Instructions For Form 1120-Pc - U.s. Property And Casualty Insurance Company Income Tax Return Page 3


Respond to certain IRS notices about
instead of completing the entry spaces. If
The corporation must make installment
math errors, offsets, and return
more space is needed on the forms or
payments of estimated tax if it expects its
schedules, attach separate sheets using
total tax for the year (less applicable
the same size and format as the printed
credits) to be $500 or more.
The corporation is not authorizing the
forms. If there are supporting statements
The installments are due by the 15th
paid preparer to receive any refund
and attachments, arrange them in the
day of the 4th, 6th, 9th, and 12th months
check, bind the corporation to anything
same order as the schedules or forms
of the tax year. If any date falls on a
(including any additional tax liability), or
they support and attach them last. Show
Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the
otherwise represent the corporation
the totals on the printed forms. Enter the
installment is due on the next regular
before the IRS.
corporation’s name and EIN on each
business day.
The authorization will automatically
supporting statement or attachment.
The corporation must use EFTPS to
end no later than the due date (excluding
make installment payments of estimated
extensions) for filing the corporation’s
Tax Payments
2012 tax return. If the corporation wants
Use Form 1120-W, Estimated Tax for
The corporation must pay any tax due in
to expand the paid preparer’s
Corporations, as a worksheet to compute
full no later than the 15th day of the 3rd
authorization or revoke the authorization
estimated tax.
month after the end of the tax year.
before it ends, see Pub. 947, Practice
If the corporation overpaid estimated
Before the IRS and Power of Attorney.
Electronic Deposit Requirement
tax, it may be able to get a quick refund
by filing Form 4466, Corporation
Corporations must use electronic funds
Application for Quick Refund of
transfers to make all federal tax deposits
Overpayment of Estimated Tax.
NAIC annual statement. Regulations
(such as deposits of employment, excise,
section 1.6012-2(c) requires that the
and corporate income tax). Generally,
See the instructions for lines 14c and
NAIC annual statement be filed with Form
electronic funds transfers are made using
14e, Form 1120-PC.
1120-PC. A foreign insurance company
the Electronic Federal Tax Payment
Estimated tax penalty. A corporation
subject to tax under section 831 that is
System (EFTPS).
that does not make estimated tax
not required to file an annual statement
payments when due may be subject to an
If the corporation does not want to use
must file a copy of the pro forma annual
underpayment penalty for the period of
the EFTPS, it can arrange for its tax
statement. A penalty for the late filing of a
underpayment. Generally, a corporation is
professional, financial institution, payroll
return may be imposed for not including
subject to the penalty if its tax liability is
service, or other trusted third party to
the annual statement when the return is
$500 or more and it did not timely pay at
make deposits on its behalf. Also, it can
filed. However, see Electronic filing, next.
least the smaller of:
arrange for its financial institution to
Electronic filing. If the domestic or
Its tax liability for the current year, or
initiate a same-day tax wire payment
Its prior year tax.
foreign nonlife insurance company files
(discussed below) on its behalf. EFTPS is
Form 1120-PC electronically, do not
a free service provided by the Department
See section 6655 for details and
attach the annual statement or pro forma
of the Treasury. Services provided by a
exceptions, including special rules for
annual statement to the electronically filed
tax professional, financial institution,
large corporations.
return. However, you must provide a copy
payroll service, or other third party may
Use Form 2220, Underpayment of
of the annual statement or pro forma
have a fee.
Estimated Tax by Corporations, to see if
annual statement to the Internal Revenue
To get more information about EFTPS
the corporation owes a penalty and to
Service if requested and retain it with your
or to enroll in EFTPS, visit
figure the amount of the penalty. If Form
other tax records for the period required
or call 1-800-555-4477. Additional
2220 is completed, enter the penalty on
by the regulations.
information about EFTPS is also available
line 15. See the instructions for line 15.
Reconciliation. Corporations that do
in Pub. 966, The Secure Way to Pay Your
Foreign insurance companies, see
not file a Schedule M-3 (Form 1120-PC)
Federal Taxes.
Notice 90-13, 1990-1 C.B. 321,
with the Form 1120-PC must attach a
Note. Forms 8109 and 8109-B, Federal
before computing estimated tax.
schedule that reconciles the NAIC Annual
Tax Deposit Coupon, can no longer be
Statement to the Form 1120-PC.
used to make federal tax deposits.
Interest and Penalties
Assembling the Return
Depositing on time. For deposits made
by EFTPS to be on time, the corporation
If the corporation receives a notice
To ensure that the corporation’s tax return
must initiate the deposit by 8 p.m. Eastern
about interest and penalties after it
is correctly processed, attach all
time the day before the date the deposit is
files its return, send the IRS an
schedules and other forms after page 8 of
due. If the corporation uses a third party
explanation and we will determine if the
Form 1120-PC in the following order.
to make deposits on its behalf, they may
corporation meets reasonable-cause
1. Schedule N (Form 1120), Foreign
have different cutoff times.
criteria. Do not attach an explanation
Operations of U.S. Corporations.
when the corporation’s return is filed.
Same-day wire payment options. If
2. Schedule O (Form 1120), Consent
the corporation fails to initiate a deposit
Interest. Interest is charged on taxes
Plan and Apportionment Schedule for a
transaction on EFTPS by 8 p.m. Eastern
paid late even if an extension of time to
Controlled Group.
time the day before the date a deposit is
file is granted. Interest is also charged on
3. Form 4626, Alternative Minimum
due, it can still make the deposit on time
penalties imposed for failure to file,
Tax — Corporations.
by using the Federal Tax Application
negligence, fraud, substantial valuation
4. Form 8302, Electronic Deposit of
(FTA). Before using the same-day wire
misstatements, substantial
Tax Refund of $1 Million or More.
payment option, the corporation will need
understatements of tax, and reportable
5. Form 4136, Credit for Federal Tax
to make arrangements with its financial
transaction understatements from the due
Paid on Fuels.
institution ahead of time. Please check
date (including extensions) to the date of
6. Form 8941, Credit for Small
with the financial institution regarding
payment. The interest charge is figured at
Employer Health Insurance Premiums.
availability, deadlines, and costs. To learn
a rate determined under section 6621.
7. Form 851, Affiliations Schedule.
more about making a same-day wire
Late filing of return. A corporation that
8. Additional schedules in alphabetical
payment and download the Same-Day
does not file its tax return by the due date,
Payment Worksheet, visit
including extensions, may be penalized
9. Additional forms in numerical order.
5% of the unpaid tax for each month or
Estimated Tax Payments
Complete every applicable entry space
part of a month the return is late, up to a
on Form 1120-PC. Do not enter “See
Generally, the following rules apply to the
maximum of 25% of the unpaid tax. The
Attached” or “Available Upon Request”
corporation’s payments of estimated tax.
minimum penalty for a return that is over
Instructions for Form 1120-PC (2011)


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