Instructions For Combined Wisconsin Individual Income Tax Return For Nonresident Members Of Professional Athletic Teams Form 1cna 1998 Page 5


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a. The payment of the signing bonus is not condi-
participating in this combined return. Complete names,
tional upon the signee playing any games for
addresses, and social security numbers are required.
the team or performing any subsequent services
Attach a separate schedule, if necessary.
for the team, or even making the team;
Column D. Total Duty Days — Calculate each
b. The signing bonus is payable separately from
team member’s total duty days, as defined earlier, and
the salary and any other compensation; and
enter the number on Schedule 2, column D.
c. The signing bonus is nonrefundable.
Column E. Wisconsin Duty Days — Calculate
each team member’s Wisconsin duty days, as defined
Allocation of Income to Wisconsin
earlier, and enter the number on Schedule 2, column E.
Compensation earned by a nonresident for services
Column F. Wisconsin Percentage — Divide the
rendered as a member of a professional athletic team
amount in column E by the amount in column D, and
is allocated to Wisconsin based on a fraction, the
enter the result, carried to 4 decimal places, on Sched-
numerator of which is the number of duty days spent in
ule 2, column F.
Wisconsin rendering services for the team in any
manner during the taxable year and the denominator of
Column G. Total Compensation — Calculate each
which is the total number of duty days spent both in and
team member’s total compensation, as defined earlier,
outside Wisconsin during the taxable year.
and enter the amount on Schedule 2, column G.
Duty days are included in the fraction for the taxable
Column H. Wisconsin Compensation — Multiply
year in which they occur, including where a team’s
the amount in column G by the percentage in column F,
official pre-season training period through the last game
and enter the result on Schedule 2, column H.
in which the team competes, or is scheduled to com-
pete, occurs during more than one taxable year.
Column I. Federal Adjusted Gross Income — For
each team member who is participating only in this
Days during which a member of a professional athletic
Form 1CNA, enter the member’s federal adjusted gross
team is on the disabled list, does not conduct rehabilita-
income from federal Form 1040 on Schedule 2, column
tion activities at facilities of the team, and is not other-
I. Note: If this information is not available, you must
wise rendering services for the team in Wisconsin, may
compute the team member’s Wisconsin tax using the
not be considered duty days spent in Wisconsin.
alternate method described in the instructions below for
However, all days on the disabled list are included in
Schedule 2, column K.
the total duty days spent both in and outside Wisconsin.
For each team member who is participating in more
Travel days that do not involve either a game, practice,
than one Form 1CNA, do not fill in column I. You must
team meeting, promotional caravan, or other similar
compute the team member’s Wisconsin tax using the
team event may not be considered duty days spent in
alternate method described in the instructions below for
Wisconsin but are considered in the total duty days
Schedule 2, column K.
spent both in and outside Wisconsin.
Column J. Filing Status — For each team member
whose federal adjusted gross income was reported in
column I, enter the appropriate designation for the
Line-by-Line Instructions
member’s filing status in 1998: S for single, H for head
of a household, MFJ for married filing a joint return, and
Fill in Schedule 2 of Form 1CNA first; then enter the
MFS for married filing a separate return.
totals from Schedule 2 on Schedule 1.
Note: To use the joint return filing status, the team
Schedule 2
member’s spouse cannot have any income taxable by
Columns A through C. Name and Address,
Social Security Number, and State of Legal Resi-
Do not fill in column J for any team member whose tax
dence — Enter the information requested concerning
must be computed under the alternate method.
the nonresident team members who qualify and are


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