Instructions For Form 1120-Fsc - U.s. Income Tax Return Of A Foreign Sales Corporation - 2003 Page 12


and that qualify for the 80% deduction
Two situations in which the
Interest expense paid or incurred
under section 245(a).
dividends-received deduction will not be
during the production period of
allowed on any share of stock are:
designated property must be capitalized
If the FSC held the stock less than
and is governed by special rules. For
Line 8, Column (c)
46 days during the 90-day period
more details, see Regulations sections
Limitation on dividends-received
beginning 45 days before the stock
1.263A-8 through 1.263A-15.
deduction. Generally, line 8, column (c),
became ex-dividend with respect to the
The costs required to be capitalized
may not exceed the amount on line 10 of
dividend (see section 246(c)(1)(A)) or
under section 263A are not deductible
the worksheet below. However, in a year
To the extent the FSC is under an
until the property (to which the costs
in which an NOL occurs, this limitation
obligation to make related payments for
relate) is sold, used, or otherwise
does not apply even if the loss is created
substantially similar or related property.
disposed of by the FSC.
by the dividends-received deduction. See
5. Any other taxable dividend income
Exceptions. Section 263A does not
sections 172(d) and 246(b).
not properly reported above (including
apply to:
distributions under section 936(h)(4)).
Personal property acquired for resale if
1. Refigure line 18, Part II, Schedule
If patronage dividends or per-unit
B (page 3 of Form 1120-FSC)
the FSC’s average annual gross receipts
retain allocations are included on line 11,
without any adjustment under
for the 3 prior tax years were $10 million
identify the total of these amounts in a
section 1059 and without any
or less.
capital loss carryback to the tax
schedule attached to Form 1120-FSC.
Inventoriable items accounted for in the
year under section 1212(a)(1) . . .
same manner as materials and supplies
2. Multiply line 1 by 80% . . . . . . . .
that are not incidental. See Schedule A
Schedule G
on page 8 for details.
3. Add lines 2, 5, and 7, column (c),
Deductions Allocated or
and the part of the deduction on
For more details on the uniform
line 3, column (c), that is
Apportioned to Foreign Trade
capitalization rules, see Regulations
attributable to dividends from
Income Other Than Foreign
sections 1.263A-1 through 1.263A-3.
20%-or-more-owned corporations
Trade Income Reported on
Transactions between related
4. Enter the smaller of line 2 or 3. If
Schedule F
taxpayers. Generally, an accrual basis
line 3 is greater than line 2, stop
taxpayer may only deduct business
here; enter the amount from line 4
Limitations on Deductions
expenses and interest owed to a related
on line 8, column (c), and do not
party in the year the payment is included
complete lines 5-10 below . . . . .
Section 263A uniform capitalization
in the income of the related party. See
5. Enter the total amount of dividends
rules. The uniform capitalization rules of
sections 163(e)(3), 163(j), and 267 for
from 20%-or-more-owned
section 263A require FSCs to capitalize,
limitations on deductions for unpaid
corporations that are included on
or include in inventory, certain costs
interest and expenses.
lines 2, 3, 5, and 7, column (a) . .
incurred in connection with:
Golden parachute payments. A portion
6. Subtract line 5 from line 1 . . . . . .
Personal property (tangible and certain
of the payments made by a FSC to key
intangible property) acquired for resale.
7. Multiply line 6 by 70% . . . . . . . .
personnel that exceeds their usual
The production of real property and
8. Subtract line 3 above from line 8,
compensation may not be deductible.
tangible personal property by a FSC for
column (c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This occurs when the FSC has an
use in its trade or business or in an
agreement (golden parachute) with these
9. Enter the smaller of line 7 or
activity engaged in for profit.
key employees to pay them these excess
line 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tangible personal property
amounts if control of the FSC changes.
10. Dividends-received deduction
produced by a FSC includes a film, sound
See section 280G.
after limitation (sec. 246(b)). Add
recording, videotape, book, or similar
lines 4 and 9. Enter the result here
Business startup expenses. Business
and on line 8, column (c) . . . . . . 10.
startup expenses must be capitalized
FSCs subject to the section 263A
unless an election is made to amortize
uniform capitalization rules are required to
them over a period of 60 months. See
Line 10, Column (a)
section 195 and Regulations section
If the FSC claims the foreign tax credit,
1. Direct costs and
enter the tax that is deemed paid under
2. An allocable part of most indirect
Line 1. Enter only foreign direct costs on
sections 902 and 960. See sections 78
costs (including taxes) that (a) benefit the
lines 1a through 1e. See section 924(e)
and 906(b)(4).
assets produced or acquired for resale or
and Regulations sections 1.924(e)-1(a)
(b) are incurred by reason of the
through (e) for definitions and rules on
Line 11, Column (a)
performance of production or resale
direct activity costs related to foreign
Include the following:
trade income.
1. Dividends (other than capital gain
Line 4. Depreciation. Besides
distributions reported on Schedule D
For inventory, some of the indirect
depreciation, include on line 4 the part of
(Form 1120) and exempt-interest
expenses that must be capitalized are:
the cost that the FSC elected to expense
dividends) that are received from RICs
Administration expenses.
under section 179 for certain property
and that are not subject to the 70%
placed in service during tax year 2003 or
carried over from 2002. See Form 4562,
2. Dividends from tax-exempt
Depreciation and Amortization, and its
Compensation paid to officers
attributable to services.
3. Dividends (other than capital gain
Line 5. Salaries and wages. Enter the
Rework labor.
distributions) received from a real estate
amount of salaries and wages paid for the
Contributions to pension, stock bonus,
investment trust that, for the tax year of
tax year. Do not include salaries and
and certain profit-sharing, annuity, or
the trust in which the dividends are paid,
wages deductible elsewhere on the
deferred compensation plans.
qualifies under sections 856 through 860.
return, such as amounts included in cost
4. Dividends not eligible for a
Regulations section 1.263A-1(e)(3)
of goods sold, elective contributions to a
dividends-received deduction because of
specifies other indirect costs that relate to
section 401(k) cash or deferred
the holding period of the stock or an
production or resale activities that must
arrangement, or amounts contributed
obligation to make corresponding
be capitalized and those that may be
under a salary reduction SEP agreement
payments with respect to similar stock.
currently deductible.
or a SIMPLE IRA plan.


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