Instructions For Form 1120-Fsc - U.s. Income Tax Return Of A Foreign Sales Corporation - 2003 Page 11


Investment type income. (Enter on lines
Are received from
the amount of dividends that qualify for
8 through 12 of Schedule F.)
less-than-20%-owned domestic
the deduction.
Income from property that is
corporations subject to income tax and
Line 3, Columns (b) and (c)
subsidized, deemed in short supply, or
Qualify for the 70% deduction under
Dividends received on debt-financed
destined for use in the United States.
section 243(a)(1).
stock acquired after July 18, 1984, are not
(Enter on lines 13 and 14 of Schedule F.)
Also include on line 1 dividends
entitled to the full 70% or 80%
Amounts from transactions that did not
(except those received on debt-financed
dividends-received deduction. The 70%
meet the foreign economic process
stock acquired after July 18, 1984) from a
or 80% deduction is reduced by a
requirements. (Enter on line 15 of
regulated investment company (RIC). The
percentage that is related to the amount
Schedule F.)
amount of dividends eligible for the
of debt incurred to acquire the stock. See
Other nonforeign trade income. (Enter
dividends-received deduction under
section 246A. Also, see section 245(a)
on line 16 of Schedule F.)
section 243 is limited by section 854(b).
before making this computation for an
For more details, see sections 924(f)
The FSC should receive a notice from the
additional limitation that applies to
and 927(a)(2) and (3).
RIC specifying the amount of dividends
dividends received from foreign
that qualify for the deduction.
corporations. Attach a schedule to Form
Line 9. Complete the worksheet below to
1120-FSC showing how the amount on
figure the total dividends to report on line
Report so-called dividends or earnings
line 3, column (c), was figured.
9. Attach the completed worksheet to
received from mutual savings banks, etc.,
Form 1120-FSC.
Line 4, Column (a)
as interest. Do not treat them as
Line 18. Enter the deductions allocated
Enter dividends received on the preferred
or apportioned to line 17 income. Attach
stock of a less-than-20%-owned public
to Form 1120-FSC a schedule listing
Line 2, Column (a)
utility that is subject to income tax and is
each type of deduction. Show deductions
Enter dividends (except those received on
allowed the deduction provided in section
related to cost of goods sold separately.
debt-financed stock acquired after July
247 for dividends paid.
See the instructions for Schedule A on
18, 1984) that are received from
Line 5, Column (a)
page 8 before completing this line.
20%-or-more-owned domestic
Enter dividends received on preferred
corporations subject to income tax and
Passive activity limitations. Section
stock of a 20%-or-more-owned public
that are subject to the 80% deduction
469 generally limits the deduction of
utility that is subject to income tax and is
under section 243(c).
passive activity losses for closely held
allowed the deduction provided in section
FSCs and FSCs that are personal service
247 for dividends paid.
Line 3, Column (a)
corporations. See section 469 and the
Instructions for Form 8810 for details.
Enter dividends that are:
Line 6, Column (a)
Received on debt-financed stock
Enter the U.S.-source portion of dividends
Instructions for Dividends
acquired after July 18, 1984, from
and Dividends-Received
domestic and foreign corporations subject
Are received from
Deduction Worksheet
to income tax that would otherwise be
less-than-20%-owned foreign
subject to the dividends-received
For purposes of the 20% ownership test
corporations and
deduction under section 243(a)(1),
on lines 1 through 7, the percentage of
Qualify for the 70% deduction under
243(c), or 245(a). Generally,
stock owned by the FSC is based on
section 245(a). To qualify for the 70%
debt-financed stock is stock that the FSC
voting power and the value of the stock.
deduction, the FSC must own at least
acquired by incurring a debt (e.g., it
Preferred stock described in section
10% of the stock of the foreign
borrowed money to buy the stock).
1504(a)(4) is not taken into account.
corporation by vote and value.
Received from a RIC on debt-financed
Line 1, Column (a)
Line 7, Column (a)
stock. The amount of dividends eligible
Enter dividends (except those received on
for the dividends-received deduction is
Enter the U.S.-source portion of dividends
debt-financed stock acquired after July
limited by section 854(b). The FSC should
that are received from
18, 1984 — see section 246A) that:
receive a notice from the RIC specifying
20%-or-more-owned foreign corporations
Dividends and Dividends-Received Deduction Worksheet
(a) Dividends
(c) Dividends-received
(b) %
deduction: (a)
(See instructions that begin above)
Dividends from less-than-20%-owned domestic corporations that are subject to
the 70% deduction (other than debt-financed stock)
Dividends from 20%-or-more-owned domestic corporations that are subject to
the 80% deduction (other than debt-financed stock)
See Inst.
Dividends on debt-financed stock of domestic and foreign corporations (section 246A)
Dividends on certain preferred stock of less-than-20%-owned public utilities
Dividends on certain preferred stock of 20%-or-more-owned public utilities
Dividends from less-than-20%-owned foreign corporations that are subject to
the 70% deduction
Dividends from 20%-or-more-owned foreign corporations that are subject to the
80% deduction
Total dividends-received deduction. Add lines 1 through 7. See instructions for
limitation. Enter here and on line 19b, Schedule B
Other dividends from foreign corporations not included on lines 3, 6, or 7
Foreign dividend gross up (section 78)
Other dividends
Total dividends. Add lines 1 through 11. Enter here and on line 9, Schedule F


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