Instructions For Form 1120-Fsc - U.s. Income Tax Return Of A Foreign Sales Corporation - 2003 Page 10


Line 11. All FSCs (except small FSCs)
year by the number of days that would
However, the FSC may elect to waive the
must answer these questions. On line
have made up a full tax year and enter
carryback period and instead carry the
11b, indicate how the FSC met the
the resulting fraction on line 6d as a
NOL forward to future tax years. To make
foreign direct costs requirement of section
decimal less than 1.00000.
the election, see the instructions for line 7
924(d) for all transactions that generated
on page 9.
Example. For its 2003 calendar year
foreign trading gross receipts reported on
tax year, a small FSC has a short tax year
See Form 1139 for details, including
lines 1 through 5 of Schedule B. Also,
of 73 days. The FSC enters 0.200 (73/
other elections that may be available,
complete line 11a and/or line 11d to make
365) on line 6d.
which must be made no later than 6
an election to use either of the annual
months after the due date (excluding
Line 6f. If commission income is reported
grouping election(s) indicated. See the
extensions) of the FSC’s tax return.
in the total for line 6a of Schedule B, total
instructions for Foreign Economic
receipts for purposes of line 6f are figured
Process Rules on page 3 for details.
Schedule E
as follows:
Schedule B
Exemption Percentages Used in
1. Enter total of columns (a) and (b),
Figuring Exempt Foreign Trade
line 6a, Schedule B . . . . . . . . . . . 1.
Taxable Income or (Loss)
2. Enter total commission income
Use Schedule B to compute taxable
reported on line 1 and line 2,
For purposes of the Note at the top of
income from all sources.
Schedule B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.
Schedule E, a C corporation is a
Part I
3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 . . . . . . . 3.
corporation other than an S corporation.
Use Part I to compute net income
Shareholders, other than C corporations,
4. With respect to the commission
attributable to nonexempt foreign trade
are individuals, partnerships, S
income reported on line 2 above,
income. Income and expenses on lines 1
corporations, trusts, and estates.
enter total gross receipts on the
through 15 are reported in column (a) if
sale, lease, or rental of property on
Use lines 2a through 2d to figure the
which the commission income
the administrative pricing rules were used
exemption percentage for foreign trade
arose (section 927(b)(2)) . . . . . . . 4.
in the transaction that produced the
income determined by not using the
5. Add lines 3 and 4. Enter here and
administrative pricing rules. See section
on line 6f, Schedule B . . . . . . . . . 5.
Report in column (b) all foreign trade
income from all transactions in which the
Line 6h. When making the line 6h
Use lines 3a through 3d to figure the
administrative pricing rules were not
allocation, allocate only the commission
exemption percentage for foreign trade
used. Attach a schedule that shows the
income from the gross receipts on line 4
income that was determined by using the
computation of the taxable and
above. If the small FSC’s foreign trading
administrative pricing rules (see section
nontaxable income included on line 15,
gross receipts for the tax year (line 6f,
923(a)(3)). If a qualified cooperative is a
column (b). Include only the taxable
Schedule B) exceed its allowable
shareholder of the FSC, see section
amount on line 16.
limitation (line 6e, Schedule B), the small
Nonaccrual experience method.
FSC may select the gross receipts to
Corporations that qualify to use the
which the limitation is allocated. In such a
Schedule F
nonaccrual experience method (described
case, allocate the amount on line 6g
on page 6) should attach a schedule
Net Income From Nonexempt
between columns (a) and (b) on line 6h
showing total gross receipts, the amount
based on whether the administrative
Foreign Trade Income and
not accrued as a result of the application
pricing rules were used for the gross
Taxable Nonforeign Trade
of section 448(d)(5), and the net amount
receipts selected. See Regulations
accrued. Enter the net amount on the
section 1.921-2(b) Q&A-4.
applicable line of Schedule B.
Part I
Part II
Lines 1 through 5. Enter the foreign
Enter net income from nonexempt foreign
trading gross receipts requested on lines
Line 19a. Net operating loss deduction.
trade income and related expenses in
1 through 5. See section 924 and
A FSC may use the net operating loss
Part I.
Foreign Trading Gross Receipts on
(NOL) incurred in one tax year to reduce
page 3 of these instructions for receipts
its taxable income in another tax year.
Line 2. Enter FSC income that resulted
that are excluded and other details.
Enter on line 19a the total NOL
from the FSC’s cooperation with an
Report commission income on line 1 or
carryovers from other tax years, but do
international boycott. See section
line 2 based on the sale, lease, or rental
not enter more than the FSC’s taxable
927(e)(2) and Form 5713 and related
of property on which that commission
income (after the dividends-received
schedules and instructions.
deduction). Attach a schedule showing
Line 3. Enter the amount, if any, of illegal
the computation of the NOL deduction.
Line 5. If the 50% gross receipts test of
payments, bribes, or kickbacks that the
Also complete line 8 in Additional
section 924(a)(5) is not met, report the
FSC paid, directly or indirectly, to
Information on page 2 of the form.
FSC’s gross receipts that would have
government officials, employees, or
otherwise qualified under that section on
For details on the NOL deduction, see
agents. See section 927(e)(2).
line 16, Schedule F, instead of line 5,
Pub. 542, section 172, and Form 1139.
Line 5. See the instructions for Schedule
Schedule B.
Line 19b. Dividends-received
A before completing this line.
Lines 6b through 6h. See section
deduction. A FSC may be entitled to a
Part II
924(b)(2)(B) for the rules regarding the
deduction for dividends it receives from
limitation on the amount of foreign trading
other corporations. Complete the
Enter the taxable portion of gross income
gross receipts that a small FSC may take
worksheet on page 11 using the
of the FSC that was not derived from
into account in determining its exempt
instructions that begin on that page.
foreign trading gross receipts. This type of
foreign trade income.
Attach the completed worksheet to Form
income includes:
Line 6d. Temporary Regulations section
Small FSCs only. Amounts specifically
1.921-1T(b)(5) indicates that, in the case
Line 20. Taxable income or (loss). If
excluded from foreign trade income
of a small FSC having a short tax year,
line 20 is zero or less, the FSC may have
because of the small FSC limitation (the
the dollar limitation reported on line 6b or
a net operating loss (NOL) that can be
amount by which line 6f of Schedule B
6c is to be prorated on a daily basis. A
carried back or forward as a deduction to
exceeds line 6e of Schedule B). (Enter
small FSC having a short tax year must
other tax years. Generally, a FSC first
the excess, if any, on line 7 of Schedule
divide the number of days in its short tax
carries back an NOL 2 tax years.


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