Schedule 4255 Instructions


Schedule 4255 Instructions
Who must file?
Column F —
Part I — Write the enterprise zone in which your property was used when
You must file Schedule 4255 if you claimed an investment credit against
the investment credit was originally computed.
your Illinois income or replacement tax liability in a previous year, and
any of the property considered in the computation of that investment
Part II — Write the foreign trade zone/sub-zone in which the property
credit becomes disqualified.
was used when the investment credit was originally computed. If your
high impact business was designated after January 1, 1989, write “N/A.”
You must recapture any such investment credit in the year in which the
property becomes disqualified (to the extent the credit was actually used
Part IV Specific Instructions
in any previous year). Use this form to figure the amount of recaptured
credit that you must add to this year’s tax liability. You must file a
Column A — Complete this column if you are reporting the disqualifica-
separate Schedule 4255 for each tax year in which the now-disqualified
tion of property for which you previously claimed an Enterprise Zone
property was placed in service, beginning with the earliest year. Only list
Investment Credit.
items of property placed in service within the same tax year. You must
Column B — Complete this column if you are reporting the disqualifica-
attach all completed Schedules 4255 to your return.
tion of property for which you previously claimed a High Impact Business
Investment Credit.
You may not amend a previous year’s return in order to exclude
the disqualified property.
Column C — Complete this column if you are reporting the disqualifica-
tion of property for which you previously claimed a Replacement Tax
When does property cease to qualify?
Investment Credit.
Enterprise Zone Investment Credit — Property ceases to qualify if,
Line 1 — Write the total basis of all property for which you computed a
within 48 months of placing it into service, you dispose of the property or
credit in the tax year that the now-disqualified property was originally
move it outside an Illinois enterprise zone.
placed in service.
Replacement Tax Investment Credit — Property ceases to qualify if,
Line 2 —
within 48 months of placing it into service, you dispose of the property or
Column A — Write the amount from Part I, Line 2.
move it outside of Illinois. In addition, property becomes disqualified if it is
Column B — Write the amount from Part II, Line 2.
used for purposes other than manufacturing, retailing, coal mining, or
Column C — Write the amount from Part III, Line 2.
fluorite mining within 48 months after being placed in service. Property
Line 3 — Follow the instructions on the form.
placed in service on or after January 1, 1994, also becomes disqualified if
Line 4 — Columns A and B — The correct entry is printed on the form.
it is converted to personal use, or if you are no longer primarily engaged
in manufacturing, retailing, coal mining, or fluorite mining.
Column C — Write the sum of .005 and the rate you used on your
original Form IL-477 to claim an additional credit based on an increase of
High Impact Business Investment Credit — For tax years ending on
or before December 31, 1996, property ceases to qualify if, within 48
employment in Illinois.
• If you did not claim an additional credit for an increase in employment
months of placing it into service, you dispose of the property or move it
on your original Form IL-477, write .005.
outside of Illinois.
• If you reported an increase in employment on Form IL-477 of 1
High Impact Business Investment Credit —For tax years ending on or
percent or more, or if you claimed the credit as a new business in
after January 1, 1997, the disqualification criteria changes for the High
Illinois, write .01.
Impact Business Investment Credit. If you entered into an agreement
• If you reported an increase in employment of less than 1 percent, add
with a taxing district and were granted a tax abatement and you relocate
.005 to the decimal shown on the original Form IL-477, Part II, Line 6,
your entire facility in violation of the terms and length of the contract
and write the total here.
under Section 18-183 of the Property Tax Code, you must recapture the
Lines 5 and 6 — Follow the instructions on the form.
amount of credit previously received under the agreement.
Property is “disposed of” if it is sold, exchanged, traded-in, abandoned,
Line 7 — Columns A and B — Write the income tax shown on the
return for the tax year in which the credit was originally computed.
retired from use, destroyed by casualty, stolen, or transferred as a gift.
Property is not “disposed of” if it is mortgaged or used as security for a
Column C — Write the replacement tax shown on the return for the tax
loan, unless it is converted to a non-qualifying use.
year in which the credit was originally computed.
Parts I, II, and III Specific Instructions
If an eligible credit was carried forward to the succeeding tax
year, you must also include the tax shown on the return for the tax year
Part I — Complete Part I if your now-disqualified property was consid-
to which the credit was carried.
ered in computing the Enterprise Zone Investment Credit on Schedule
1299-A, 1299-C, or 1299-D.
Line 8 — Follow the instructions on the form.
Part II — Complete Part II if your now-disqualified property was consid-
Line 9 — Subtract Line 5 from Line 8. If the result is negative, write “0.”
ered in computing the High Impact Business Investment Credit on
Line 10 — Write the recapture from any other Schedules 4255 (Part IV,
Schedule 1299-C or 1299-D.
Line 12) you completed to recapture any investment credit originating in a
Part III — Complete Part III if your now-disqualified property was
tax year prior to the tax year that corresponds to the date shown in
Column A of Parts I, II, or III.
considered in computing the Replacement Tax Investment Credit on
Form IL-477.
Line 11 — Column A only — Write your distributive share of recapture
of Enterprise Zone Investment Credit from partnerships and S corpora-
Column A — Write the date the now-disqualified property was placed in
service. All entries must be within the same tax year.
Column B — Write the date the property became disqualified. All entries
Line 12 — Add Lines 9, 10, and 11. Carry this amount to any succeeding
must be within the tax year of the return to which you are attaching this
Schedules 4255, Part IV, Line 10, to be completed for this tax year.
If you do not need to complete a succeeding Schedule 4255, carry this
Column C — Describe the property exactly as it was described when
you originally computed the investment credit.
from Column A to
from Column B to
from Column C to
Column D — Briefly describe the reason for the disqualification, such as
• IL-1040, Recapture
• IL-1040, Recapture
• IL-1120, Part IV, Line 8b
removed from service, involuntarily converted, etc .
Worksheet, Line 1
Worksheet, Line 2
• IL-1041, Part III, Line 4b
• IL-1120, Part V, Line 2b
• IL-1120, Part V, Line 2b
• IL-1065, Part II, Line 6b
Column E — Write the basis that was shown when the investment credit
• IL-1041, Part IV, Line 2b
• IL-1041, Part IV, Line 2b
• IL-1120-ST, Part II, Line 6b
was originally computed.
• IL-1120-ST, Sch. B, Col. 8 • IL-990-T, Part IV, Line 1b
• IL-990-T, Part III, Line 3b
• IL-990-T, Part IV, Line 1b
Schedule 4255 Back (R-12/96)


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