Instructions For Form 1120-Pc - U.s. Property And Casualty Insurance Company Income Tax Return Page 10


compensation may not be deductible.
deductions for expenses used to figure
cannot deduct compensation to a
This occurs when the corporation has an
the credit.
“covered employee” to the extent that the
agreement (golden parachute) with these
Employment credits. See Employment
compensation exceeds $1 million.
key employees to pay them these excess
credits below.
Generally, a covered employee is:
amounts if control of the corporation
Research credit.
The principal executive officer of the
changes. See section 280G and
Orphan drug credit (Form 8820).
corporation (or an individual acting in that
Regulations section 1.280G-1. Also see
Disabled access credit (Form 8826).
capacity) as of the end of the tax year or
the instructions for line 15.
Employer credit for social security and
An employee whose total
Medicare taxes paid on certain employee
compensation must be reported to
Business start-up and organizational
tips (Form 8846).
shareholders under the Securities
costs. For 2011, a corporation can elect
Credit for small employer pension plan
Exchange Act of 1934 because the
to deduct up to $5,000 of business
start-up costs (Form 8881).
employee is among the three highest
start-up and up to $5,000 of
Credit for employer-provided childcare
compensated officers for that tax year
organizational costs paid or incurred after
facilities and services (Form 8882).
(other than the principal executive officer).
October 22, 2004. Any remaining costs
Credit for small employer health
must be amortized ratably over a
For this purpose, compensation does
insurance premiums (Form 8941).
180-month period. The $5,000 deduction
not include the following.
is reduced by the amount the total
If the corporation has any of these
Income from certain employee trusts,
credits, figure the current year credit
annuity plans, or pensions.
organizational costs exceed $50,000. If
before figuring the deduction for
Any benefit paid to an employee that is
the total costs are $55,000 or more, the
expenses on which the credit is based. If
excluded from the employee’s income.
deduction is reduced to zero. See
the corporation capitalized any costs on
sections 195(b) and 248(a).
The deduction limit does not apply to:
which it figured the credit, it may need to
Time for making an election. The
Commissions based on individual
reduce the amount capitalized by the
corporation generally elects to deduct
credit attributable to these costs.
start-up or organizational costs by
Qualified performance-based
See the instructions for the form used
claiming the deduction on its income tax
compensation, and
to figure the applicable credit for more
return filed by the due date (including
Income payable under a written,
extensions) for the tax year in which the
binding contract in effect on February 17,
active trade or business begins. However,
Limitations on deductions related to
for start-up or organizational costs paid or
property leased to tax-exempt entities.
The $1 million limit is reduced by
incurred before September 9, 2008, the
If a corporation leases property to a
amounts disallowed as excess parachute
corporation may be required to attach a
governmental or other tax-exempt entity,
payments under section 280G.
statement to its return to elect to deduct
the corporation cannot claim deductions
See section 162(m) and Regulations
those costs.
related to the property to the extent that
section 1.162-27. Also see Notice
they exceed the corporation’s income
If the corporation timely filed its return
2007-49, 2007-25 I.R.B. 1429.
from the lease payments. This disallowed
for the year without making an election, it
Limitations on tax benefits for
tax-exempt use loss can be carried over
can still make an election by filing an
executive compensation under the
to the next tax year and treated as a
amended return within 6 months of the
Treasury Troubled Asset Relief
deduction with respect to the property for
due date of the return (excluding
Program (TARP). The $1 million
that tax year. See section 470 for more
extensions). Clearly indicate the election
compensation limit is reduced to
details and exceptions.
on the amended return and write “Filed
$500,000 for executive remuneration and
pursuant to section 301.9100-2” at the top
Line 15. Compensation of officers.
deferred deduction executive
of the amended return. File the amended
Enter deductible officers’ compensation
remuneration paid to covered executives
return at the same address the
on line 15. See Employment credits on
by any entity that receives or has
corporation filed its original return. The
page 11 for a list of employment credits
received financial assistance under
election applies when figuring taxable
that may reduce your deduction for
TARP. The limit applies for each period in
income for the current tax year and all
officers’ compensation. Do not include
which obligations arising from financial
subsequent years.
compensation deductible elsewhere on
assistance under TARP remain
the return, such as elective contributions
The corporation can choose to forgo
outstanding. The $500,000 is reduced by
to a section 401(k) cash or deferred
the election by affirmatively electing to
any amounts disallowed as excess
arrangement, or amounts contributed
capitalize its start-up or organizational
parachute payments. See section
under a salary reduction SEP agreement
costs on its income tax return filed by the
162(m)(5) for definitions and other special
or a SIMPLE IRA plan.
due date (including extensions) for the tax
rules. Also see Notice 2008-94, 2008-44
year in which the active trade or business
Include only the deductible part of
I.R.B. 1070, for additional guidance.
each officer’s compensation on line 15.
In addition, a portion of any parachute
(See Disallowance of deduction for
payments made to a covered executive
Note. The election to either amortize or
employee compensation in excess of $1
by an applicable employer participating in
capitalize start-up costs is irrevocable and
million below). Attach a schedule for all
a Treasury troubled asset relief program
applies to all start-up costs that are
officers using the following columns:
is not deductible as compensation if the
related to the trade or business.
1. Name of officer.
payments are made because of a
Report the deductible amount of such
2. Social security number.
severance from employment during an
costs and any amortization on Schedule
3. Percentage of time devoted to
applicable tax year. For this purpose, a
A, line 31. For amortization that begins
parachute payment is any payment to a
during the 2011 tax year, complete and
4. Amount of compensation.
senior executive officer for departure from
attach Form 4562, Depreciation and
a company for any reason, except for
The corporation determines who is an
payments for services performed or
officer under the laws of the state where it
For more details on business start-up
benefits accrued. These limits do not
is incorporated.
and organizational costs, see the
apply to a payment already treated as a
Instructions for 4562. Also see Pub. 535,
If a consolidated return is filed, each
parachute payment. See section 280G(e)
Business Expenses.
member of an affiliated group must
and Notice 2008-94.
furnish this information.
Reducing certain expenses for which
Line 16. Salaries and wages. Enter the
credits are allowable. If the corporation
Disallowance of deduction for
total salaries and wages paid for the tax
claims any of the following credits, it may
employee compensation in excess of
year. Do not include salaries and wages
need to reduce the otherwise allowable
$1 million. Publicly held corporations
deductible elsewhere on the return, such
Instructions for Form 1120-PC (2011)


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