Montana Form Qec - Qualified Endowment Credit - 2008 Page 2


Form QEC General Instructions
All the assets transferred to the fund are added together and
invested. This pooled fund creates a diversifi ed portfolio in
What is a qualifi ed endowment?
which all participants receive a share of the earnings.
A qualifi ed endowment is a permanent, irrevocable fund that is
• Charitable lead unitrust. This is a trust in which property is
held by:
transferred and invested by the trustee who each year pays a
• A tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation formed under the laws of
fi xed percentage of the unitrust value, revalued annually, to the
Montana, or
charity for a term of years or during the lives of specifi ed linear
• A bank or trust company holding an endowment fund on behalf
descendants, with the remainder interest then transferring to
of a Montana or foreign 501(c)(3) organization.
private benefi ciaries named by the donor.
What is a “permanent irrevocable fund”?
• Charitable lead annuity trust. This is a trust in which property
A permanent irrevocable fund is defi ned as a fund comprised
is transferred and invested by the trustee who each year
of cash, securities, mutual funds or other investment assets
pays a fi xed dollar amount to the charity for a term of years
established for a specifi c charitable, religious, educational or
or lifetime(s), with the remainder interest then transferring to
eleemosynary (relating to charity) purposes and invested for the
private benefi ciaries named by the donor.
production or growth of income, or both, that may either be added
to the principal or expended. The term does not include a fund
In order for the following two annuities to qualify for a charitable
held by or for a tax-exempt organization for the direct expenditure
deduction or the qualifi ed endowment credit, these annuities
for constructing, renovating or purchasing operational assets such
have to be given to a charitable organization that, at the time
as buildings or equipment.
the annuity is issued, have:
Who is entitled to the qualifi ed endowment credit and how
• a minimum of $300,000 net worth or a minimum $100,000
much is the credit?
in unrestricted cash, cash equivalent or public traded
If you are an individual, a benefi ciary of an estate or trust or a C
corporation, or an estate, you are entitled to a credit against your
• been in business for at least 3 years; and
tax liability equal to 40% of the present value of the charitable gift
• one-half of the outstanding annuity is maintained in a
portion of a planned gift.
separate annuity fund
If you are a C corporation, an S corporation, partnership, trust,
If the above requirements are not met, the gift annuity must
estate or a limited liability company, you are entitled to a credit
be commercially insured by a licensed insurance company
against your tax liability equal to 20% of the outright charitable
qualifi ed to do business in Montana.
contribution to a qualifi ed endowment.
• Charitable gift annuity. This is the transfer of cash or property
The maximum credit that you may claim for contributions made
from all sources in the year is $10,000. If you are married and
to a charity in exchange for the charity’s promise to pay the
both spouses gave a qualifi ed gift, each spouse is entitled to a
donor and, if applicable, the surviving annuitant, a lifetime
maximum $10,000 credit. Your credit cannot exceed your tax
annuity. This type of annuity is considered a bargain sale that
liability and you cannot carry back or carry forward any unused
results in part taxable gain and a charitable deduction.
• Deferred charitable gift annuity. This is an annuity in which
If you are an S corporation, partnership, or limited liability
payments to the donor do not begin until a future date.
company your credit is attributed to your shareholders, partners,
• Charitable life estate agreement. This is a gift to a charity of
members or managers in the same proportion used to report the
a personal residence that is subject to a reserved life estate.
corporation’s, partnership’s or limited liability company’s income or
loss for Montana tax purposes.
• Paid-up life insurance policy. This is a life insurance policy in
What types of planned gifts qualify for this credit?
which all the premiums have been paid that usually entitle the
donor to a current deduction equal to the cost of replacing the
In order to qualify for the endowment credit, an individual must
contribute an irrevocable planned gift with the remainder to a
policy with a single premium life insurance policy at the donor’s
permanent endowment. The types of gifts that qualify for this
current age.
credit and a description of these gifts are:
If I claim the qualifi ed endowment credit, can I also take a
• Charitable remainder unitrust. This is a trust in which
charitable deduction for the amount of the gift?
property is transferred and invested by the trustee who each
No. The amount of your contribution that is used to calculate
year pays a fi xed percent of the unitrust value, revalued
your qualifi ed endowment credit cannot also be claimed as a
charitable contribution on your Montana tax return. You can claim
annually, to one or more private income benefi ciaries for the
a charitable deduction for that portion of the contribution not used
life of benefi ciaries, a term of years, or both, with the remainder
to calculate this credit.
interest in the trust transferring to, or for the use of the charity,
What happens if I recover my charitable gift this year?
or retained by the trust for the use of the charity.
If a charitable gift is recovered in the current year, you will have to
• Charitable remainder annuity trust. This is a trust in which
include as income the amount previously deducted, to the extent
property is transferred and invested by the trustee who each
it reduced your individual income tax or corporation license tax,
year pays a fi xed dollar amount to one or more private income
and increase the amount of tax due by the amount of the credit
benefi ciaries for the life of the benefi ciaries, a term of years, or
previously allowed.
both, with the remainder interest in the trust then transferring
To learn more about the endowments state-wide, visit the
to, or for the use of the charity, or retained by the trust for the
Governor’s Task Force on Endowed Philanthropy website at
use of the charity.
• Pooled income fund trust. This is a trust in which property
If you have questions, please call us toll free at (866) 859-2254
contributed by donors is pooled together with other investors.
(in Helena, 444-6900).


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