Form 8300 - General Instructions Pages 3-4 - 1997 Page 2


Form 8300 (Rev. 8-97)
reporting transaction if it constitutes the
nondescriptive terms such as
of a vehicle purchased, cost of catering
proceeds of a bank loan or if it is received
“businessman” or “self-employed.”
service, exchange of currency) if different
as a payment on certain promissory notes,
from the amount shown in item 29.
Item 14.—You must verify the name and
installment sales contracts, or down
address of the named individual(s).
Item 32.—Enter the dollar amount of each
payment plans. See Pub. 1544 for more
Verification must be made by examination
form of cash received. Show foreign
of a document normally accepted as a
currency amounts in U.S. dollar equivalent
means of identification when cashing
Person.—An individual, corporation,
at a fair market rate of exchange available
checks (for example, a driver’s license,
partnership, trust, estate, association, or
to the public. The sum of the amounts
passport, alien registration card, or other
must equal item 29. For cashier’s check,
official document). In item 14a, enter the
money order, bank draft, or traveler’s
Recipient.—The person receiving the cash.
type of document examined. In item 14b,
check, provide the name of the issuer and
Each branch or other unit of a person’s
identify the issuer of the document. In item
the serial number of each instrument.
trade or business is considered a separate
14c, enter the document’s number. For
Names of all issuers and all serial numbers
recipient unless the branch receiving the
example, if the individual has a Utah
involved must be provided. If necessary,
cash (or a central office linking the
driver’s license, enter “driver’s license” in
provide this information on additional
branches), knows or has reason to know
item 14a, “Utah” in item 14b, and the
sheets of paper and attach them to this
the identity of payers making cash
number appearing on the license in item
payments to other branches.
Item 33.—Check the appropriate box(es)
Transaction.—Includes the purchase of
that describe the transaction. If the
property or services, the payment of debt,
Part II
transaction is not specified in boxes a–i,
the exchange of a negotiable instrument
check box j and briefly describe the
Item 15.—If the transaction is being
for cash, and the receipt of cash to be
transaction (for example, car lease, boat
conducted on behalf of more than one
held in escrow or trust. A single
person (including husband and wife or
lease, house lease, aircraft rental).
transaction may not be broken into
parent and child), check the box and
multiple transactions to avoid reporting.
Part IV
complete Part II for any one of the
Suspicious transaction.—A transaction in
Item 36.—If you are a sole proprietorship,
persons. Provide the same information for
which it appears that a person is
the other person(s) on the back of the
you must enter your SSN. If your business
attempting to cause Form 8300 not to be
form. If more than three persons are
also has an EIN, you must provide the EIN
filed, or to file a false or incomplete form.
involved, provide the same information on
as well. All other business entities must
The term also includes any transaction in
enter an EIN.
additional sheets of paper and attach them
which there is an indication of possible
to this form.
Item 41.—Fully describe the nature of your
illegal activity.
business, for example, “attorney,” “jewelry
Items 16 through 19.—If the person on
Specific Instructions
whose behalf the transaction is being
dealer.” Do not use general or
conducted is an individual, complete items
nondescriptive terms such as “business” or
You must complete all parts. However, you
16, 17, and 18. Enter his or her TIN in item
may skip Part II if the individual named in
19. If the individual is a sole proprietor and
Item 42.—This form must be signed by an
Part I is conducting the transaction on his
has an employer identification number
individual who has been authorized to do
or her behalf only.
(EIN), you must enter both the SSN and
so for the business that received the cash.
Item 1.—If you are amending a prior
EIN in item 19. If the person is an
report, check box 1a. Complete the
Paperwork Reduction Act
organization, put its name as shown on
appropriate items with the correct or
required tax filings in item 16 and its EIN in
amended information only. Complete all of
item 19.
Part IV. Staple a copy of the original report
The requested information is useful in
Item 20.—If a sole proprietor or
to the amended report.
criminal, tax, and regulatory investigations,
organization named in items 16 through 18
for instance, by directing the Federal
To voluntarily report a suspicious
is doing business under a name other than
Government’s attention to unusual or
transaction (see Definitions), check box
that entered in item 16 (e.g., a “trade” or
questionable transactions. Trades or
1b. You may also telephone your local IRS
“doing business as (DBA)” name), enter it
businesses are required to provide the
Criminal Investigation Division or call
information under 26 U.S.C. 6050I.
Item 27.—If the person is NOT required to
You are not required to provide the
Part I
furnish a TIN (see Taxpayer identification
information requested on a form that is
number (TIN) under General
Item 2.—If two or more individuals
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
Instructions), complete this item. Enter a
conducted the transaction you are
unless the form displays a valid OMB
description of the type of official document
reporting, check the box and complete
control number. Books or records relating
issued to that person in item 27a (for
Part I for any one of the individuals.
to a form or its instructions must be
example, “passport”), the country that
Provide the same information for the other
retained as long as their contents may
issued the document in item 27b, and the
individual(s) on the back of the form. If
become material in the administration of
document’s number in item 27c.
more than three individuals are involved,
any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax
provide the same information on additional
returns and return information are
Part III
sheets of paper and attach them to this
confidential, as required by Code section
Item 28.—Enter the date you received the
cash. If you received the cash in more than
Item 6.—Enter the taxpayer identification
The time needed to complete this form
one payment, enter the date you received
number (TIN) of the individual named. See
will vary depending on individual
the payment that caused the combined
Taxpayer identification number (TIN)
circumstances. The estimated average time
amount to exceed $10,000. See Multiple
under General Instructions for more
is 21 minutes. If you have comments
payments under General Instructions for
concerning the accuracy of this time
more information.
estimate or suggestions for making this
Item 8.—Enter eight numerals for the date
Item 30.—Check this box if the amount
form simpler, you can write to the Tax
of birth of the individual named. For
shown in item 29 was received in more
Forms Committee, Western Area
example, if the individual’s birth date is
than one payment (for example, as
Distribution Center, Rancho Cordova, CA
July 6, 1960, enter 07 06 1960.
installment payments or payments on
95743-0001. DO NOT send this form to
Item 13.—Fully describe the nature of the
related transactions).
this office. Instead, see Where To File on
occupation, profession, or business (for
Item 31.—Enter the total price of the
page 3.
example, “plumber,” “attorney,” or
property, services, amount of cash
“automobile dealer”). Do not use general or
exchanged, etc. (for example, the total cost


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