Instructions For Form 1120-Fsc - U.s. Income Tax Return Of A Foreign Sales Corporation - 2003 Page 14


453A(c) interest” and the amount. Attach
Tax Computation Worksheet for Members of a Controlled Group
a schedule showing the computation.
(keep for your records)
Schedule L
Note: Each member of a controlled group (except a qualified personal service
corporation) must compute the tax using this worksheet.
Balance Sheets per Books
Enter taxable income (Schedule B, line 20)
The balance sheet should agree with the
Enter line 1 or the FSC’s share of the $50,000 taxable income bracket,
FSC’s books and records. Include
whichever is less
certificates of deposit as cash on line 1,
Subtract line 2 from line 1
Schedule L.
Enter line 3 or the FSC’s share of the $25,000 taxable income bracket,
whichever is less
Line 5. Tax-exempt securities. Include
Subtract line 4 from line 3
on this line:
Enter line 5 or the FSC’s share of the $9,925,000 taxable income bracket,
State and local government obligations,
whichever is less
the interest on which is excludible from
Subtract line 6 from line 5
gross income under section 103(a) and
Multiply line 2 by 15%
Stock in a mutual fund or other
Multiply line 4 by 25%
regulated investment company that
Multiply line 6 by 34%
distributed exempt-interest dividends
Multiply line 7 by 35%
during the tax year of the FSC.
If the taxable income of the controlled group exceeds $100,000, enter this
Line 27. Adjustments to shareholders’
member’s share of the smaller of: 5% of the taxable income in excess of
equity. Some examples of adjustments
$100,000, or $11,750 (see the instructions for Schedule J, line 2b)
to report on this line include:
If the taxable income of the controlled group exceeds $15 million, enter this
Foreign currency translation
member’s share of the smaller of: 3% of the taxable income in excess of $15
million, or $100,000 (see the instructions for Schedule J, line 2b)
Total. Add lines 8 through 13. Enter here and on Schedule J, line 3
The excess of additional pension
liability over unrecognized prior service
qualified personal service corporation if it
exempt from the AMT for its tax year
If the total adjustment to be entered on
meets both of the following tests:
beginning in 2003 if:
line 27 is a negative amount, enter the
Substantially all of the FSC’s activities
amount in parentheses.
1. It was treated as a small
involve the performance of services in the
corporation exempt from the AMT for all
fields of engineering, architecture, or
Schedule M-1
prior tax years beginning after 1997 and
management consulting and
2. Its average annual gross receipts
At least 95% of the corporation’s stock,
Reconciliation of Income (Loss)
for the 3-tax-year period (or portion
by value, is owned, directly or indirectly,
thereof during which the FSC was in
per Books With Income per
by (1) employees performing the services,
existence) ending before its tax year
(2) retired employees who had performed
beginning in 2003 did not exceed $7.5
the services listed above, (3) any estate
Line 5c. Travel and entertainment.
of the employee or retiree described
Include on line 5c any of the following:
above, or (4) any person who acquired
Meal and entertainment expenses not
Line 6
the stock of the FSC as a result of the
deductible under section 274(n).
Foreign tax credit. Generally, a FSC
death of an employee or retiree (but only
Expenses for the use of an
may not claim a foreign tax credit. It may,
for the 2-year period beginning on the
entertainment facility.
however, claim a foreign tax credit for any
date of the employee’s or retiree’s death).
The part of business gifts over $25.
foreign taxes imposed on foreign source
See Temporary Regulations section
Expenses of an individual over $2,000,
taxable nonforeign trade income
1.448-1T(e) for details.
which are allocable to conventions on
(Schedule F, Part II) that is treated as
cruise ships.
Note: If the FSC meets these tests,
effectively connected with a U.S. trade or
Employee achievement awards over
check the box on line 3, Schedule J, Form
business. See Temporary Regulations
section 1.921-3T(d)(2) for more details.
The cost of entertainment tickets over
face value (also subject to 50% limit
Line 8
Line 4
under section 274(n)).
Personal holding company tax. See
The cost of skyboxes over the face
Alternative minimum tax (AMT). Unless
Personal Holding Companies and
value of nonluxury box seat tickets.
the FSC is treated as a small corporation
Foreign Personal Holding Companies
The part of luxury water travel
exempt from the AMT, it may owe the
on page 5.
expenses not deductible under section
AMT if it has any of the adjustments and
Line 9
tax preference items listed on Form 4626,
Expenses for travel as a form of
Alternative Minimum Tax – Corporations.
Total tax
The FSC must file Form 4626 if its
Other nondeductible travel and
taxable income (or loss) combined with
Interest on tax deferred under the
entertainment expenses.
these adjustments and tax preference
installment method for certain
For more information, see Pub. 542.
items is more than the smaller of $40,000
nondealer installment obligations. If an
or the FSC’s allowable exemption amount
Line 7a. Tax-exempt interest. Include
obligation arising from the disposition of
(from Form 4626).
on line 7a any exempt-interest dividends
property to which section 453A applies is
received as a shareholder in a mutual
outstanding at the close of the year, the
For this purpose, taxable income does
fund or other regulated investment
FSC must include the interest due under
not include the NOL deduction. See Form
section 453A(c) in the amount on line 9,
4626 for details.
Schedule J. On the dotted line to the left
Exception for small corporations. A
of line 9, Schedule J, write “Section
FSC is treated as a small corporation


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