Instructions For Schedule Os-E - Wisconsin Department Of Revenue - 2007


Purpose of Schedule OS-E
Use whole dollars (do not use cents) and
Example 1: On your Illinois income tax return
round to the nearest dollar.
you reported a $10,000 gain on the sale of
Use this schedule to compute the allowable
property held more than one year. For
credit for net income tax paid to another state
Wisconsin tax purposes, you claim the 60%
for individuals when filing electronically.
Part I Instructions
capital gain exclusion. The amount of income
taxable by both Wisconsin and the other state
You may be eligible for Tax Paid to Other
Transfer information from the other state(s)
is $4,000 ($10,000 less the $6,000 capital gain
State Credit if:
2007 tax return and from the 2007 Federal
Form 1040 to Part I. The other state tax return
• You were a Wisconsin resident for all of
may be identified as a non-resident or part
2007, and
Example 2: On your California income tax
year resident form. Enter information for each
return you reported a $20,000 gain on the sale
• You paid 2007 income tax to Wisconsin and
other state into its own column on the
of property held more than one year. For
to another state or the District of Columbia
Schedule OS-E and enter the 2-letter state
Wisconsin tax purposes, a portion of the gain
on the same income. “State” does not
abbreviation in Part II, line 1.
was offset by a $4,000 capital loss. You claim
include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
the 60% capital gain exclusion on the
or the several territories organized by
Enter income and enter adjustments to income
remaining $16,000. The amount of income
Congress. You may not claim credit paid to
(subtractions from income) from the other
taxable by both Wisconsin and the other state
a local unit of government (such as a city,
state(s) tax return and the Federal Form 1040.
is $10,400 ($4,000 which is included in
county, or school district) or for any tax that
Line numbers vary from state to state as no
Wisconsin income but offset by the capital loss
is not an income tax (such as a severance
two state’s returns are alike.
plus $6,400 which is taxable after the capital
tax, personal property tax, real estate tax,
gain exclusion is applied). Note: In this
or sales and use tax).
OS-E Lines 1 through 12: Income is on the
example, if you had more than one long-term
following lines on the 2007 Federal Form 1040:
capital gain, a portion of the loss would be
Wisconsin residents working in Illinois,
Line 1
– Federal 1040 Line 7
allocated to each gain. For more information
Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Minnesota:
Line 2
– Federal 1040 Line 8a
see Wisconsin Publication 125, Credit for Tax
If you had 2007 state income tax withheld for
Line 3
– Federal 1040 Line 9a
Paid to Another State, available from any
these states from personal service income you
Line 4
– Federal 1040 Line 12
department office or at
received from working in one of these states,
Line 5
– Federal 1040 Line 13
do not use Schedule OS-E. Instead, get your
refund of tax withheld for the period you were
Line 6
– Federal 1040 Line 14
Shareholders of tax-option (S) corporations,
a Wisconsin resident by filing that other state’s
Line 7
– Federal 1040 Line 15b
members of LLCs, and partners of partner-
income tax return with that state. Personal
Line 8
– Federal 1040 Line 17
ships may need to contact the corporation,
service income includes wages, salaries, tips,
Line 9
– Federal 1040 Line 18
LLC or partnership to determine their prorated
commissions, bonuses, etc. For more
share of the income taxable the other state.
Line 10 – Federal 1040 Line 19
information, see Wisconsin Publication 121,
They also need to know the type of income
Line 11 – Federal 1040 Line 20b
Reciprocity, available from any department office
taxable by the other state to determine if the
or at pubs/pb121.pdf.
Line 12 – Federal 1040 Line 21
income taxable by the other state is also
taxable by Wisconsin.
If you paid 2007 net income tax to one of these
OS-E Lines 13 through 19: Subtractions to
states on income other than from personal
income are on the following lines on the
Line 3: Enter the total amount taxed by the
services (such as income from operating a
2007 Federal Form 1040:
other state before subtracting itemized or
business, rental property, or from the sale of
standard deductions or personal exemptions.
Line 13 – Federal 1040 Line 25
real property), you may be eligible for the
This should equal line 20 of Part I. Sharehold-
Line 14 – Federal 1040 Line 26
credit based on this income. Complete
ers of tax-option (S) corporations, members
Line 15 – Federal 1040 Line 27
Schedule OS-E.
of LLCs, and partners of partnerships should
Line 16 – Federal 1040 Line 29
fill in their prorated share of the amount of
Credit computed by a tax-option (S) cor-
Line 17 – Federal 1040 Line 32
income taxed by the other state.
poration, limited liability company treated
Line 18 – Federal 1040 Line 33
as a partnership (LLC), or partnership: You
Line 4: Enter the net tax from the other state
Line 19 – Federal 1040 sum of Line(s) 23,
may claim the credit based on your share of
tax return. For shareholders of tax-option (S)
24, 28, 30, 31a, 34, & 35.
income taxes paid to another state by a tax-
corporations, members of LLCs, and partners
option (S) corporation, LLC, or partnership if
of partnerships, this is the amount of tax
OS-E Line 20: Line 20 is the sum of lines 1 to
the income from the entity is included in
allocated to you on Wisconsin Schedule 3K-1
12, less lines 13 through 19.
Wisconsin income. You may need to contact
or 5K-1. If the corporation, LLC, or partner-
the entity to determine the state to which the
ship did not file a Wisconsin return, fill in on
tax was paid, your pro rata share of the
Part II Instructions
line 4 the amount of state tax allocated to you
amount of income taxable to the other state,
as reported by the corporation, LLC, or
Line 1: Enter the 2-letter state postal
and the type of income on which the tax was
abbreviation of the other state(s) to which you
paid (for example, ordinary income from trade
paid tax on the same income. For example, if
or business activities, long-term capital gain
Line 7: From the 2007 Wisconsin Form 1, fill
California, enter CA.
income, interest income, etc.)
in the amount from line 28, less the sum of
lines 29 and lines 30a through 30g (if more
Line 2: Enter amount of income taxable by
Note: A Wisconsin resident claiming credit
than one state, this amount is the same for all
both Wisconsin and the other state.
for net income tax paid to another state must
states listed).
file an income tax return for the other state(s).
CAUTION! Wisconsin taxes only 40% of the
The credit is computed using the net tax for
Line 8: Total the tax paid to other state credit
net gain on the sale of assets held more than
the other state and the income taxed by both
for all states and enter the amount of your
one year (capital gains). Most states tax 100%
states while you were a Wisconsin resident.
total credit from all states on line 30h of Wis-
of such gain. When the credit claimed for tax
Claim the ‘credit for net tax paid to another state’
consin Form 1. Also enter the 2-letter postal
paid to another state is for gain on the sale of
for up to five states on each Schedule OS-E,
abbreviation for the state to which you paid
property that was held more than one year,
by completing a separate column for each
the tax in the box to the left of line 30h of Wis-
the amount of income taxable by Wisconsin
state to which you paid net tax. If you paid tax
consin Form 1. For example, if Arkansas, enter
is generally less than the amount taxed by the
to more than five states, complete additional
AR. If you paid tax to more than one other
other state.
Schedules OS-E.
state, enter the number 99 in the box.


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