Instructions For Form 8821 - Tax Information Authorization - 2016 Page 4


column (a), and if applicable, enter the tax year(s) for the
e. Form 843, Claim for Refund and Request for
penalty. Enter “NA” (not applicable) in column (b). You do
not have to enter the specific penalty.
f. Form 966, Corporate Dissolution or Liquidation,
If the taxpayer is subject to penalties related to an
g. Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of
individual retirement account (IRA) enter “IRA civil
U.S. Information Returns,
penalty” in column (a).
h. Form 1098, Mortgage Interest Statement,
Form 1099 Series,
Note. If Form W-2 is listed on line 3, then the appointee is
entitled to receive taxpayer notices regarding any civil
Form 1128, Application to Adopt, Change or Retain
penalties and payments related to that Form W-2. A Form
a Tax Year,
8821 that lists a particular tax return will also entitle the
k. Form 2553, Election by a Small Business
appointee to receive the taxpayer notices regarding any
Corporation, or
return-related civil penalties and payments. For example,
Form 4361, Application for Exemption From
if Form 1040 is listed, the appointee is entitled to receive
Self-Employment Tax for Use by Ministers, Members of
taxpayer notices regarding the section 5000A individual
Religious Orders and Christian Science Practitioners.
shared responsibility payment. Specific reference to those
penalties and payments is not required. However, any civil
If you check the box on line 4, your appointee should
penalty or healthcare-related payment that is not
mail or fax Form 8821 to the IRS office handling the
return-related, such as the section 4980H employer
matter. Otherwise, your appointee should bring a copy of
shared responsibility payment, the annual fee for branded
Form 8821 to each appointment to inspect or receive
prescription drug sales under section 9008 of the
information. A specific-use tax information authorization
Affordable Care Act (ACA), or health insurance provider
will not revoke any prior tax information authorizations.
fee under section 9010 of the ACA, is not covered by the
Line 5. Disclosure of Tax Information
Form 8821 unless column (a) references “civil penalties”
or the name of a specific penalty or payment.
The IRS will send copies of notices and communications
to no more than two appointees. If you check the box for
Column (d). Enter any specific information you want the
line 5a and the IRS has a prior Form 2848 or 8821 from
IRS to provide. Examples of column (d) information: lien
you that authorized other appointees to receive copies of
information, balance due amount, a specific tax schedule,
notices and communications for the same tax and tax
section 4980H employer shared responsibility payment
years, the IRS will stop sending notices and
information, or a tax liability.
communications to the appointees designated on the prior
Enter “not applicable” in column (d) if you are not
Form 2848 or 8821.
limiting your appointee's authority to inspect and/or
receive all confidential tax information described in
Line 6. Retention/Revocation of Prior Tax
columns (a), (b), and (c).
Information Authorizations
For requests regarding Form 8802, Application for
If the line 4 box is checked, skip line 6. If line 4 is not
United States Residency Certification, enter “Form 8802”
checked, the IRS will automatically revoke all prior tax
in column (d) and check the specific box on line 4. Also,
information authorizations on file unless you instruct
enter the appointee's information as instructed on Form
otherwise. If you do not want a prior tax information
authorization submission to be revoked, you must attach a
copy of the tax information authorization that you want to
Line 4. Specific Use Not Recorded on CAF
retain and check the line 6 box.
Generally, the IRS records all tax information
Revocation request. If you want to revoke a prior tax
authorizations on the CAF system. However,
information authorization without submitting a new
authorizations relating to certain issues are not recorded.
authorization, write "REVOKE" across the top of the
Check the box on line 4 if Form 8821 is being submitted
particular authorization that you want to revoke. Provide a
for any of the following reasons.
current taxpayer signature and date under the original
1. Requests to disclose information to loan companies
signature that was provided on line 7.
or educational institutions.
If you do not have a copy of the tax information
2. Requests to disclose information to federal or state
authorization you want to revoke, send a notification to the
agency investigators for background checks.
IRS. In the notification:
3. Requests for information regarding the following
1. State that the authority of the appointee is revoked,
2. List the name and address of each appointee
a. Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification
whose authority is being revoked,
3. List the tax matters and tax periods, and
b. Form W-2 Series,
4. Sign and date the notification.
c. Form W-4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance
If you are completely revoking the authority of the
appointee, state “revoke all years/periods” instead of
d. Form W-7, Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer
listing the specific tax matters, years, or periods.
Identification Number,
Instructions for Form 8821 (Rev. 3-2015)


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