Instructions For Form 1120-Fsc - U.s. Income Tax Return Of A Foreign Sales Corporation - 2003 Page 9


the FSC can deduct for the tax year is
Cost or market value (whichever is
For more information on inventory
figured on line 8.
lower); or
valuation methods, see Pub. 538,
Any other method approved by the IRS
Accounting Periods and Methods.
Note: All FSCs not using the cash
that conforms to the requirements of the
method of accounting should see Section
applicable regulations cited below.
Additional Information
263A uniform capitalization rules in the
instructions for Schedule G on page 12.
However, if the FSC is using the cash
Line 2. Show any tax-exempt interest
See those instructions before completing
method of accounting, it is required to use
received or accrued. Include any
Schedule A.
exempt-interest dividends received as a
If the FSC uses intercompany pricing
shareholder in a mutual fund or other
FSCs that account for inventoriable
rules (for purchases from a related
regulated investment company.
items in the same manner as materials
supplier), use the transfer price figured in
and supplies that are not incidental may
Line 4. See section 542 for the definition
Part II of Schedule P (Form 1120-FSC).
currently deduct expenditures for direct
of personal holding company and section
Line 1. Inventory at beginning of year.
labor and all indirect costs that would
552 for the definition of foreign personal
If the FSC is changing its method of
otherwise be included in inventory costs.
holding company. Also, see Personal
accounting for the current tax year, it
Holding Companies and Foreign
The average cost (rolling average)
must refigure last year’s closing inventory
Personal Holding Companies on page 5
method of valuing inventories generally
using its new method of accounting and
for information and other details if the
does not conform to the requirements of
enter the result on line 1. If there is a
FSC meets the definition of either.
the regulations. See Rev. Rul. 71-234,
difference between last year’s closing
1971-1 C.B. 148.
Line 6. If the FSC owned at least a 10%
inventory and the refigured amount,
interest, directly or indirectly, in any
attach an explanation and take it into
FSCs that use erroneous valuation
foreign partnership, attach a statement
account when figuring the FSC’s section
methods must change to a method
listing the following information for each
481(a) adjustment (explained on page 6).
permitted for Federal income tax
foreign partnership. For this purpose, a
purposes. To make this change, use
Line 4. Additional section 263A costs.
foreign partnership includes an entity
Form 3115.
An entry is required on this line only for
treated as a foreign partnership under
FSCs that have elected a simplified
On line 9a, check the method(s) used
Regulations section 301.7701-2 or
method of accounting.
for valuing inventories. Under lower of
For FSCs that have elected the
cost or market, the term “market” (for
1. Name and EIN (if any) of the
simplified production method,
normal goods) means the current bid
foreign partnership;
additional section 263A costs are
price prevailing on the inventory valuation
2. Identify which, if any, of the
generally those costs, other than interest,
date for the particular merchandise in the
following forms the foreign partnership
that were not capitalized under the FSC’s
volume usually purchased by the
filed for its tax year ending with or within
method of accounting immediately prior to
taxpayer. If section 263A applies to the
the FSC’s tax year: Form 1042, 1065 or
the effective date of section 263A but are
taxpayer, the basic elements of cost must
1065-B, or 8804;
now required to be capitalized under
reflect the current bid price of all direct
3. Name of the tax matters partner (if
section 263A. For details, see
costs and all indirect costs properly
any); and
Regulations section 1.263A-2(b).
allocable to goods on hand at the
4. Beginning and ending dates of the
inventory date.
For FSCs that have elected the
foreign partnership’s tax year.
simplified resale method, additional
Inventory may be valued below cost
section 263A costs are generally those
Line 7. If the FSC has a net operating
when the merchandise is unsalable at
costs incurred with respect to the
loss (NOL) for its 2003 tax year, it may
normal prices or unusable in the normal
following categories.
elect under section 172(b)(3) to waive the
way because the goods are subnormal
Off-site storage or warehousing.
entire carryback period for the NOL and
due to damage, imperfections, shopwear,
Purchasing; handling, such as
instead carry the NOL forward to future
etc., within the meaning of Regulations
processing, assembling, repackaging,
tax years. To do so, check the box on line
section 1.471-2(c). The goods may be
and transporting.
7 and file the tax return by its due date,
valued at the current bona fide selling
General and administrative costs
including extensions (do not attach the
price, minus direct cost of disposition (but
(mixed service costs).
statement described in Temporary
not less than scrap value) if such a price
Regulations section 301.9100-12T). Once
For details, see Regulations section
can be established.
made, the election is irrevocable. See
If this is the first year the Last-in,
Pub. 542, Corporations, section 172, and
Enter on line 4 the balance of section
First-out (LIFO) inventory method was
Form 1139, Corporation Application for
263A costs paid or incurred during the tax
either adopted or extended to inventory
Tentative Refund, for more details.
year not includible on lines 2, 3, and 5.
goods not previously valued under the
Line 8. Enter the amount of the NOL
Line 5. Other costs. Enter on line 5 any
LIFO method provided in section 472,
carryover to the tax year from prior years,
costs paid or incurred during the tax year
attach Form 970, Application To Use
even if some of the loss is used to offset
not entered on lines 2 through 4.
LIFO Inventory Method, or a statement
income on this return. The amount to
with the information required by Form
Line 7. Inventory at end of year. See
enter is the total of all NOLs generated in
970. Also check the LIFO box on line 9c.
Regulations sections 1.263A-1 through
prior years but not used to offset income
On line 9d, enter the amount or the
1.263A-3 for details on figuring the
(either as a carryback or carryover) to a
percent of total closing inventories
amount of additional section 263A costs
tax year prior to 2003. Do not reduce the
covered under section 472. Estimates are
to be included in ending inventory. If the
amount by any NOL deduction reported
FSC accounts for inventoriable items in
on line 19a, Part II of Schedule B.
the same manner as materials and
If the FSC changed or extended its
Lines 9c and 10b(2). See Definition of
supplies that are not incidental, enter on
inventory method to LIFO and had to
a Foreign Sales Corporation (FSC) on
line 7 the portion of its merchandise
write up the opening inventory to cost in
page 2 for definitions of qualifying foreign
purchased for resale that is included on
the year of election, report the effect of
country and U.S. possession.
line 6 and was not sold during the year.
the write-up as other income (as
Lines 9a through 9f. Inventory
appropriate on Schedule F, line 16),
Line 10. All FSCs (except small FSCs)
valuation methods. Inventories can be
proportionately over a 3-year period that
must answer these questions. For more
valued at:
begins with the year of the LIFO election
information, see Foreign Management
(section 472(d)).
Rules on page 3.


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