Instructions For Form M-1x - Amended Minnesota Income Tax Page 2


Line 15
Line 22
Forms are also available on the Internet at:
Fill in the amount of any refunds you have
Add lines 20 and 21 and fill in the result
received or expect to receive from your
on line 22. Make your check or money
Filing an amended return
original return, previously filed amended
order payable to:
for another taxpayer
return, protest or other type of audit
Minnesota Department of Revenue
If you are filing Form M-1X for another
Explanation of change
taxpayer, attach a completed Form
Include any amount that was credited to
You must include an explanation of any
Rev-184, Authorization of Power of Attorney,
estimated tax, applied to pay past due
changes you are making. Use the area on
or a copy of the court appointment that
taxes, used to pay an outstanding debt to a
the back of your Form M-1X to explain the
authorizes you to represent the taxpayer.
state or county agency, or donated to the
Nongame Wildlife Fund.
If you are claiming a refund on behalf of a
Processing of your amended return will be
deceased person, attach a copy of the court
Do not include any interest that may have
delayed if an explanation is not included.
appointment that authorizes you to
been included in the refunds you received.
represent the deceased person. Also, attach
Sign your application
Form M-23, Claim for a Refund Due a
Line 16
If you are married and filing together,
Deceased Taxpayer.
Subtract line 15 from line 14 and fill in the
your spouse must also sign.
result on line 16. If line 15 is larger than
If you owe Minnesota or
line 14, the result will be a negative number.
Deadline for filing
federal taxes,
If line 16 is a negative amount, treat it as a
To claim a refund, you must file Form
or if you owe criminal fines or a debt to a
positive amount and add it to the amount
M-1X within 3 1/2 years of the due date of
state or county agency, district court, a
on line 7C. Fill in the result on line 18.
the original Minnesota income tax return
municipal hospital, or a public library, the
This is the amount you owe.
you are amending.
department is required to apply your
income tax refund to the amount you owe
Line 17
Other deadlines may apply if:
(including penalty and interest on the
If line 16 is more than line 7C, subtract line
• your federal return has been changed
taxes). If you owe less than the amount of
7C from line 16. This is your refund. This
since you originally filed, or
your refund, you will receive a refund for
refund cannot be applied to your estimated
• you have been assessed additional
the remainder.
tax account. Skip lines 18 through 22.
income tax by the department within the
last year.
Required information
Line 18
If any one of the above situations applies
Although requested on Form M-1X, you
If line 7C is more than line 16, subtract line
to the year being amended, contact the
are not required to fill in:
16 from line 7C. This is the amount of tax
department for further information.
you owe which is due at the time you file
• your telephone number, or
your amended return. You cannot use any
If you owe additional tax, you must file
• the telephone number and Minnesota
funds in your estimated tax account to pay
Form M-1X within 3 1/2 years of the due
tax ID number or Social Security number
this amount.
date of your return, or the date that you
of the person you paid to prepare your
filed the return, whichever is later. To
Continue with line 19.
return for you.
minimize your penalty and interest
Line 19
You are required by Minnesota law to
charges, pay the tax and interest as soon as
provide all other information in order to
Federal negligence or disregard of rules
determine your correct tax liability. If you
penalty: If the IRS assessed a penalty for
Need help filling out Form M-1X?
don’t provide it, the department will
negligence or disregard of rules or
return your form to you. This will delay
Call during normal business hours at:
regulations, you must include a 10 percent
Minnesota penalty on this return.
• (651) 296-3781 from the Twin Cities, or
your income tax refund, or if you owe tax,
• 1-800-652-9094 (toll-free) from elsewhere.
your payment will not be processed and
Failure to report federal changes within
you may have to pay a penalty for late
TTY users may contact the department
180 days: Beginning with federal changes
payment. Although it is not required, we
directly at (651) 297-2196 or toll-free
made after December 31, 1995, if you failed
ask for your telephone number in case we
through the Minnesota Relay at
to report federal changes to the depart-
have a question about your return.
1-800-627-3529 (ask for 1-800-652-9094).
ment as required, a 10 percent penalty of
the underpaid Minnesota tax must be
If you need information in an alternative
Use of information
included on this return.
format such as Braille, large print, or
The department will use the information
cassette tape, we will provide it.
If only one of the above penalties applies
provided on Form M-1X to determine your
to you, multiply line 18 by 10 percent (.10)
tax liability.
Where to file your Form M-1X
and fill in the result on line 19.
All information provided on Form M-1X is
Send your completed Form M-1X to:
If both penalties apply to you, multiply
private. It cannot be given to others
Amended Individual Income Tax
line 18 by 20 percent (.20) and fill in the
without your consent except to the IRS, to
Mail Station 1060
result on line 19.
other Minnesota state agencies and local
St. Paul, MN 55145-1060
government agencies that guarantee its
Line 21
Need forms?
privacy, and to other state governments
You must also pay interest on the amount
that guarantee its privacy by state law. A
You can order forms, schedules or instruc-
due. Calculate the interest by using the
complete list of other agencies the depart-
tions by calling any time day or night at
worksheet on the back of Form M-1X. If
ment may share the information with is
(651) 296-3781 from the Twin Cities, or
the full amount of tax and interest due is
provided in the Minnesota individual
1-800-652-9094 (toll-free) from elsewhere.
not paid when you file the amended
income tax instruction booklet.
Or mail your request to: Minnesota Tax
return, your first bill will include addi-
Forms, Mail Station 1421, St. Paul, MN
tional interest and penalty.


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