Form 62a601 - Foreign Savings And Loan Tax Return - 1999


62A601 (11-99)
Commonwealth of Kentucky
Department of Property Valuation
200 Fair Oaks Lane, Station 32
As of January 1, _______
Frankfort, KY 40620
File by January 31. Tax due on or before July 1 succeeding filing of return.
Name and Address of Kentucky Branch
Address of Headquarters
Fein No. _____________________________
Capital to be Apportioned within Kentucky
A. Undivided profits ....................................................................................... $ _________________
B. Surplus .........................................................................................................
C. General reserves ..........................................................................................
D. Paid-up stock ...............................................................................................
E. Total (Add lines A, B, C and D) .................................................................
$ _________________
Apportionment Factor
A. Receipts factor
1a. Total Kentucky receipts ....................................................................... $ _________________
2a. Total receipts wherever located (include KY receipts) .....................
3a. Kentucky receipts factor (divide line 1a by line 2a) ..........................
B. Loan factor
1b. Add balance of KY loans as of January 1 and December 31 ............ $ _________________
2b. Divide Kentucky loans reported on line 1b by 2 ...............................
3b. Add balance of all loans on January 1 and December 31 .................
4b. Divide all loans reported on line 3b by 2 ...........................................
5b. Kentucky loan factor (divide line 2b by line 4b) ...............................
C. Payroll factor
1c. Total Kentucky payrolls ...................................................................... $ _________________
2c. Total all payrolls (include officers salaries) ........................................
3c. Kentucky payroll factor (divide line 1c by line 2c) ...........................
D. Total factors (add lines 3a, line 5b and line 3c) .........................................
E. Kentucky apportionment factor (divide line D by 3) ..............................
$ _________________
III. Capital Apportioned to Kentucky
A. Kentucky capital reported in Section I, line E .......................................... $ _________________
B. Multiplied by KY apportion factor reported in Section II, line E ............
C. Equals total capital apportioned to Kentucky ..........................................
$ _________________
Kentucky Deposits
A. Total deposits maintained in Kentucky .................................................... $ _________________
B. Less amounts borrowed that equal or exceed member paid amount ....
C. Equals total deposits maintained in Kentucky .........................................
$ _________________
Total Kentucky Capital
A. Capital reported in Section III line C ......................................................... $ _________________
B. Plus deposits reported in Section IV line C ..............................................
C. Equals total Kentucky capital ....................................................................
D. Less US government securities influence (Schedule B, Form 62A601-S)
E. Equals taxable Kentucky capital ................................................................
$ _________________
VI. Tax Due
A. $1 for each $1,000 of Section V, line E ........................................................
$ _________________
I, the undersigned, do solemnly swear that the above report, including accompanying schedules, is to the best of my knowledge and belief
a true and correct report.
Signature of Authorized Agent
Phone Number


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