Form 8453-K Draft - Kentucky Individual Income Tax Declaration For Electronic Filing - 2008 Page 2


Instructions for Form 8453-K
Kentucky Individual Income Tax Declaration for Electronic Filing
Filing Requirements
Part I—Tax Return Information
Line 7—The routing transit number must be
nine digits and begin with 01 through 12 or
Enter the required data from the Kentucky tax
Federal/State E-fi le With a Federal PIN—For
21 through 32.
return. Lines 1 through 4 and either Line 5 or
returns fi led via this method, an 8453-K is
6 must be completed.
not required.
Line 8—The depositor account number can
Part II—Direct Deposit of Refund or Direct
Federal/State E-file Without a Federal
be up to 17 characters (both numbers and
Debit of Tax Amount Due
PIN—For returns fi led via this method,
letters). Include hyphens but omit spaces and
an 8453-K is required to be completed.
Direct Deposit of Refund—If there is an
special characters. If fewer than 17 characters,
Do not mail this form. Electronic return
amount on Line 5 (Refunded to you), the
enter the numbers from left to right and leave
originators (EROs) must retain them for a
taxpayer can choose to have their refund
the unused boxes blank.
period of three years.
directly deposited by completing Part II, Lines
Note: Taxpayers should use a check, form,
7, 8 and 9, and checking the box on Part III, Line
Online Filing—For returns fi led via this
report or other statement generated by their
11. Taxpayers can choose direct deposit for the
method, an 8453-K is required to be
fi nancial institution to verify the routing transit
Kentucky income tax refund regardless of the
completed and retained for a period of
number and depositor account number.
choice for federal purposes.
three years. Do not mail this form.
Do not use a deposit slip as it may contain
Payment of Balance Due—Penalty and interest
Completing the Form
internal routing numbers. If there is any doubt
will begin to accrue on any tax due that has
about the correct routing transit number, the
You must complete your Kentucky individual
not been paid by April 15, 2009.
taxpayer should ask the fi nancial institution
income tax return before you complete Form
If there is an amount on Line 6 (Amount
for the routing transit number to use for direct
8453-K. You must also complete this form
you owe), the taxpayer can choose from the
deposit (Electronic Funds Transfer).
before signing it. Taxpayers, EROs and paid
following methods of payment:
preparers must not sign the form before it
Part III—Declaration of Taxpayer
(1) Pay by check or money order—Taxpayers
is completed.
should submit their payment using Form
Declaration Control Number (DCN)
An electronically transmitted return will not be
740-V, Kentucky Electronic Payment
considered true, accurate and complete unless
The DCN, located in the upper right corner
Form 8453-K is signed by the taxpayer(s) prior
of the form, must be identical on the federal
(2) Pay by Credit Card or eCheck—Pay your
to transmitting the electronic return.
electronic return, the federal Form 8453 and
2008 Kentucky individual income tax
the Kentucky Form 8453-K.
by MasterCard or VISA credit card or
The taxpayer must sign and date Form 8453-K
by eCheck (electronic check) through
Name, Address and Social Security Number
after it has been completed to verify that the
April 15, 2009. Access the Department
information is correct and that the taxpayer
You must enter your name, address and Social
of Revenue’s secure Web site (www.
agrees with the information on the completed
Security number on Form 8453-K. to make electronic
tax return.
payments over the Internet. Click on
Taxpayer Responsibilities
the KY E-Tax logo or choose Electronic
EROs and tax preparers are prohibited from
Taxpayer(s) that use an ERO must:
Services from the menu, then click on
obtaining taxpayer signatures on blank or
Verify all information on the Form 8453-K,
Electronic Payment. If you do not have
incomplete forms.
including Social Security number.
access to the Internet, you may call
the Department of Revenue at (502)
When an error is corrected after the taxpayer
Inspect the paper copy of the return and
has signed Form 8453-K, and the corrected
ensure the information is correct.
Kentucky taxable income varies more than
To make a credit card payment, the
Sign Form 8453-K after the return has been
$50, or the corrected refund or balance due
following information is needed: credit
prepared but before it is transmitted.
varies more than $14, a new Form 8453-K
card type, credit card number, expiration
Taxpayer(s) that fi le from home must:
must be completed for taxpayer signature.
date, and the cardholder’s address as
it appears on the credit card billing
Complete Form 8453-K.
PART IV—Declaration and Signature of ERO
statement. To make an eCheck payment,
Attach the Kentucky copy of Forms W-2,
and Paid Preparer
the following information is needed: bank
W-2G and 1099-R; any documents verifying
name, bank account number, and bank
This section must be completed and signed
credit amounts; any schedules explaining
routing number.
by the ERO.
“Other” adjustments to income; and any
(3) Pay by Direct Debit—The taxpayer
documents with required signatures.
can choose to pay the amount due by
If the ERO is also the paid preparer, the ERO
completing Part II, Lines 7 through 10, and
Keep this form with your tax return. Do not
must check the paid preparer box, but is not
checking the box on Line 13. Taxpayers
required to complete or sign the Paid Preparer
can choose direct debit for Kentucky
ERO Responsibilities
regardless of the choice for federal
A paid preparer who is not the ERO must
purposes. The taxpayer must ensure
The ERO must:
complete, sign and date the Paid Preparer
that the following information relating
Complete Form 8453-K
to the financial institution account is
Obtain signature of taxpayer(s)
provided in the tax preparation software:
If the ERO cannot obtain the paid preparer’s
Routing Number, Account Number, Type
Attach the Kentucky copy of Forms W-2,
signature on Form 8453-K, a copy of the tax
of Account (Checking or Savings), Debit
W-2G and 1099-R; any documents verifying
return with the paid preparer’s signature
Amount, Debit Date (through April 15,
credit amounts; any schedules explaining
should be attached to the 8453-K.
“Other” adjustments to income; and any
Refund Information—The Automated Refund
Note: Select any date until April 15 to
documents with required signatures.
and Tax Information System (ARTIS) is
have the payment withdrawn from your
Provide the taxpayer with copies of
available to provide information by telephone
account. Actual withdrawal of funds
the completed 8453-K and all other
on the receipt of your tax return. The automated
may be later, but will be considered
system telephone number is (502) 564-1600.
timely. Please allow up to two weeks for
It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Retain form for three years.


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