Instructions For Form 1120-Fsc - U.s. Income Tax Return Of A Foreign Sales Corporation - 2003 Page 13


Line 10. Compensation of officers.
A bona fide business discussion must
an unequal apportionment plan and divide
Enter deductible officers’ compensation
occur during, immediately before, or
the taxable income brackets as they want.
on line 10. Do not include compensation
immediately after the meal; and
There is no need for consistency among
deductible elsewhere on the return, such
An employee of the FSC must be
taxable income brackets. Any member
as amounts included in cost of goods
present at the meal.
may be entitled to all, some, or none of
sold, elective contributions to a section
the taxable income bracket. However, the
See section 274(n)(3) for a special rule
401(k) cash or deferred arrangement, or
total amount for all members cannot be
that applies to expenses for meals
amounts contributed under a salary
more than the total amount in each
consumed by individuals subject to the
reduction SEP agreement or a SIMPLE
taxable income bracket.
hours of service limits of the Department
IRA plan.
of Transportation.
Equal apportionment plan. If no
apportionment plan is adopted, members
Line 11. Bad debts. Enter the total debts
Membership dues. The FSC may
of a controlled group must divide the
that became worthless in whole or in part
deduct amounts paid or incurred for
amount in each taxable income bracket
during the tax year. A cash basis taxpayer
membership dues in civic or public
equally among themselves. For example,
may not claim a bad debt deduction
service organizations, professional
Controlled Group AB consists of
unless the amount was previously
organizations (such as bar and medical
Corporation A and Corporation B. They
included in income.
associations), business leagues, trade
do not elect an apportionment plan.
associations, chambers of commerce,
Line 14. Other deductions. Attach a
Therefore, each corporation is entitled to:
boards of trade, and real estate boards.
schedule, listing by type and amount, all
However, no deduction is allowed if a
$25,000 (one-half of $50,000) on line
allowable deductions that are not
principal purpose of the organization is to
deductible elsewhere on Form 1120-FSC.
entertain, or provide entertainment
$12,500 (one-half of $25,000) on line
Enter the total on line 14.
facilities for, members or their guests. In
2a(2), and
Examples of other deductions include:
addition, FSCs may not deduct
$4,962,500 (one-half of $9,925,000) on
Amortization of business start-up
membership dues in any club organized
line 2a(3).
expenditures, organizational expenses,
for business, pleasure, recreation, or
Line 2b. Members of a controlled group
etc. (see Form 4562).
other social purpose. This includes
are treated as one group to figure the
Insurance premiums.
country clubs, golf and athletic clubs,
applicability of the additional 5% tax and
Legal and professional fees.
airline and hotel clubs, and clubs
the additional 3% tax. If an additional tax
Supplies used and consumed in the
operated to provide meals under
applies, each member will pay that tax
conditions favorable to business
based on the part of the amount used in
each taxable income bracket to reduce
Also see Special rules below for limits
Entertainment facilities. The FSC
that member’s tax. See section 1561(a). If
on certain other deductions.
cannot deduct an expense paid or
an additional tax applies, attach a
incurred for a facility (such as a yacht or
schedule showing the taxable income of
Do not deduct:
hunting lodge) used for an activity usually
the entire group and how the FSC figured
Fines or penalties paid to a government
considered entertainment, amusement, or
its share of the additional tax.
for violating any law.
Any amount that is allocable to a class
Line 2b(1). Enter the FSC’s share of
Note: The FSC may be able to deduct
of exempt income. See section 265(b) for
the additional 5% tax on line 2b(1).
otherwise nondeductible meals, travel,
Line 2b(2). Enter the FSC’s share of
and entertainment expenses if the
Special rules apply to the following
the additional 3% tax on line 2b(2).
amounts are treated as compensation
and reported on Form W-2 for an
Line 3
employee or on Form 1099-MISC or Form
Travel, meals, and entertainment.
Most FSCs should figure their tax using
1042-S for an independent contractor.
Subject to limitations and restrictions
the Tax Rate Schedule below. Exceptions
discussed below, the FSC can deduct
apply to members of a controlled group
Schedule J
ordinary and necessary travel, meals, and
(see worksheet on page 14) and qualified
entertainment expenses paid or incurred
Tax Computation
personal service corporations (see
in its trade or business. Also, special rules
instructions below).
apply to deductions for gifts, skybox
Lines 1 and 2
Members of a controlled group must
rentals, luxury water travel, convention
attach to Form 1120-FSC a statement
expenses, and entertainment tickets. See
Members of a controlled group. A
showing the computation of the tax
section 274 and Pub. 463, Travel,
member of a controlled group, as defined
entered on line 3.
Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses.
in section 927(d)(4), must check the box
on line 1 and complete lines 2a and 2b of
Travel. The FSC cannot deduct travel
Tax Rate Schedule
Schedule J, Form 1120-FSC.
expenses of any individual accompanying
Line 2a. Members of a controlled group
a corporate officer or employee, including
If taxable income (Schedule B, line 20) is:
are entitled to one $50,000, one $25,000,
a spouse or dependent of the officer or
Of the
and one $9,925,000 taxable income
employee, unless:
But not
bracket amount (in that order) on line 2a.
That individual is an employee of the
Over —
over —
Tax is:
over —
corporation and
When a controlled group adopts or
His or her travel is for a bona fide
later amends an apportionment plan,
$ 7,500 + 25%
business purpose and would otherwise be
each member must attach to its tax return
13,750 + 34%
deductible by that individual.
a copy of its consent to this plan. The
22,250 + 39%
copy (or an attached statement) must
Meals and entertainment. Generally,
335,000 10,000,000
113,900 + 34%
show the part of the amount in each
10,000,000 15,000,000 3,400,000 + 35% 10,000,000
the FSC can deduct only 50% of the
taxable income bracket apportioned to
15,000,000 18,333,333 5,150,000 + 38% 15,000,000
amount otherwise allowable for meals
that member. See Regulations section
- - - - -
and entertainment expenses paid or
1.1561-3(b) for other requirements and
incurred in its trade or business. In
for the time and manner of making the
addition (subject to exceptions under
Qualified personal service
section 274(k)(2)):
corporations. A qualified personal
Meals must not be lavish or
Unequal apportionment plan.
service corporation is taxed at a flat rate
Members of a controlled group may elect
of 35% on its taxable income. A FSC is a


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