Instructions For Combined Wisconsin Individual Income Tax Return For Nonresident Members Of Professional Athletic Teams Form 1cna 1998 Page 4


Page 3
Refunds, Assessments, and Correspondence
Included in duty days are game days, practice days,
days spent at team meetings, promotional caravans,
By filing Form 1CNA, the signing officer declares that
and pre-season training camps, days spent participating
the professional athletic team has a power of attorney
in instructional leagues, days spent at special games
or other written authorization from each qualifying and
such as the “Pro Bowl” or an “all-star” game, and days
participating team member to file a combined return.
served with the team through all post-season games in
The Department of Revenue will mail refund checks,
which the team competes or is scheduled to compete.
assessments, and all correspondence to the team at the
address indicated on Form 1CNA. If an issue cannot be
The following exceptions to this definition apply:
resolved between the team and the department, the
team must agree to be responsible for the payment of
1. Duty days for any person who joins a professional
any additional tax due, interest, and penalties, as finally
athletic team after the beginning of the team’s
determined. In unusual circumstances, the department
official pre-season training period begin on the day
may contact the individual team members.
the person joins the team. Duty days for any person
who leaves a professional athletic team before the
Additional Information
last scheduled game end on the day the person
If you need help with the combined return, you may:
leaves the team.
call (608) 266-2772 [TTY (608) 267-1049]
write to the Audit Bureau, Wisconsin Department of
2. Days for which a member of a professional athletic
Revenue, P.O. Box 8906, Madison, WI 53708-8906
team is not compensated and is not rendering
send a FAX to (608) 267-0834
services for the team in any manner, including days
e-mail your question to
when the member has been suspended without pay
and prohibited from performing any services for the
Additional Forms
team, are not treated as duty days.
If you need forms or publications, you may:
call (608) 266-1961
Total compensation for services rendered as a
write to the Forms Request Office, Wisconsin
member of a professional athletic team means the
Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 8903, Madison,
total compensation received during the taxable year by
WI 53708-8903
the member for services rendered from the beginning of
use your fax telephone to call the department’s Fax-
the official pre-season training period through the last
A-Form Retrieval System at (608) 261-6229
game in which the team competes or is scheduled to
download forms and publications from the depart-
compete during that taxable year, and during the
ment’s Internet website at
taxable year on a date outside this time period.
use the Tax Forms and Publications Request Form
on the department’s Internet website
Compensation includes, but is not limited to, salaries,
wages, bonuses (as described below), and any other
type of compensation paid during the taxable year to a
member of a professional athletic team for services per-
Wisconsin Taxation of Compensation
formed in that year. Compensation does not include
Received by Members of Professional Athletic
strike benefits, severance pay, termination pay, contract
or option year buy-out payments, expansion or reloca-
Teams Who Are Nonresidents of Wisconsin
tion payments, or any other payments not related to
services rendered for the team.
Duty days means all days during the taxable year from
Bonuses are defined as follows:
the beginning of a professional athletic team’s official
pre-season training period through the last game in
1. Performance bonuses earned as a result of play
which the team competes or is scheduled to compete
during the season, including bonuses paid for
and days on which a member of a professional athletic
championship, playoff, or “bowl” games played by a
team renders a service for a team on a date outside this
team or for selection to all-star league or other
time period. Rendering a service includes conducting
honorary positions.
training and rehabilitation activities at the facilities of the
2. Bonuses paid for signing a contract, unless all 3 of
the following conditions are met:


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