this
property, enter this
a. Boot Amount. Not to
exceed recognized gain . . . .$__________
ownership percentage.
Otherwise, enter 100.00% . . . _ _ _ ._ _%
b. Withholding Amount. Multiply
line a by the applicable tax
c. Amount Subject to
rate* and enter the result
Withholding. Multiply
here and on Form 593,
line a by line b . . . . . . . . . . .$__________
line 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$__________
d. Withholding Amount. Multiply
Failed Exchange:
line c by 3
% (.0333) and
enter the result here and
a. Gain on Sale from
on Form 593, line 5 . . . . . . .$__________
Form 593-E, line 16 . . . . . . .$__________
b. Ownership Percentage. If
Withholding Calculation Using
multiple sellers/transferors
Optional Gain on Sale Election
attempted to exchange this
Conventional Sale/Transfer: Enter the amount
property, enter this
from Form 593-E, Real Estate Withholding –
Computation of Estimated Gain or Loss, line 17
ownership percentage.
on Form 593, line 5.
Otherwise, enter 100.00% . . . _ _ _ ._ _%
Trusts (Grantor and Non-grantor): Check
c. Amount Subject to
box 4B on Part III of Form 593 and use the
Withholding. Multiply
trust's highest tax rate, which corresponds to
line a by line b . . . . . . . . . . .$__________
the individual tax rate.
d. Withholding Amount. Multiply
Installment Sale: The optional gain on sale
line c by the applicable tax
withholding amount for an installment sale is
rate* and enter the result here
calculated in two steps.
and on Form 593, line 5 . . . .$__________
Real Estate W/H Forms Booklet 2016 Page 9


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