Instructions For Form 1120-Pc - U.s. Property And Casualty Insurance Company Income Tax Return Page 15


Line 1. Enter dividends (except those
not include any amount paid for new
regardless of the holding period
buildings or for permanent improvements
determined under section 1223.
received on debt-financed stock acquired
or betterments made to increase the
after July 18, 1984 – see section 246A)
A special rule applies in determining
value of any property or any amount
that are:
the acquisition date of dividends received
spent on foreclosed property before the
Received from less-than-20%-owned
from affiliates. This rule provides that the
property is held for rent.
domestic corporations subject to income
portion of any 100% dividend which is
tax, and
Line 11. Depreciation. Enter
related to prorated amounts be treated as
Qualified for the 70% deduction under
depreciation on assets only to the extent
received with respect to stock acquired on
section 243(a)(1).
that the assets are used to produce gross
the later of:
investment income reported on lines 1
Also, include on line 1 the following.
(a) the date the payor acquired the
through 7 of Schedule B. For more
Taxable distributions from an IC-DISC
stock or obligation to which the prorated
information, see the instructions for line
or former DISC that are designated as
amounts are attributable or
eligible for the 70% deduction and certain
22, Schedule A.
(b) the first day on which the payor and
dividends of Federal Home Loan Banks.
Line 12. Depletion. Enter any allowable
payee were members of the same
See section 246(a)(2).
depletion on royalty income reported on
affiliated group as defined in section
Dividends (except those received on
line 4, Schedule B. See the instructions
debt-financed stock acquired after July
for line 23, Schedule A, for more
Also, if the taxpayer is a member of an
18, 1984) from a regulated investment
affiliated group filing a consolidated
company (RIC). The amount of dividends
Line 13. Trade or business deductions.
return, its determination of dividends
eligible for the dividends-received
Enter the total deductions related to any
received is made as if the group were not
deduction under section 243 is limited by
trade or business income included in
filing a consolidated return.
section 854(b). The corporation should
gross investment income under section
receive a notice from the RIC specifying
Prorated amounts means tax-exempt
834(b)(2). Do not include deductions for
the amount of dividends that qualify for
interest and dividends for which a
any insurance business. Do not include
the deduction.
deduction is allowable under section 243,
losses from sales or exchanges of capital
244, or 245 (other than 100% dividends).
Report so-called dividends or earnings
assets or property used in the business,
100% dividend means any dividend if
received from mutual savings banks, etc.,
or from the compulsory or involuntary
the percentage used for purposes of
as interest. Do not treat them as
conversion of property used in the trade
determining the deduction allowable
or business.
under section 243, 244, or 245(b) is
Line 14. Interest. See the instructions
Line 2. Enter on line 2:
100%. A special rule applies to certain
for lines 20a and 20b, Schedule A.
Dividends (except those received on
dividends received by a foreign
debt-financed stock acquired after July
Line 17. Investment expenses. Enter
18, 1984) that are received from
expenses that are properly chargeable as
Lines 1 through 25
20%-or-more-owned domestic
investment expenses. If general
corporations subject to income tax and
expenses are allocated to investment
For purposes of the 20% ownership test
that are subject to the 80% deduction
expenses, the total deduction cannot be
on lines 1 through 7, the percentage of
under section 243(c), and
more than the amount on Schedule B,
stock owned by the corporation is based
Taxable distributions from an IC-DISC
Part II, line 39. Attach a statement
on voting power and value of the stock.
or former DISC that are considered
showing the kind and amount of general
Preferred stock described in section
eligible for the 80% deduction.
expenses. Minor items may be grouped
1504(a)(4) is not taken into account.
Consolidated returns. Corporations
Line 3. Enter the following.
filing a consolidated return should see
See section 267 for the limitation on
Dividends received on debt-financed
Regulations sections 1.1502-13,
deductions for unpaid expenses and
stock acquired after July 18, 1984, from
1.1502-26, and 1.1502-27 before
interest in transactions between related
domestic and foreign corporations subject
completing Schedule C.
to income tax that would otherwise be
subject to the dividends-received
Corporations filing a consolidated
deduction under section 243(a)(1),
return must not report as dividends on
Schedule B, Part
243(c), or 245(a). Generally,
Schedule C any amounts received from
debt-financed stock is stock that the
corporations within the tax consolidation
II—Invested Assets Book
corporation acquired by incurring a debt
group. Such dividends are eliminated in
(for example, it borrowed money to buy
consolidation rather than offset by the
the stock).
dividends-received deduction.
Use Schedule B, Part II, to compute the
Dividends received from a RIC on
Lines 1 through 9, column (a). Enter in
limitation on investment expenses under
debt-financed stock. The amount of
column (a) of the appropriate line those
section 834(c)(2) when any general
dividends eligible for the
dividends that are subject to the
expenses are in part assigned to, or
dividends-received deduction is limited by
provisions of section 832(b)(5)(B).This will
included in, the investment expenses
section 854(b). The corporation should
deducted on Schedule B, Part I, line 17.
receive a notice from the RIC specifying
1. All dividends (other than 100%
the amount of dividends that qualify for
dividends) received on stock acquired
the deduction.
Schedule C—Dividends
after August 7, 1986, and
Line 4. Enter dividends received on
2. 100% dividends received on stock
and Special Deductions
preferred stock of a less-than-20%-owned
acquired after August 7, 1986, to the
public utility that is subject to income tax
extent that such dividends are attributable
and is allowed the deduction provided in
to prorated amounts (see definition
The acquisition date for investments
section 247 for dividends paid.
acquired by direct purchase is the trade
Line 5. Enter dividends received on
date rather than the settlement date. For
In the case of an insurance company
preferred stock of a 20%-or-more-owned
investments not acquired by direct
that files a consolidated return, the
public utility that is subject to income tax
purchase (such as those acquired
determination with respect to any
and is allowed the deduction provided in
through transfers among affiliates,
dividend paid by a member to another
section 247 for dividends paid.
tax-free reorganizations, or the liquidation
member of the affiliated group is made as
of a subsidiary, etc.), the actual
if no consolidated return was filed. See
Line 6. Enter the U.S.-source portion of
acquisition date should be used
section 832(g).
dividends that:
Instructions for Form 1120-PC (2011)


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