Instructions For Combined Wisconsin Individual Income Tax Return For Nonresident Members Of Professional Athletic Teams Form 1cna 1998 Page 2


Instructions for Form 1CNA
A professional athletic team includes, but is not limited
General Instructions
to, any professional baseball, basketball, football,
hockey, or soccer team.
Purpose of Form 1CNA
A professional athletic team having two or more
Members of a professional athletic team include
qualifying nonresident team members uses Form 1CNA
employes who are active players, players on the dis-
to report and pay the Wisconsin income tax owed by
abled list, or any other persons such as coaches,
those team members. In order to file Form 1CNA, the
managers, and trainers, and who are required to and do
team and team members must agree to the rules
travel with and perform services on behalf of a profes-
prescribed by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue as
sional athletic team on a regular basis.
set forth below.
Who May Not Participate in Combined Return
The combined return replaces the separate Wisconsin
A team member may not participate in this combined
individual income tax return, Form 1NPR, that otherwise
return in any of the following cases:
would be filed by each of the qualifying and participating
nonresident team members.
The team member files his or her individual income
tax return on a fiscal year basis.
Filing Requirements for Nonresidents of Wisconsin
Nonresidents of Wisconsin having $2,000 or more of
The team member is a Wisconsin resident during
Wisconsin gross income during 1998 must file a Wis-
any part of 1998.
consin income tax return, Form 1NPR or Form 1CNA. A
nonresident who is married has a Wisconsin filing
The team member derives taxable income from Wis-
requirement if the combined Wisconsin gross income of
consin in 1998 other than his or her compensation
both spouses is $2,000 or more.
from professional athletic teams.
Gross income means all income (before deducting
The team member derives compensation from more
expenses) reportable to Wisconsin which is received in
than one professional athletic team in Wisconsin in
the form of money, property, or services. Gross income
1998 and wishes to compute the Wisconsin tax due
includes a team member’s compensation for services
using the graduated tax rates rather than the high-
rendered in Wisconsin as a member of a professional
est tax rate.
athletic team. See the definition of compensation on
page 3.
The team member wishes to claim any deductions
or tax credits.
If gross income (or the combined gross income of
spouses) is less than $2,000, a Wisconsin income tax
Team members who are full-year Wisconsin residents
return doesn’t have to be filed.
must file Wisconsin Form 1. Part-year resident team
members, and nonresident team members who may not
Who May Participate in Combined Return
participate in Form 1CNA, must file Wisconsin Form
A professional athletic team having activities in Wiscon-
1NPR to report their own income.
sin may file Form 1CNA on behalf of its nonresident
team members who derive no taxable income or de-
What Income Is Reportable on Form 1CNA
ductible loss from Wisconsin other than their compensa-
Report each qualifying and participating team member’s
tion from the team.
compensation for the taxable year ending December 31,
1998, on a 1998 Form 1CNA.
Exception: Nonresident team members whose only
other source of Wisconsin income is from other profes-
When to File
sional athletic teams may be included on the Form
Form 1CNA is due April 15, 1999.
1CNA for each team of which they were members
during the calendar year. In this case, the team member
Extensions of Time to File
is subject to tax on all Wisconsin income at the highest
individual tax rate of 6.77%.
The following extensions of time to file are available:


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