Instructions For Form 540ez - California Resident Income Tax Return - 1998 Page 2


Instructions: Form 540EZ
F.A.S.T. (800) 338-0505
Part III,
Side 2, Part III — Contributions
Line 12 – Total Contributions
Add all contributions you entered on line 1 through
Part III,
Line 1 – Alzheimer’s Disease/Related Disorders Fund
line 11. Enter the result on Side 2, Part III, line 12, and Side 1,
Contributions entered on line 1 will be used to conduct a pro-
line 34.
gram for researching the cause and cure of Alzheimer’s dis-
ease and related disorders and research into the care and
Step 6 (continued)
treatment of persons suffering from dementing illnesses.
Part III,
Line 34 – Total Contributions
Line 2 – California Fund for Senior Citizens
Did you make any voluntary contribution on Form 540EZ,
Contributions entered on line 2 will be used by the California
Side 2, Part III?
Fund for Senior Citizens which supports direct services to
Enter the amount of your total contributions from
seniors and the work of the California Senior Legislature. The
Part III, line 12. Then go to line 35.
California Senior Legislature is a non-partisan, volunteer, grass
roots body of seniors 60 years of age or older, elected by their
Leave this line blank. If you entered an amount
peers. The California Senior Legislature has been instrumental
in creating and steering senior legislation through the regular
Line 31, go to line 35.
legislature; legislation, such as: Alzheimer Studies and
Line 32, go to line 36.
Research; Adult Day Health Care Centers; nutrition centers;
Line 35 – Refund Or No Amount Due
respite care; long term care; the funding and broadening of In
Home Support Services; programs to abolish abuse of seniors;
Did you enter an amount on line 34?
Enter the amount from line 31 on line 35. This is
skilled nursing facility reforms; and many more. All donations
the amount that will be refunded to you. If the
over those needed to carry out the California Senior Legisla-
amount is less than $1, you must attach a writ-
ture’s work, will be distributed for direct services to needy
ten request to your Form 540EZ to receive the
Part III,
refund. Go to Side 2, Part IV to sign your return.
Line 3 – Rare and Endangered Species Preservation Program
Go to the next question.
Contributions entered on line 3 will be used to help protect and
conserve California’s many threatened and endangered species
Is line 31 more than line 34?
Subtract line 34 from line 31. Enter the result on
and the wild lands that they need to survive, for the enjoyment
and benefit of you and future generations of Californians.
line 35. Go to Side 2, Part IV to sign your return.
Part III,
Do not enter an amount on line 35. Go to
Line 4 – State Children’s Trust Fund for the Prevention of Child
line 36.
Contributions entered on line 4 will be used to fund programs
for the prevention, intervention and treatment of child abuse
Want a fast refund? Get your refund within 7 to 10 calendar
and neglect.
days (or within 5 to 7 banking days with direct deposit!).
Part III,
Line 5 – California Breast Cancer Research Fund
E-file your return!
Contributions entered on line 5 will be used to conduct
research relating to the prevention, screening, cure and treat-
ment of breast cancer.
Line 36 – Amount You Owe
Part III,
Did you enter an amount on line 34?
Line 6 – California Firefighters’ Memorial Fund
Enter the amount from line 32 on line 36.
Contributions entered on line 6 will be used for the construction
of a memorial on the grounds of the State Capitol honoring the
If you entered an amount on:
hundreds of firefighters who have died protecting our neighbor-
Line 32, add the amounts on line 32 and
hoods, our homes, our families and our dreams. These brave
line 34 and enter the result on line 36.
men and women answered the call when fire alarms sounded
Line 31, subtract the amount on line 31 from
or when paramedic services were needed, and their sacrifices
the amount on line 34 and enter the result on
and the sacrifices of their families deserve to be remembered.
line 36.
Part III,
Line 7 – California Public School Library Protection Fund
Make your check or money order payable to the ‘‘Franchise
Contributions entered on line 7 will be expended for the pur-
Tax Board’’ for the full amount you owe. Do not send cash.
chase of books and other library resources through grants
Be sure to write your social security number and ‘‘1998
awarded for implementing a school library improvement plan.
Form 540EZ’’ on your check or money order.
Part III,
Attach your check or money order to your return. See
Line 8 – D.A.R.E. California (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)
page 8, Helpful Hints, ‘‘Assembling your return.’’
Contributions entered on line 8 will be used to support local
A penalty may be imposed if your check is returned by your
D.A.R.E. programs and provide proven effective, in-classroom
bank for insufficient funds.
anti-drug, anti-gang and anti-violence education for California
To avoid a late filing penalty, file your Form 540EZ by the due
school children.
date even if you cannot pay the amount you owe. If you cannot
Part III,
pay the full amount shown on line 36 with your return, you may
Line 9 – California Military Museum Fund
request to make monthly payments. See page 49, Additional
Contributions entered on line 9 will be used to support the
Information, ‘‘Installment Payments.’’
museum’s effort to: 1) collect, exhibit, and preserve California’s
military history from 1775 to date; 2) assist in educating the
Part IV — Sign Your Return
general public, especially school children, about our American
military heritage and thus instill pride therein; 3) recognize all
You must sign your return in the space provided on Side 2. If
branches of the U.S. Armed Forces and the contributions of
you file a joint return, your spouse must sign it also.
ethnicities and their members throughout our proud military his-
Then mail your return to the Franchise Tax Board on or before
tory; and 4) maintain and operate the facilities required.
the due date. For further information, see page 38.
Part III,
Line 10 – California Mexican American Veterans’ Memorial
Contributions entered on line 10 will be used to pay for the
construction, beautification, enhancement, maintenance or
repair of the California Mexican American Veterans’ Memorial.
Part III,
Line 11 – Emergency Food Assistance Program Fund
Contributions entered on line 11 will be used to help local food
banks feed California’s hungry. Your contribution will fund the
purchase of much-needed food for delivery to food banks, pan-
tries and soup kitchens throughout the state. The State Depart-
ment of Social Services will monitor its distribution to ensure
the food is given to those most in need.
Page 14 Personal Income Tax Booklet 1998


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