Form Frx 200 - Oklahoma Annual Franchise Tax Return - 2017 Page 4

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Oklahoma Annual Franchise Tax Return
Page 4
Balance Sheet
Taxpayer Name
As of the Last Income Tax Year Ended: (MM/DD/YY)
This page contains the Balance Sheet which completes Form 200: Oklahoma Annual Franchise Tax Return.
Column A
Column B
Column C
Liabilities and
Total Everywhere as per
Total in Oklahoma
Total Everywhere as per
Books of Account.
as per Books
Books of Account.
If all Property is in
of Account.
Do Not Use this Column.
1. Cash .......................................
19. Accounts payable ....................
2. Notes and accounts receivable
20. Accrued payables ....................
3. Inventories ..............................
21. Indebtedness payable
three years or less after
4. Government obligations and
other bonds............................
(see schedule D) .....................
5. Other current assets
22. Other current liabilities .............
(please attach schedule) ........
6. Total Current Assets
23. Total Current Liabilities .........
(Lines: 19-22)
(add lines 1A-5A and 1B-5B) .
7. Mortgage and real estate loans
24. Inter-company payables
(a) To parent company .............
8. Other investments
(b) To subsidiary company .......
(please attach schedule) ........
(c) To affiliated company ..........
9. (a) Building .............................
25. Indebtedness maturing and
(b) Less accumulated
payable in more than three
depreciation ........................
years from the date of issu-
10. (a) Fixed depreciable assets .
ance .........................................
(b) Less accumulated
26. Loans from stockholders not
depreciation .......................
payable within three years .......
11. (a) Depletable assets .............
27. Other liabilities .........................
(b) Less accumulated
28. Capital Stock
depletion ............................
(a) Preferred stock ....................
12. Land......................................
(b) Common Stock....................
13. (a) Intangible assets .............
29. Paid-in or capital surplus
(b) Less accumulated
(attach reconciliation) ...............
amortization ......................
30. Retained earnings ...................
14. Other assets .........................
31. Other capital accounts .............
15. Net Assets ...........................
32. Total Liabilities and
(Lines: 6-14)
Stockholders’ Equity .............
16. Inter-company receivables:
(Lines: 23-31)
(a) From parent company .....
33. Total gross business done
(b) From subsidiary company
(sales and service) ................
(c) From affiliated company .
(from income tax return)
17. Bank holding company
34. Total gross business
stock in subsidiary bank .......
done in Oklahoma
(sales and service) ................
18. TOTAL ASSETS ...................
(from income tax return)
(Lines: 15-17)


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