Instructions For Combined Wisconsin Individual Income Tax Return For Nonresident Members Of Professional Athletic Teams Form 1cna 1998 Page 3


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The team may receive an extension of time to file
Adjustments made to a team member’s federal tax
Form 1CNA by attaching a statement to Form 1CNA
return by the Internal Revenue Service that affect
which includes the following information: the federal
the Wisconsin net tax payable must be reported
extension provision being used (such as the auto-
within 90 days after they become final.
matic 4-month extension) and the name, address,
and signature of each team member covered by the
Changes made on a team member’s amended
return filed with the Internal Revenue Service that
affect the Wisconsin net tax payable must be
Extensions to file allowed by the Internal Revenue
reported on an amended Wisconsin return within 90
Service to individual team members will also give
days after filing the amended federal return.
Wisconsin extensions to those particular team
members , provided a copy of the federal extension
Either the team or the team member must report this
is attached to Form 1CNA. Other team members
information as follows:
who don’t have an extension may be subject to late
filing fees and delinquent interest if Form 1CNA is
The team must file an amended Form 1CNA to
filed after April 15, 1999. A separate $30 late filing
report federal adjustments or amendments to a
fee may be imposed on each team member who
team member’s federal return that affect the amount
doesn’t have an extension.
of the team member’s compensation or tax reported
on the team’s original Form 1CNA.
Where to File
To amend Form 1CNA, file another Form 1CNA
Mail Form 1CNA to the Wisconsin Department of Reve-
clearly marked “AMENDED RETURN” at the top of
nue, P.O. Box 8912, Madison, WI 53708-8912.
the form. Attach to the amended return a copy of
the final federal audit reports if the amended return
Estimated Tax Payments
is being filed as a result of a federal audit. Other-
If a team member will owe tax of $200 or more on his or
wise, attach an explanation of the changes made
her 1999 Wisconsin income, after subtracting Wisconsin
and the reasons for the changes. Send the
tax withheld, estimated tax payments must be made to
amended return to the Wisconsin Department of
avoid an interest charge. The team may make esti-
Revenue, P.O. Box 8991, Madison, WI 53708-8991.
mated tax payments on behalf of any or all of the team
Don’t attach it to the return for the current year.
members who will participate in the combined return.
The team must use the Forms CN-ES, Wisconsin
The team member must file an amended Form
Composite Estimated Tax Vouchers, included in this
1NPR to report federal adjustments or amendments
booklet. Attach a schedule to Form CN-ES showing the
to the member’s federal return that affect Wisconsin
name, address, social security number, and estimated
items of income or loss other than compensation
tax payment to be credited to each member’s account.
reported on Form 1CNA.
Send all estimated tax payments for team members
To amend Form 1NPR, file a Form 1NPR clearly
who will be participating in a combined return to the
marked “AMENDED RETURN” at the top of the
Wisconsin Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 8912,
form. Include any compensation previously reported
Madison, WI 53708-8912.
on Form 1CNA. Attach to the amended return a
copy of the final federal audit report if the amended
Note: Do not combine payments for residents and
return is being filed as a result of a federal audit.
nonresidents. Use Form CN-ES only for nonresident
Otherwise, attach an explanation of the changes
team members who will file on Form 1CNA. Full-year
made and the reasons for the changes. If claiming
residents, part-year residents, and nonresidents who file
credit for taxes previously paid on your behalf on
on Form 1NPR must make their estimated tax payments
Form 1CNA, include a statement indicating the
individually using Form 1-ES.
team’s name and federal employer identification
number and amount of tax paid. Send the amended
Internal Revenue Service Adjustments
return to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue
and Amended Returns
using the address specified in the Form 1NPR
Wisconsin law requires the following information to be
provided to the Department of Revenue:


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