Form Frx 200 - Oklahoma Annual Franchise Tax Return - 2017 Page 2

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Page 2
Oklahoma Annual Franchise Tax Return
Schedule A: Current Officer Information
NOTE: Inclusion of Officers Is Mandatory.
Taxpayer Name
Account Number
Corporate Officers Effective as of _________________ Are as Follows:
Example: Reporting period 07/01/2016 – 06/30/2017—Schedule A date = 06/30/2016
Schedule A: Current Officer Information
Enter the current officers effective date. The officers listed below should be those whose term was in effect as of June 30. Be sure
to include names, addresses, and Social Security Numbers. A letter will be sent to all officers listed advising them they have been
identified as an officer of the filing corporation. Officers listed in error will be advised to contact the corporation, not the Oklahoma Tax
Commission to resolve. Corporations may go online at to update or correct officers yearly.
1. Name (First, MI, Last)
Social Security Number
Home Address (street and number)
Daytime Phone (area code and number)
City, State or Province, Country and Postal Code
2. Name (First, MI, Last)
Social Security Number
Home Address (street and number)
Daytime Phone (area code and number)
City, State or Province, Country and Postal Code
3. Name (First, MI, Last)
Social Security Number
Home Address (street and number)
Daytime Phone (area code and number)
City, State or Province, Country and Postal Code
4. Name (First, MI, Last)
Social Security Number
Home Address (street and number)
Daytime Phone (area code and number)
City, State or Province, Country and Postal Code
Please include Social Security Numbers of officers.
710:1-3-6. Use of Federal Employer Identification Numbers and other identification numbers mandatory.
All returns, applications, and forms required to be filed with the Oklahoma Tax Commission (Commission) in the administration of this
State’s tax laws shall bear the Federal Employer’s Identification Number(s), the Taxpayer Identification Number, and/or other
government issued identification number of the person, firm, or corporation filing the item and of all persons required by law or agency
rule to be named or listed.
[Source: Amended at 32 Ok Reg 1330, eff 8-27-15]
710:1-3-8. Confidentiality of records
All Federal Employer’s Identification and/or Social Security Account Numbers are deemed to be included in the confidential records of
the Commission.


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